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Created August 14, 2023 00:54
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Implements a hiccup-like compiler into js templates
(ns jst
(:require [camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk]
[clojure.string :as string]
[hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests]]))
;; Implements a hiccup compiler into js-template.
;; Usage: (jst cljs-symbol? template-fn? hiccup), where:
;; cljs-symbol - what symbol implements js-template in cljs (default: shadow.cljs.modern/js-template)
;; template-fn? - if extra javascript template fn required, can be passed in. E.g. lit/html. Default nil.
;; hiccup - a usual hiccup with a few nuances in how props are rendered.
;; Returns: unevaluated function call to js-template with as much strings merged as possible to improve browser performance. Browser caches
;; template strings and then skips part of tree render when they're unchanged. (see:
;; Attribute nuances:
;; Main difference is that keys for regular attributes must be string instead of keywords. keywords args reserved for special lib implementations (now for lit)
;; Supported map keys:
;; "attributes" - will be treated as a simple attribute value and translated with a name. Expression must evaluate to string.
;; "?boolean" - will be transformed into lit's ?boolean expressions. Expression should evaluate to true/false.
;; :on-* - will be translated into @* event handler by lit.
;; :keyword-case - will be translated into .keywordCase and pass js property as-is. This is supported by libraries like lit.
;; :jst/no-args - takes a vector of items that will be just dropped into a tag without argument tag. E.g. lit directives.
(def default-jst-config {:this-sym 'this
:cljs-template-fn 'shadow.cljs.modern/js-template
:js-template-fn nil})
(def ^:dynamic *jst-config* default-jst-config)
(def ^:dynamic *jst-handlers* {})
(def ^:dynamic *jst-env* {})
(defn emit-jst
"Emits final js-template code from a mixed vector of strings and clojure code (forms or symbols). Flattens any nested vectors and merges consecutive strings."
(let [strings-and-forms (loop [to-merge template-parts
merged []]
(if (zero? (count to-merge))
(let [[next & rem] to-merge]
;; when two strings in a row
(and (string? (peek merged)) (string? next))
(recur rem (assoc merged (dec (count merged)) (str (peek merged) next)))
(and (vector? next) (seq rem)) ;; case for children
(recur (into next rem) merged)
(and (vector? next) (empty? rem)) ;; avoid endless loop with (into [x] nil)
(recur next merged)
(recur rem (conj merged (if (string? next) (string/trim next) next)))))))
js-template-fn (get *jst-config* :cljs-template-fn)
template-literal (get *jst-config* :js-template-fn)]
(if (some? template-literal)
`(~js-template-fn ~template-literal ~@strings-and-forms)
`(~js-template-fn ~@strings-and-forms))))
"Basic emitter with empty args"
(emit-jst ["<div" [] ">" ["Hello-world"] "</div>"]) := '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>Hello-world</div>")
"Emitter with templater"
(binding [*jst-config* (merge *jst-config* {:js-template-fn 'lit/html})]
(emit-jst ["<div" [] ">" ["Hello-world"] "</div>"]) := '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template lit/html "<div>Hello-world</div>"))
"With non-trivial attributes and children"
(emit-jst ["<div" [" " ["style=" "\"margin:10px;padding:10px;\"" " " "@click=" '(fn [e] e) " " ".someProp=" {:a 1} " " "?checked=" true]] ">"
[["<div" [] ">" ["Hello-world"] "</div>"]
["<div" [] ">" ['(get-state comp)] "</div>"]] "</div>"])
:= '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template
"<div style=\"margin:10px;padding:10px;\" @click="
(fn [e] e)
{:a 1}
(get-state comp)
"Vector of vectors is properly emitted"
(emit-jst [["<div>" "1" "</div>"] ["<div>" "2" "</div>"] ["<div>" "3" "</div>"]]))
(declare compile-jst)
(declare emit-jst-fn)
(defn form-name
"Return name of the first function inside clojure expression."
