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Last active February 26, 2018 05:17
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//// rayの定義に視野角を使うか
#define RAY_FOVY
//// アニメーションするか
//// rotateするか
// #define USE_ROTATE
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
//// 各種パラメータ設定
#define resolution iResolution
#define time iGlobalTime * .3
#define PI 3.14159265
#define INFINITY 1. / 0.
#define RAY_HIT_THRESHOLD 0.001
//// enum
#define OR 0
#define AND 1
#define SUB 2
// material
#define M_BASE 0.
#define M_CROSS 1.
// color
#define C_YELLOW vec3(.9, 1., .4)
#define C_BLACK vec3(.0)
vec2 dotedRandom(vec2 st){
st = vec2( dot(st,vec2(127.1,311.7)),
dot(st,vec2(269.5,183.3)) );
return -1.0 + 2.0*fract(sin(st)*43758.5453123);
float perlinNoise(vec2 st)
vec2 p = floor(st);
vec2 f = fract(st);
vec2 u = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
vec2 v00 = dotedRandom(p+vec2(0,0));
vec2 v10 = dotedRandom(p+vec2(1,0));
vec2 v01 = dotedRandom(p+vec2(0,1));
vec2 v11 = dotedRandom(p+vec2(1,1));
return mix( mix( dot( v00, f - vec2(0,0) ), dot( v10, f - vec2(1,0) ), u.x ),
mix( dot( v01, f - vec2(0,1) ), dot( v11, f - vec2(1,1) ), u.x ),
u.y) + 0.5;
float fBm (vec2 st)
float f = 0.;
vec2 q = st;
f += 0.5000 * perlinNoise( q );
q *= 2.01;
f += 0.2500 * perlinNoise( q );
q *= 2.02;
f += 0.1250 * perlinNoise( q );
q *= 2.03;
f += 0.0625 * perlinNoise( q );
q *= 2.01;
return f;
vec3 getRayDirection(vec3 cPosition, vec3 cDirection, vec2 fPosition)
#ifdef RAY_FOVY
float angle = 90.;
float fovy = angle * 0.5 * PI / 180.;
return normalize(vec3(sin(fovy) * fPosition.x, sin(fovy) * fPosition.y, -cos(fovy)));
vec3 cUp = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
vec3 cSide = cross(cDirection, cUp);
float targetDepth = 1.0;
return normalize(cSide * fPosition.x + cUp * fPosition.y + cDirection * targetDepth);
vec3 rotate(vec3 p, float angle, vec3 axis){
vec3 a = normalize(axis);
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
float r = 1.0 - c;
mat3 m = mat3(
a.x * a.x * r + c,
a.y * a.x * r + a.z * s,
a.z * a.x * r - a.y * s,
a.x * a.y * r - a.z * s,
a.y * a.y * r + c,
a.z * a.y * r + a.x * s,
a.x * a.z * r + a.y * s,
a.y * a.z * r - a.x * s,
a.z * a.z * r + c
return m * p;
// Union
float opU(float d1, float d2)
return min(d1, d2);
vec2 opU(vec2 d1, vec2 d2)
if(d1.x < d2.x) return d1;
return d2;
// Substraction
float opS(float d1, float d2)
return max(d1, -d2);
vec2 opS(vec2 d1, vec2 d2)
if(d1.x > -d2.x) return d1;
return vec2(-d2.x, d2.y);
// Intersection
float opI(float d1, float d2)
return max(d1, d2);
// Repetition
vec3 opRep(vec3 p, vec3 c)
return mod(p, c) - 0.5 * c;
vec3 opRep(vec3 p, float c) { return opRep(p, vec3(c)); }
// 2d Rectangle
float dfRect(vec2 p, vec2 size)
vec2 d = abs(p) - size;
return min(max(d.x, d.y), 0.) + length(max(d, 0.));
// 3d Box
vec2 dfBox(vec3 p, vec3 size)
vec3 d = abs(p) - size;
return vec2(min(max(d.x, max(d.y, d.z)), .0) + length(max(d, .0)), M_BASE);
vec2 dfInfCross(vec3 p, float side)
float pillarX = dfRect(p.xy, vec2(side));
float pillarY = dfRect(p.yz, vec2(side));
float pillarZ = dfRect(p.zx, vec2(side));
vec2 pillarX = dfBox(p, vec3(INFINITY, side, side));
vec2 pillarY = dfBox(p, vec3(side, INFINITY, side));
vec2 pillarZ = dfBox(p, vec3(side, side, INFINITY));
return vec2(opU(pillarX, opU(pillarY, pillarZ)), M_CROSS);
float dfSphere(vec3 p, vec3 position, vec3 scale)
