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Created May 6, 2011 01:54
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Greplin solution
require 'prime'
require 'net/http'
puts "1: " + Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('')).tap {|str|
break (0...str.size).flat_map {|i|
(i..str.size).inject([]) {|r, j|
str[i..j].tap {|chunk|
break chunk == chunk.reverse ? r << chunk : r
puts "2: " + Prime.prime_division( {|x|
a, b = 1, 1
loop {
a, b = b, a + b
x << b
}.each {|x|
break x if x > 227_000 and
} + 1).map(&:first).inject(:+).to_s
puts "3: " + Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('')).strip.split(/,\s*/).map(&:to_i).tap {|set|
break (2..set.size).inject(0) {|c, n|
set.combination(n).inject(c) {|i, x|
x[0..-2].inject(:+) == x[-1] ? i + 1 : i
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