(when (and (seq? form) (symbol? (first form)))
(name (first form))))
(defmulti compile-form
"Compile standard forms into js-template"
(fn [form]
(if (vector? form) "vector" (form-name form))))
(defn drop-last-vec
(if (> (count vec) 0)
(subvec vec 0 (dec (count vec)))
(defn render-tag-attributes
"Returns a vector of strings/forms for tag attributes.
Supported properties keys:
\"attributes\" - will be treated as a simple attribute value and translated with a name. Expression must evaluate to string.
\"?boolean\" - will be transformed into lit's ?boolean expressions. Expression should evaluate to true/false.
:on-* - will be translated into @* event handler by lit.
:property - will be translated into .property of lit. Todo figure out camelCasing and turning it back into keyword within component.
:jst/no-args - takes a vector of items that will be just dropped into a tag without argument tag. E.g. lit directives."
(let [make-styles (fn [styles]
(if (map? styles)
(reduce (fn [acc [attr value]]
(str acc attr ":" value ";"))
attr-type? (fn [attr]
(let [string-arg? (string? attr)
keyword-arg? (keyword? attr)]
(= attr :jst/no-args)
(= (name attr) "style")
(and keyword-arg? (string/starts-with? (name attr) "on-"))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unknown attribute: " attr))))))
render-attr (fn [attr attr-type]
(case attr-type
(str attr "=")
(str "." (csk/->camelCase (name attr)) "=")
:handler ;; this is lit specific. Do we need it here? regular web-component requires setting handler through js.
(str "@" (subs (name attr) 3) "=")
render-val (fn [val attr-type]
;; vals can be a few different things
(let [val-result (cond
;; properties are the only items that can accept non-string objects.
;; js-objs - passed as is.
(= attr-type :js-property)
;; style attribute - serialize map into string.
(= attr-type :style-tag)
(make-styles val)
(= attr-type :no-arg)
(->> (interleave val (repeat " "))
(into []))
;; symbols - go unchanged, unless they're in handlers and known from config, then bound to the this-sym.
(and (symbol? val) (= attr-type :handler))
(if (contains? (:methods *jst-config*) val)
`(~(symbol (str ".-" val)) ~(:this-sym *jst-config*))
;; symbols go unchanged.
(symbol? val)
;; clojure-forms or fn go unchanged.
(list? val)
(boolean? val)
;; rest - attempt to serialize to string.
(str val))]
(if (string? val-result)
(str "\"" val-result "\"")
(-> (reduce (fn [acc [attr val]]
(let [attr-type (attr-type? attr)]
(conj acc (render-attr attr attr-type) (render-val val attr-type) " ")))
"regular symbol in handler attribute"
(render-tag-attributes {:on-click 'test}) := ["@click=" 'test]
"known symbol in handler attribute bound to class"
(binding [*jst-config* (merge default-jst-config {:methods #{'test}})]
(render-tag-attributes {:on-click 'test})) := ["@click=" '(.-test this)]
"known symbol in handler and non-default this-sym"
(binding [*jst-config* (merge default-jst-config {:methods #{'test} :this-sym 'comp})]
(render-tag-attributes {:on-click 'test})) := ["@click=" '(.-test comp)]
"symbol somewhere"
(render-tag-attributes {"data-attr" 'test}) := ["data-attr=" 'test]
"strings should be wrapped with \""
(render-tag-attributes {"str-attr" "string"}) := ["str-attr=" "\"string\""]
(render-tag-attributes {:some-property {:a 1}}) := [".someProperty=" {:a 1}]
(render-tag-attributes {:some-property 'abs}) := [".someProperty=" 'abs]
(render-tag-attributes {:on-hover '(fn [e] e)}) := ["@hover=" '(fn [e] e)]
(render-tag-attributes {"?checked" true}) := ["?checked=" true]
"style keyword tag"
(render-tag-attributes {:style {"margin" "10px"}}) := ["style=" "\"margin:10px;\""]
"style string tag"
(render-tag-attributes {"style" {"margin" "10px" "padding" "10px"}}) := ["style=" "\"margin:10px;padding:10px;\""]
"multiple args"
(render-tag-attributes {"style" {"margin" "10px" "padding" "10px"}
:on-click '(fn [e] e)
:some-prop {:a 1}
"?checked" true}) := ["style=" "\"margin:10px;padding:10px;\"" " " "@click=" '(fn [e] e) " " ".someProp=" {:a 1} " " "?checked=" true]
(render-tag-attributes {:jst/no-args ['(fn [e] e) '(fn [d] d)]}) := ["" ['(fn [e] e) " " '(fn [d] d)]])
(defn compile-component-fn
"Compiles component function"
[comp-fn props-map children-vec]
;; todo: support
;; 1. We should probably emit a function that calls component constructor.
