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Created September 17, 2016 13:22
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Short solution to F# Coding Dojo
open System
open System.IO
let read fn = File.ReadAllLines(sprintf "%s\%s" __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ fn)
let data = read @"trainingsample.csv"
type Example = { Label:int; Pixels:int[] }
let prepare (x:string[]) =
let res =
|> (fun x-> x.Split(',')|> int)
res |> (fun x->{Label=x.[0];Pixels=x.[1..]})
let d = prepare data
let dist (P1: int[]) (P2: int[]) =
Array.map2 (fun p1 p2 -> (p1-p2)*(p1-p2)) P1 P2
|> Array.sum
let classify (x:int[]) =
d |> Array.minBy(fun z -> dist x z.Pixels)
|> fun t -> t.Label
read "validationsample.csv"
|> prepare
|> Array.fold (fun (correct,total) z ->
if z.Label = classify(z.Pixels) then (correct+1,total+1)
else (correct,total+1)) (0,0)
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