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Created April 21, 2017 21:55
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This function accept glm and geeglm/gee objects. It outputs the variable names, variables levels, followed by the odds ratios, confidence intervals, and pvalues. Additionally, the reference levels are included in the output which is not included in the original R glm objects.
model_output <- function(mod_obj){
# libraries
require(geepack); require(tibble); require(dplyr)
xvar <- names(lm_object$model)[-1]
yvar <- names(lm_object$model)[1] # idky i need this but just in case
data <- lm_object$data
# xvar levels
xvar_levels <- sapply(data[, xvar], levels)
xvar_levels_unlist <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(xvar_levels),
function(x) paste(names(xvar_levels)[[x]], xvar_levels[[x]], sep = "")))
xvar_levels_df <- data.frame(vec_levels = xvar_levels_unlist)
# odds ratio, confidence interval, and pvalues
# first, determine if object is geeglm/gee object or not
if("geeglm" %in% class(lm_object) | "gee" %in% class(lm_object)){
confint.geeglm <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) {
cc <- coef(summary(object))
mult <- qnorm((1+level)/2)
citab <- with(,
rownames(citab) <- rownames(cc)
confint_obj <- confint.geeglm(lm_object)
} else {
confint_obj <- confint(lm_object)
colnames(confint_obj) <- c("lwr", "upr")
or_ci_obj <-, exp(confint_obj)), 2))
or_ci_obj1 <- rownames_to_column(or_ci_obj, var = "variable") # surprisingly, it works
or_ci_obj1$ci <- sprintf("%.2f %s %.2f", or_ci_obj1$lwr, "-", or_ci_obj1$upr)
pval_obj <-$coef, 3))
pval_obj1 <- rownames_to_column(pval_obj, var = "variable")
colnames(pval_obj1)[5] <- "pvalue"
mod_df <- data.frame(or_ci_obj1[, c("variable", "V1", "ci")], pval_obj1[, c("pvalue")])
colnames(mod_df) <- c("variable", "or", "ci", "pvalue")
# merge xvar_levels_df with mod_df to create REF categories
# left_join doesn't need standard it just 5 dplyr verbs? must be
suppressWarnings(merged_df <- left_join(xvar_levels_df, mod_df, by = c("vec_levels" = "variable")))
merged_df$pvalue1 <- sprintf("%.3f", merged_df$pvalue)
merged_df1 <- replace(merged_df, == TRUE | merged_df == "NA", "Ref")
merged_df2 <- select_(merged_df1, ~vec_levels, ~or, ~ci, ~pvalue1) #standard evaluation
# insert function
insertRow <- function(existingDF, newrows) {
new_idx <- as.integer(newrows[,1]) # get indices of the new rows
new_idx <- sort(new_idx) + seq(0, length(new_idx) - 1) # adjust for rows shifting due to other insertions
old_idx <- seq(nrow(existingDF) + length(new_idx))[-new_idx] # ge indices for the old rows
existingDF[old_idx,] <- existingDF # assign old rows
existingDF[new_idx,] <- newrows[,-1] # assign new rows
# insert row names into model
list_length <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(xvar_levels), function(x) length(xvar_levels[[x]])))
merged_df3 <- insertRow(merged_df2, newrows = cbind(cumsum(list_length) - list_length + 1,
xvar, "", "", "")) # ugly but gets the job done
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