;; 2. The main question what to do with children. They probably need to be compiled into js-template and wrapped with template.
;; decide later when component composition and slot model is more clear.
(defn compile-html-tag
"Compiles html tag. [:keyword props-map children]"
[tag props-map children-vec]
(vector (str "<" (name tag)) (if (seq props-map) [" " (render-tag-attributes props-map)] "") ">"
(mapv compile-jst children-vec)
(str "</" (name tag) ">")))
(defn compile-element
"Compiles vector of [tag props? & children].
The result of compilation of an element is a mixed vector of strings & clojure forms. Sub-vectors are allowed
and will be just flattened in the final optimization step. Lists treated as clojure forms and won't be evaluated. Same
goes for symbols. "
(let [tag (first content)
props? (map? (second content))
props (if props? (second content) {})
children (subvec content (if props? 2 1))]
(keyword? tag)
(compile-html-tag tag props children)
(symbol? tag)
(compile-component-fn tag props children)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unknown element: " [tag props "& children"]))))))
(def supported-forms #{"do" "let" "let*" "letfn*" "for" "if" "when" "when-some"
"when-let" "when-first" "when-not" "if-not" "if-some" "if-let"
"case" "condp" "cond"})
;; forms skipped from hiccup/hicada due to unclear use case:
;; array, hicada's special for optimization for 1 binding,
(defn control-form?
"Some forms like for or if control template output. This function tests if this is a form that compiler knows about? "
(contains? supported-forms (form-name form)))
(defn compile-jst
"Compiles jst into a vector of strings, symbols, and clojure expressions. Clojure expressions & symbols will be passed to js-template as params
and strings will be merged and used as strings part of js-template."
;; 3 cases here:
;; 1. We're working with element vector [tag/cmp props? & children]
;; 2. We're working with some clojure form that we know about anything that starts with (symbol & body)
;; 3. We have some kind of literal like string, symbol, or whatever else we don't know of.
(and (vector? content) (vector? (first content)))
(mapv compile-jst content)
(vector? content)
(compile-element content)
(control-form? content)
(compile-form content)
:else content))
"empty props and string"
(compile-html-tag :div {} ["Hello-world"]) := ["<div" "" ">" ["Hello-world"] "</div>"]
"no children, no props"
(compile-html-tag :div nil []) := ["<div" "" ">" [] "</div>"])
(defn emit-jst-fn
"Compiles jst and wraps it into js-template fn with params from config."
(-> content
(defmethod compile-form "vector"
;; special case when forms end in hiccup vector, compiles as jst.
(emit-jst-fn content))
(compile-form [:div "Hello, world!"]) := '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>Hello, world!</div>"))
(defmethod compile-form "do"
[[_ & forms]]
`(do ~@(butlast forms) ~(emit-jst-fn (last forms))))
(compile-form '(do (js/console.log "Test") [:div "Hello, world!"])) := '(do (js/console.log "Test") (shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>Hello, world!</div>")))
(defmethod compile-form "let"
[[_ bindings & forms]]
`(let ~bindings ~@(butlast forms) ~(compile-form (last forms))))
(compile-form '(let [a "World!"] [:div (str "Hello, " a)]))
:= '(clojure.core/let [a "World!"] (shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>" (str "Hello, " a) "</div>"))
(compile-form '(let [a "World!"] (let [b "Hello"] [:div (str b ", " a)])))
:= '(clojure.core/let
[a "World!"]
