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Created February 12, 2022 16:02
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// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
package frc.robot.subsystems;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.ControlMode;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.DemandType;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.FeedbackDevice;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.FollowerType;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.InvertType;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.NeutralMode;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.RemoteSensorSource;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.StatusFrame;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.TalonFXFeedbackDevice;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.TalonFXInvertType;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.TalonFXConfiguration;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_TalonFX;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.SubsystemBase;
import frc.robot.Robot;
import frc.robot.Constants.DriveTrainConstants;
import frc.robot.sim.PhysicsSim;
public class DriveTrain extends SubsystemBase {
/** Creates a new DriveTrain. */
private WPI_TalonFX leftMaster = new WPI_TalonFX(DriveTrainConstants.MOTOR_LEFT_MASTER_ID),
leftFollower = new WPI_TalonFX(DriveTrainConstants.MOTOR_LEFT_FOLLOWER_ID),
rightMaster = new WPI_TalonFX(DriveTrainConstants.MOTOR_RIGHT_MASTER_ID),
rightFollower = new WPI_TalonFX(DriveTrainConstants.MOTOR_RIGHT_FOLLOWER_ID);
private final DifferentialDrive diffDrive = new DifferentialDrive(leftMaster, rightMaster);
private TalonFXConfiguration leftConfig = new TalonFXConfiguration(),
rightConfig = new TalonFXConfiguration();
public void simulationPeriodic() {
public DriveTrain() {
if (!Robot.isReal()) {
PhysicsSim.getInstance().addTalonFX(leftMaster, 0.75, 4000);
PhysicsSim.getInstance().addTalonFX(rightMaster, 0.75, 4000);
PhysicsSim.getInstance().addTalonFX(leftFollower, 0.75, 4000);
PhysicsSim.getInstance().addTalonFX(rightFollower, 0.75, 4000);
/* factory default values */
/* set up followers */
/* [3] flip values so robot moves forward when stick-forward/LEDs-green */
/* set up follower inversions */
/* Set Neutral Mode */
// rightMaster.configSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor);
// leftMaster.configSelectedFeedbackSensor(FeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor);
/** Closed loop configuration */
/* Configure the left Talon's selected sensor as integrated sensor */
* Currently, in order to use a product-specific FeedbackDevice in configAll
* objects,
* you have to call toFeedbackType. This is a workaround until a
* product-specific
* FeedbackDevice is implemented for configSensorTerm
leftConfig.primaryPID.selectedFeedbackSensor = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor.toFeedbackDevice(); // Local
// Feedback
// Source
* Configure the Remote (Left) Talon's selected sensor as a remote sensor for
* the right Talon
rightConfig.remoteFilter1.remoteSensorDeviceID = leftMaster.getDeviceID(); // Device ID of Remote Source
rightConfig.remoteFilter1.remoteSensorSource = RemoteSensorSource.TalonFX_SelectedSensor; // Remote Source Type
* Setup difference signal to be used for turn when performing Drive Straight
* with encoders
setRobotTurnConfigs(DriveTrainConstants.RIGHT_MOTORS_INVERT, rightConfig);
/* Config the neutral deadband. */
leftConfig.neutralDeadband = DriveTrainConstants.NEUTRAL_DEADBAND;
rightConfig.neutralDeadband = DriveTrainConstants.NEUTRAL_DEADBAND;
* max out the peak output (for all modes). However you can
* limit the output of a given PID object with configClosedLoopPeakOutput().
leftConfig.peakOutputForward = +1.0;
leftConfig.peakOutputReverse = -1.0;
rightConfig.peakOutputForward = +1.0;
rightConfig.peakOutputReverse = -1.0;
/* FPID Gains for turn servo */
/* FPID for Distance */
rightConfig.slot1.kF = DriveTrainConstants.GAINS_TURNING.F;
rightConfig.slot1.kP = DriveTrainConstants.GAINS_TURNING.P;
rightConfig.slot1.kI = DriveTrainConstants.GAINS_TURNING.I;
rightConfig.slot1.kD = DriveTrainConstants.GAINS_TURNING.D;
rightConfig.slot1.integralZone = DriveTrainConstants.GAINS_TURNING.INTEGRAL_ZONE;
rightConfig.slot1.closedLoopPeakOutput = DriveTrainConstants.GAINS_TURNING.PEAK_OUTPUT;
* 1ms per loop. PID loop can be slowed down if need be.
