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Last active September 22, 2017 07:28
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How to precalculate sine with js.


precalculated sine with js

Run the following code on JSFiddle with the proper amplitude set:

var count = 0;
var max_amplitude=4095;
var amplitude=3800;
var offset=(max_amplitude-amplitude)/2;
var a=[];
for (var i=0; i<360; i++) {
	var value = (Math.sin(count*3.14159265/180)+1)*amplitude/2+offset;
	console.log(count, value.toFixed(0));
	a.push(parseInt(value.toFixed(0), 10));
	count = (count+1)%360;

var pad = function(number) {
	if (number < 10) {
		return "   " + number;
	if (number < 100) {
		return "  " + number;
	if (number < 1000) {
		return " " + number;
	return number;

var res = "";
for (var i=0; i<360; i++) {
	res += pad(a[i]) + ", ";
	if (i != 0 && (i+1) % 20 == 0) {
		res += "\n";

then use the console output for e.g. an ARM MCU like so:

const uint16_t sine_wave_array[360] = {
  2048, 2081, 2114, 2147, 2180, 2213, 2246, 2279, 2312, 2345, 2377, 2410, 2443, 2475, 2507, 2539, 2571, 2603, 2635, 2666, 
  2697, 2728, 2759, 2790, 2820, 2850, 2880, 2910, 2939, 2969, 2997, 3026, 3054, 3082, 3110, 3137, 3164, 3191, 3217, 3243, 
  3269, 3294, 3319, 3343, 3367, 3391, 3414, 3437, 3459, 3481, 3503, 3524, 3545, 3565, 3585, 3604, 3623, 3641, 3659, 3676, 
  3693, 3709, 3725, 3740, 3755, 3769, 3783, 3796, 3809, 3821, 3833, 3844, 3855, 3864, 3874, 3883, 3891, 3899, 3906, 3913, 
  3919, 3924, 3929, 3933, 3937, 3940, 3943, 3945, 3946, 3947, 3948, 3947, 3946, 3945, 3943, 3940, 3937, 3933, 3929, 3924, 
  3919, 3913, 3906, 3899, 3891, 3883, 3874, 3864, 3855, 3844, 3833, 3821, 3809, 3796, 3783, 3769, 3755, 3740, 3725, 3709, 
  3693, 3676, 3659, 3641, 3623, 3604, 3585, 3565, 3545, 3524, 3503, 3481, 3459, 3437, 3414, 3391, 3367, 3343, 3319, 3294, 
  3269, 3243, 3217, 3191, 3164, 3137, 3110, 3082, 3054, 3026, 2998, 2969, 2939, 2910, 2880, 2850, 2820, 2790, 2759, 2728, 
  2697, 2666, 2635, 2603, 2571, 2539, 2507, 2475, 2443, 2410, 2377, 2345, 2312, 2279, 2246, 2213, 2180, 2147, 2114, 2081, 
  2048, 2014, 1981, 1948, 1915, 1882, 1849, 1816, 1783, 1750, 1718, 1685, 1652, 1620, 1588, 1556, 1524, 1492, 1460, 1429, 
  1398, 1367, 1336, 1305, 1275, 1245, 1215, 1185, 1156, 1126, 1098, 1069, 1041, 1013,  985,  958,  931,  904,  878,  852, 
   826,  801,  776,  752,  728,  704,  681,  658,  636,  614,  592,  571,  550,  530,  510,  491,  472,  454,  436,  419, 
   402,  386,  370,  355,  340,  326,  312,  299,  286,  274,  262,  251,  240,  231,  221,  212,  204,  196,  189,  182, 
   176,  171,  166,  162,  158,  155,  152,  150,  149,  148,  148,  148,  149,  150,  152,  155,  158,  162,  166,  171, 
   176,  182,  189,  196,  204,  212,  221,  231,  240,  251,  262,  274,  286,  299,  312,  326,  340,  355,  370,  386, 
   402,  419,  436,  454,  472,  491,  510,  530,  550,  571,  592,  614,  636,  658,  681,  704,  728,  752,  776,  801, 
   826,  852,  878,  904,  931,  958,  985, 1013, 1041, 1069, 1097, 1126, 1156, 1185, 1215, 1245, 1275, 1305, 1336, 1367, 
  1398, 1429, 1460, 1492, 1524, 1556, 1588, 1620, 1652, 1685, 1718, 1750, 1783, 1816, 1849, 1882, 1915, 1948, 1981, 2014,

If putting the wave to an DAC make to use a DMA to offload the CPU. Also check the wave for clipping.

Use it with other MCUs

On Atmel MCUs you can put the array into flash instead on the the stack with the following declaration:

Set the amplitude to one byte with var amplitude=255; in the js section to fit into uint8_t.

const uint8_t sine_wave_array[360] PROGMEM = {...}

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