(clojure.core/let [b "Hello"] (shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>" (str b ", " a) "</div>"))))
(defmethod compile-form "let*"
[[_ bindings & forms]]
`(let* ~bindings ~@(butlast forms) ~(compile-form (last forms))))
(defmethod compile-form "letfn*"
[[_ bindings & forms]]
`(letfn* ~bindings ~@(butlast forms) ~(compile-form (last forms))))
;; seqs should be consumed ok by js templates, but we can probably optimize things a lot by using method on clojure's seq.
(defmethod compile-form "for"
[[_ bindings body]]
`(for ~bindings ~(compile-form body)))
(compile-form '(for [a (range 10)] [:ul [:li a]]))
:= '(clojure.core/for [a (range 10)] (shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<ul><li>" a "</li></ul>")))
(defmethod compile-form "if"
[[_ condition & body]]
`(if ~condition ~@(doall (for [x body] (compile-form x)))))
(compile-form '(if (true? a)
[:div "A-true"]
[:div "A-lie"]))
:= '(if (true? a) (shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>A-true</div>") (shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>A-lie</div>"))
(compile-form '(if (true? a)
(let [b (str "Hello, " a "!")]
[:div b])
(for [x (range 3)]
[:div {:style {"padding" "5px"}} (str x "-lie!")])))
:= '(if
(true? a)
(clojure.core/let [b (str "Hello, " a "!")] (shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>" b "</div>"))
[x (range 3)]
(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div style=\"padding:5px;\">" (str x "-lie!") "</div>"))))
(defmethod compile-form "when"
[[_ bindings & body]]
`(when ~bindings ~@(butlast body) ~(compile-form (last body))))
(compile-form '(when (true? a)
(js/console.log "test")
[:div "Hello, world!"]))
:= '(clojure.core/when (true? a) (js/console.log "test") (shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>Hello, world!</div>")))
(defmethod compile-form "when-some"
[[_ bindings & body]]
`(when-some ~bindings ~@(butlast body) ~(compile-form (last body))))
(defmethod compile-form "when-let"
[[_ bindings & body]]
`(when-let ~bindings ~@(butlast body) ~(compile-form (last body))))
(defmethod compile-form "when-first"
[[_ bindings & body]]
`(when-first ~bindings ~@(butlast body) ~(compile-form (last body))))
(defmethod compile-form "when-not"
[[_ bindings & body]]
`(when-not ~bindings ~@(doall (for [x body] (compile-form x)))))
(defmethod compile-form "if-not"
[[_ bindings & body]]
`(if-not ~bindings ~@(doall (for [x body] (compile-form x)))))
(defmethod compile-form "if-some"
[[_ bindings & body]]
`(if-some ~bindings ~@(doall (for [x body] (compile-form x)))))
(defmethod compile-form "if-let"
[[_ bindings & body]]
`(if-let ~bindings ~@(doall (for [x body] (compile-form x)))))
(defmethod compile-form "case"
[[_ v & cases]]
`(case ~v
~@(doall (mapcat
(fn [[test hiccup]]
(if hiccup
[test (compile-form hiccup)]
[(compile-form test)]))
(partition-all 2 cases)))))
(compile-form '(case a
1 [:div "1"]
2 (if (true? b) [:div "2-true"] [:div "2-false"])
[:div "else"]))
:= '(clojure.core/case
(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>1</div>")
(true? b)
(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>2-true</div>")
(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>2-false</div>"))
(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template "<div>else</div>")))
(defmethod compile-form "condp"
[[_ f v & cases]]
`(condp ~f ~v
~@(doall (mapcat
(fn [[test hiccup]]
(if hiccup
[test (compile-form hiccup)]
[(compile-form test)]))
(partition-all 2 cases)))))
(defmethod compile-form "cond"
[[_ & clauses]]
`(cond ~@(doall
(fn [[check expr]] [check (compile-form expr)])
(partition 2 clauses)))))
(defn compile-js-template
"Compiles hiccup into js-template"
[content config _env]
(binding [*jst-config* (merge default-jst-config config)]
(emit-jst-fn content)))
(defmacro jst
"Compiles hiccup to js-template"
(compile-js-template content {:js-template-fn nil} &env))
([template-fn content]
(compile-js-template content {:js-template-fn template-fn} &env))
([template-cljs-sym template-fn content]
(compile-js-template content {:js-template-fn template-fn
:cljs-template-fn template-cljs-sym} &env)))
"The most basic template"
(macroexpand '(jst lit/html [:div "Hello, world!"])) := '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template* lit/html "<div>Hello, world!</div>")
"No literal, with props"
(macroexpand '(jst [:div {"style" {"margin" "10px"
"padding" "10px"}
:on-click '(fn [e] e)
:some-prop {:a 1}
"?checked" true}
"Hello, world!"]))