* For example,
* - if sensor updates are too slow
* - sensor deltas are very small per update, so derivative error never gets
* large enough to be useful.
* - sensor movement is very slow causing the derivative error to be near zero.
int closedLoopTimeMs = 1;
rightConfig.slot0.closedLoopPeriod = closedLoopTimeMs;
rightConfig.slot1.closedLoopPeriod = closedLoopTimeMs;
rightConfig.slot2.closedLoopPeriod = closedLoopTimeMs;
rightConfig.slot3.closedLoopPeriod = closedLoopTimeMs;
/* APPLY the config settings */
/* Set status frame periods */
rightMaster.setStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrame.Status_12_Feedback1, 20, DriveTrainConstants.TIMEOUT_MS);
rightMaster.setStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrame.Status_14_Turn_PIDF1, 20, DriveTrainConstants.TIMEOUT_MS);
leftMaster.setStatusFramePeriod(StatusFrame.Status_2_Feedback0, 5, DriveTrainConstants.TIMEOUT_MS); // Used
// remotely
// by right
// Talon,
// speed up
/* Initialize */
public void arcadeDrive(double forward, double turn) {
diffDrive.arcadeDrive(forward, turn);
public double getRightMotorsDistance() {
return rightMaster.getSelectedSensorPosition();
public double getLeftMotorsDistance() {
return leftMaster.getSelectedSensorPosition();
public void printRightMotorsDistance() {
System.out.println("Right Motor 1 distance: " + rightMaster.getSelectedSensorPosition());
System.out.println("Right Motor 2 distance: " + rightFollower.getSelectedSensorPosition());
public void printLeftMotorsDistance() {
System.out.println("Left Motor 1 distance: " + leftMaster.getSelectedSensorPosition());
System.out.println("Left Motor 2 distance: " + leftFollower.getSelectedSensorPosition());
public void setMaxOutput(double maxOutput) {
public void periodic() {
// This method will be called once per scheduler run
public void selectTurningPIDSlot() {
rightMaster.selectProfileSlot(DriveTrainConstants.SLOT_TURNING, DriveTrainConstants.PID_TURN);
public void driveStraight(double percentOutput) {
double targetAngle = rightMaster.getSelectedSensorPosition(1);
* Configured for percentOutput with Auxiliary PID on Integrated Sensors'
* Difference
rightMaster.set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, percentOutput, DemandType.AuxPID, targetAngle);
leftMaster.follow(rightMaster, FollowerType.AuxOutput1);
/* Zero all sensors used */
void zeroSensors() {
leftMaster.getSensorCollection().setIntegratedSensorPosition(0, DriveTrainConstants.TIMEOUT_MS);
rightMaster.getSensorCollection().setIntegratedSensorPosition(0, DriveTrainConstants.TIMEOUT_MS);
leftFollower.getSensorCollection().setIntegratedSensorPosition(0, DriveTrainConstants.TIMEOUT_MS);
rightFollower.getSensorCollection().setIntegratedSensorPosition(0, DriveTrainConstants.TIMEOUT_MS);
System.out.println("[Integrated Sensors] All sensors are zeroed.\n");
* Determines if SensorSum or SensorDiff should be used
* for combining left/right sensors into Robot Distance.
* Assumes Aux Position is set as Remote Sensor 0.
* configAllSettings must still be called on the master config
* after this function modifies the config values.
* @param masterInvertType Invert of the Master Talon
* @param masterConfig Configuration object to fill
void setRobotTurnConfigs(TalonFXInvertType masterInvertType, TalonFXConfiguration masterConfig) {
* Determine if we need a Sum or Difference.