float radius = 1.2;
return length(p) - radius;
// menger sponge
vec2 distanceFunc(vec3 p)
// rotate check
p = rotate(p, radians(time / PI * 100.), vec3(1., .5, -0.2));
float size = 1.;
float count = 1.;
vec2 baseCube = dfBox(p, vec3(size));
vec2 dist = baseCube;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
// float repeatInterval = 1.25 - abs(pow(.7 * cos(time / PI), 2.) * 1.0);
float repeatInterval = 1.25 - abs(.7 * cos(time / PI *.5));
// float repeatInterval = 0.9999;
vec3 a = opRep(p * count, repeatInterval);
count *= 3.;
vec3 r = 1. - 3. * abs(a);
vec2 c = vec2(dfInfCross(r, size/3.).x / count, M_CROSS);
dist = opS(dist, c);
return dist;
vec3 getNormal(vec3 p){
float d = 0.0001; // 法線を得るためにrayの始点をずらす量
return normalize(vec3(
distanceFunc(p + vec3( d, 0.0, 0.0)).x - distanceFunc(p + vec3( -d, 0.0, 0.0)).x,
distanceFunc(p + vec3(0.0, d, 0.0)).x - distanceFunc(p + vec3(0.0, -d, 0.0)).x,
distanceFunc(p + vec3(0.0, 0.0, d)).x - distanceFunc(p + vec3(0.0, 0.0, -d)).x
float getSimpleLightingDiffuse(vec3 rPosition, vec3 lightPos)
vec3 normal = getNormal(rPosition);
return clamp(dot(lightPos, normal), 0.05, 1.0);
float getSoftShadow(vec3 rPosition, vec3 rDirection){
float h = 0.0;
float c = 0.001;
float r = 1.0;
float shadowCoef = 0.5;
for(float t = 0.0; t < 60.0; t++){
h = distanceFunc(rPosition + rDirection * c).x;
if(h < 0.001){
return shadowCoef;
r = min(r, h * 16.0 / c);
c += h;
return 1.0 - shadowCoef + r * shadowCoef;
void main()
// fragment position
vec2 fPosition = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution.xy) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
// camera
float k = 9.;
float animTime = mod(time, 3.);
if(mod(floor(time / 3.), 2.) == 1.) animTime = 3. - animTime;
vec3 cPosition = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 2.) + vec3(fBm(vec2(cos(time / PI), sin(time / PI))) * .5, fBm(vec2(sin(time / PI), cos(time / PI))) - .5, mix(200., .0, 1.0 - exp( -animTime * k )));
#elif defined GO_ANIMATION
vec3 cPosition = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 2.25) + vec3(fBm(vec2(cos(time / PI), sin(time / PI))) - .5, fBm(vec2(sin(time / PI), cos(time / PI))) - .5, -1.125 +1.125 * cos(-time*.2));
vec3 cPosition = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 2.);
vec3 cDirection = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
// light
vec3 lPosition = vec3(0.577, 2., 1.577);
// rayの方向ベクトル
vec3 rDirection = getRayDirection(cPosition, cDirection, fPosition);
// marching loop
vec2 distance = vec2(0.); // rayとオブジェクト間の最短距離
float rLength = 0.0; // rayの長さ
vec3 rPosition = cPosition; // rayの先端位置
float ittrCount = 0.;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_MARCHING_ITTRATION; i++) {
distance = distanceFunc(rPosition);
rLength += distance.x;
rPosition = cPosition + rDirection * rLength;
if(abs(distance.x) < RAY_HIT_THRESHOLD) {
// 衝突判定
if(abs(distance.x) < RAY_HIT_THRESHOLD) {
float diff = getSimpleLightingDiffuse(rPosition, lPosition);
float shadow = getSoftShadow(rPosition + getNormal(rPosition) * 0.001, lPosition);
vec3 color = distance.y == M_BASE ? C_BLACK : C_YELLOW;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color * diff * max(.5, shadow) * (1. - ittrCount / float(MAX_MARCHING_ITTRATION)) + C_YELLOW * (ittrCount / float(MAX_MARCHING_ITTRATION)), 1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0);
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