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Created August 22, 2020 22:51
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syntax on
set noerrorbells
set bs=2
set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set smartindent
set nu
set nowrap
set smartcase
set noswapfile
set nobackup
set undodir=~/.vim/undodir
set undofile
set incsearch
set colorcolumn=80
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=0 guibg=lightgrey
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'
Plug ''
Plug ''
Plug ''
Plug ''
call plug#end()
colorscheme slate
let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>'
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP'
set background=dark
" NERD Tree Settings
nmap <C-f> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
map <C-h> <C-w>h
map <C-j> <C-w>j
map <C-k> <C-w>k
map <C-l> <C-w>l
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