* The auxiliary Talon FX will always be positive
* in the forward direction because it's a selected sensor
* over the CAN bus.
* The master's native integrated sensor may not always be positive when forward
* because
* sensor phase is only applied to *Selected Sensors*, not native
* sensor sources. And we need the native to be combined with the
* aux (other side's) distance into a single robot heading.
* THIS FUNCTION should not need to be modified.
* This setup will work regardless of whether the master
* is on the Right or Left side since it only deals with
* heading magnitude.
/* Check if we're inverted */
if (masterInvertType == TalonFXInvertType.Clockwise) {
* If master is inverted, that means the integrated sensor
* will be negative in the forward direction.
* If master is inverted, the final sum/diff result will also be inverted.
* This is how Talon FX corrects the sensor phase when inverting
* the motor direction. This inversion applies to the *Selected Sensor*,
* not the native value.
* Will a sensor sum or difference give us a positive heading?
* Remember the Master is one side of your drivetrain distance and
* Auxiliary is the other side's distance.
* Phase | Term 0 | Term 1 | Result
* Sum: -((-)Master + (+)Aux )| OK - magnitude will cancel each other out
* Diff: -((-)Master - (+)Aux )| NOT OK - magnitude increases with forward
* distance.
* Diff: -((+)Aux - (-)Master)| NOT OK - magnitude decreases with forward
* distance
masterConfig.sum0Term = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor.toFeedbackDevice(); // Local Integrated
// Sensor
masterConfig.sum1Term = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.RemoteSensor1.toFeedbackDevice(); // Aux Selected Sensor
masterConfig.auxiliaryPID.selectedFeedbackSensor = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.SensorSum.toFeedbackDevice(); // Sum0
// +
// Sum1
* PID Polarity
* With the sensor phasing taken care of, we now need to determine if the PID
* polarity is in the correct direction
* This is important because if the PID polarity is incorrect, we will run away
* while trying to correct
* Will inverting the polarity give us a positive counterclockwise heading?
* If we're moving counterclockwise(+), and the master is on the right side and
* inverted,
* it will have a negative velocity and the auxiliary will have a negative
* velocity
* heading = right + left
* heading = (-) + (-)
* heading = (-)
* Let's assume a setpoint of 0 heading.
* This produces a positive error, in order to cancel the error, the right
* master needs to
* drive backwards. This means the PID polarity needs to be inverted to handle
* this
* Conversely, if we're moving counterclwise(+), and the master is on the left
* side and inverted,
* it will have a positive velocity and the auxiliary will have a positive
* velocity.
* heading = right + left
* heading = (+) + (+)
* heading = (+)
* Let's assume a setpoint of 0 heading.
* This produces a negative error, in order to cancel the error, the left master
* needs to
* drive forwards. This means the PID polarity needs to be inverted to handle
* this
masterConfig.auxPIDPolarity = true;
} else {
/* Master is not inverted, both sides are positive so we can diff them. */
masterConfig.diff0Term = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.RemoteSensor1.toFeedbackDevice(); // Aux Selected Sensor
masterConfig.diff1Term = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor.toFeedbackDevice(); // Local
// IntegratedSensor
masterConfig.auxiliaryPID.selectedFeedbackSensor = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.SensorDifference
.toFeedbackDevice(); // Sum0 + Sum1
* With current diff terms, a counterclockwise rotation results in negative
* heading with a right master
masterConfig.auxPIDPolarity = true;
* Heading units should be scaled to ~4000 per 360 deg, due to the following
* limitations...
* - Target param for aux PID1 is 18bits with a range of [-131072,+131072]
* units.
* - Target for aux PID1 in motion profile is 14bits with a range of
* [-8192,+8192] units.
* ... so at 3600 units per 360', that ensures 0.1 degree precision in firmware
* closed-loop
* and motion profile trajectory points can range +-2 rotations.
masterConfig.auxiliaryPID.selectedFeedbackCoefficient = DriveTrainConstants.TURN_TRAVEL_UNITS_PER_ROTATION
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