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Created June 14, 2019 08:58
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Mac Automation Scripts
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
set progress description to "Daily Sync"
set progress total steps to 2
property progressSteps : 0
on updateProgress(description)
delay 1
set progress additional description to description
set progressSteps to progressSteps + 1
set progress completed steps to progressSteps
end updateProgress
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Starting apps and processes")
on getTodayApps(core, other, work, background)
set today to weekday of (current date)
if (today = Sunday) then
return core & background
else if (today = Saturday) then
return core & other & background
return core & other & work & background
end if
end getTodayApps
-- Open native apps
set core to {"Todoist", "Calendar", "Messages", "Mail"}
set other to {"Photos", "Anki", "Spotify", "Slack"}
set work to {}
set background to {"Google Drive", "Google Photos Backup", "Flux", "Slate", "Seil", "Karabiner"}
set nativeApps to getTodayApps(core, other, work, background)
repeat with nativeApp in nativeApps
run application nativeApp
end repeat
-- Open web apps
set core to {"", ""}
set other to {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}
set work to {"", "", "", "", ""}
set background to {}
set webApps to getTodayApps(core, other, work, background)
repeat with webApp in webApps
do shell script "open " & webApp
end repeat
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Configuring settings")
-- Turn off WiFi
do shell script "networksetup -setairportpower en0 off"
-- Run window manager
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
key code 18 using {command down, option down, control down}
end tell
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
set progress description to "Domo"
set progress total steps to 2
property progressSteps : 0
on updateProgress(description)
delay 1
set progress additional description to description
set progressSteps to progressSteps + 1
set progress completed steps to progressSteps
end updateProgress
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Starting apps and processes")
-- Open native apps
set nativeApps to {"Todoist", "iTerm", "Google Chrome", "Calendar", "Spotify", "Messages", "Mail", "Dash"}
repeat with nativeApp in nativeApps
run application nativeApp
end repeat
-- Open web apps
set webApps to {"", "", "", "http://localhost:3000"}
repeat with webApp in webApps
do shell script "open " & webApp
end repeat
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Configuring settings")
-- Open terminal/editor window arrangment
delay 1
tell application "iTerm"
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "r" using {command down, shift down}
end tell
end tell
-- Run window manager
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
key code 18 using {command down, option down, control down}
end tell
-- Fullscreen terminal/editor
delay 1
tell application "iTerm" to activate
tell application "System Events"
key code 36 using {command down}
end tell
-- Open Dev Tools
delay 1
tell application "Google Chrome" to activate
tell application "Google Chrome" to set active tab index of first window to 4
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "i" using {command down, option down}
end tell
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
set progress description to "Quit All"
set progress total steps to 3
property progressSteps : 0
on updateProgress(description)
delay 1
set progress additional description to description
set progressSteps to progressSteps + 1
set progress completed steps to progressSteps
end updateProgress
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Quitting apps and processes")
-- Close running applications
tell application "System Events" to set the visible of every process to true
set white_list to {"Finder", "quit-all-script"}
tell application "Finder"
set process_list to the name of every process whose visible is true
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in process_list)
set this_process to item i of the process_list
if this_process is not in white_list then
tell application this_process
end tell
end if
end repeat
on error
display dialog ("Error: An app couldn't be closed!") buttons {"Ok"} with icon caution
end try
-- Kill running processes
set processes to {"node", "phantomjs"}
repeat with process in processes
do shell script "killall " & process & " || true"
end repeat
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Ejecting devices")
-- Eject plugged-in devices
tell application "Finder"
eject the disks
end tell
on error
display dialog ("Error: A device couldn't be ejected!") buttons {"Ok"} with icon caution
end try
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Cleaning directories")
-- Empty trash
tell application "Finder"
empty the trash
end tell
-- Delete contents of Downloads folder
do shell script "rm -rf ~/Downloads/*"
-- Delete all extra node_modules folders
do shell script "find ~/'Google Drive' -name 'node_modules' -type d -exec rm -r '{}' ';' || true"
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
set progress description to "Screencast End"
set progress total steps to 3
property progressSteps : 0
on updateProgress(description)
delay 1
set progress additional description to description
set progressSteps to progressSteps + 1
set progress completed steps to progressSteps
end updateProgress
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Starting apps and processes")
-- Open native apps
set nativeApps to {"Flux"}
repeat with nativeApp in nativeApps
run application nativeApp
end repeat
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Configuring settings")
-- Reset second monitor's screen resolution back to to best for display
delay 1
tell application "SwitchResX Daemon"
set current mode of display 2 to mode 1 of display 2
end tell
-- Turn on notifications
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "SystemUIServer"
key down option
click menu bar item "Notification Center, Do Not Disturb enabled" of menu bar 2
key up option
on error
key up option
end try
end tell
end tell
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Quitting apps and processes")
-- Quit native apps
set nativeApps to {"Google Chrome", "SwitchResX Daemon", "ScreenFlow", "Todoist", "iTerm"}
repeat with nativeApp in nativeApps
tell application nativeApp to quit
end repeat
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
set progress description to "Screencast Start"
set progress total steps to 3
property progressSteps : 0
on updateProgress(description)
delay 1
set progress additional description to description
set progressSteps to progressSteps + 1
set progress completed steps to progressSteps
end updateProgress
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Quitting apps and processes")
-- Quit native apps
set nativeApps to {"Flux"}
repeat with nativeApp in nativeApps
tell application nativeApp to quit
end repeat
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Starting apps and processes")
-- Open native apps
set nativeApps to {"Google Chrome", "SwitchResX Daemon", "ScreenFlow", "Todoist", "iTerm"}
repeat with nativeApp in nativeApps
run application nativeApp
end repeat
-- Open web apps
set webApps to {""}
repeat with webApp in webApps
do shell script "open " & webApp
end repeat
-- ==================================================================
-- ==================================================================
updateProgress("Configuring settings")
-- Switch second monitor's screen resolution to 1280x720 HiDPI
delay 1
tell application "SwitchResX Daemon"
set res to modes of display 2 whose (width = 1280 and height = 720 and definition = 2)
set current mode of display 2 to first item of res
end tell
-- Open terminal/editor profile
delay 1
tell application "iTerm"
create window with profile "demo"
end tell
-- Run window manager
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
key code 18 using {command down, option down, control down}
end tell
-- Fullscreen terminal/editor
delay 1
tell application "iTerm" to activate
tell application "System Events"
key code 36 using {command down}
end tell
-- Turn off notifications
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "SystemUIServer"
key down option
click menu bar item "Notification Center" of menu bar 2
key up option
on error
key up option
end try
end tell
end tell
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