:= '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template*
"<div style=\"margin:10px;padding:10px;\" @click="
'(fn [e] e)
{:a 1}
">Hello, world!</div>")
"Replacing cljs-template-symbol"
(macroexpand '(jst 'squint.core/js-template
[:div {"style" {"margin" "10px"
"padding" "10px"}
:on-click '(fn [e] e)
:some-prop {:a 1}
"?checked" true}
"Hello, world!"]))
:= '('squint.core/js-template
"<div style=\"margin:10px;padding:10px;\" @click="
'(fn [e] e)
{:a 1}
">Hello, world!</div>")
"Recursive children with some props in body"
(macroexpand '(jst lit/html [:div {:style {"margin" "10px"}}
[:h1 "Hello, world!"]
[:div "Today is:" (:date comp)]]))
:= '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template*
"<div style=\"margin:10px;\"><h1>Hello, world!</h1><div>Today is:"
(:date comp)
"A rather complex markup"
(macroexpand '(jst lit/html [:div
[:h2 "ToDo List"]
[:ul {:style {"margin" "10px"}
"class" "todos"}
(todo-render (if hideCompleted
(filter (fn [item]
(false? (:completed item)))
[:input {"id" "newItem"
"aria-label" "New Item"}]
[:button {:on-click (.-add-todo this)} "Add ToDo"]
[:input {"type" "checkbox"
:on-change (.-toggle-completed-todos this)}
"Hide Completed"]]]))
:= '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template*
"<div><h2>ToDo List</h2><ul style=\"margin:10px;\" class=\"todos\">"
(todo-render (if hideCompleted (filter (fn [item] (false? (:completed item))) listItems) listItems))
"</ul><input id=\"newItem\" aria-label=\"New Item\"></input><button @click="
(.-add-todo this)
">Add ToDo</button><label><input type=\"checkbox\" @change="
(.-toggle-completed-todos this)
">Hide Completed</input></label></div>")
"Multiple children, no fragments required"
(macroexpand '(jst lit/html
[[:h2 "ToDo List"]
[:ul {:style {"margin" "10px"}
"class" "todos"}
(todo-render (if hideCompleted
(filter (fn [item]
(false? (:completed item)))
[:input {"id" "newItem"
"aria-label" "New Item"}]
[:button {:on-click (.-add-todo this)} "Add ToDo"]
[:input {"type" "checkbox"
:on-change (.-toggle-completed-todos this)}
"Hide Completed"]]]))
:= '(shadow.cljs.modern/js-template*
"<h2>ToDo List</h2><ul style=\"margin:10px;\" class=\"todos\">"
(todo-render (if hideCompleted (filter (fn [item] (false? (:completed item))) listItems) listItems))
"</ul><input id=\"newItem\" aria-label=\"New Item\"></input><button @click="
(.-add-todo this)
">Add ToDo</button><label><input type=\"checkbox\" @change="
(.-toggle-completed-todos this)
">Hide Completed</input></label>")
"Tests Completed"
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