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Created December 7, 2015 05:53
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"name":"A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night",
"summary":"In the Iranian ghost-town Bad City, a place that reeks of death and loneliness, the townspeople are unaware they are being stalked by a lonesome vampire.",
"rating":"Not Rated",
"genre":"Thriller, Horror, Romance",
"runtime":"99 min",
"review":"After a pretty sensational opening 20 minutes, A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT becomes a classic case of style over substance. And sadly, the style is nothing new. But those first 20 minutes show real talent and an ability to appropriate a culture while simultaneously criticizing and celebrating it. In this case, the appropriated culture is American pop culture in Iran. Sadly, the filmAfter a pretty sensational opening 20 minutes, A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT becomes a classic case of style over substance. And sadly, the style is nothing new. But those first 20 minutes show real talent and an ability to appropriate a culture while simultaneously criticizing and celebrating it. In this case, the appropriated culture is American pop culture in Iran. Sadly, the film doesn't hang on and eventually loses its way.",
"Emotional range":0.7693812622227079
"review":"A very interesting vampire movie that blends a lot of different genres (horror, drama, romance, etc) into a worth-while piece of cinema. The movie also benefits from a great cast.",
"Emotional range":0.6553766380191705
"review":"The movie certainly looks cool, and the lead actress has amazing presence, but it's slow as molasses, which is a problem for a motion picture. I can't imagine who the target audience for this film is. Definitely not horror fans. I can see where it would be cathartic for a Persian woman living in Iran or another country in the middle east which is not so progressive when it comes to women'sThe movie certainly looks cool, and the lead actress has amazing presence, but it's slow as molasses, which is a problem for a motion picture. I can't imagine who the target audience for this film is. Definitely not horror fans. I can see where it would be cathartic for a Persian woman living in Iran or another country in the middle east which is not so progressive when it comes to women's rights. I just wish the writer/director would have taken the story a bit further.",
"Emotional range":0.5940812312325452
"review":"That it's the first Iranian vampire film is really the only thing going for it when compared to other vampire flicks. It's kind of art-house (meaning dull and slow), although it has a few decent parts. It never really picks up any sort of pace, and the slow, meandering script lacks any real emotional centre.\rI have the feeling that if it wasn't the first Iranian vampire film, theThat it's the first Iranian vampire film is really the only thing going for it when compared to other vampire flicks. It's kind of art-house (meaning dull and slow), although it has a few decent parts. It never really picks up any sort of pace, and the slow, meandering script lacks any real emotional centre.\rI have the feeling that if it wasn't the first Iranian vampire film, the critics wouldn't be so smitten with it.",
"Emotional range":0.6661863795480535
"review":"'A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night' is most certainly a mood piece above all else. There are sequences in which the narrative comes together to provide something somewhat poetic, but those are few and far between; they are not what you pay for. I myself don't mind this (or the fact that the film can be pretty slow in parts), as the atmosphere created proved to be hypnotic. I don't love it,'A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night' is most certainly a mood piece above all else. There are sequences in which the narrative comes together to provide something somewhat poetic, but those are few and far between; they are not what you pay for. I myself don't mind this (or the fact that the film can be pretty slow in parts), as the atmosphere created proved to be hypnotic. I don't love it, however I most certainly like it and absolutely respect it.",
"Emotional range":0.7084444250937766
"review":"I agree with LowbrowCinema in that this film is a classic case of style over substance. The cinematography is gorgeous, but the plot leaves little to be desired. It does a good job establishing a tone of creepiness and melancholy, but, alas, atmosphere alone is rarely enough to sustain a feature film for the entire running time.",
"Emotional range":0.5771584452828038
"review":"In terms of aesthetic and artistic elements, the movie works perfectly and endorses a really unique environment. In terms of behavior, \"The Girl\" acts as the best vampire I have ever seen on screen. The film is worth it.",
"Emotional range":0.5518592854944019
"review":"This could perhaps be one of the best vampire movies I’ve ever seen, coming close to ‘Let The Right One In’. The film is astonishingly creepy and eerie, every time the vampire is on screen you are on the edge of your seat never really knowing what is going to happen.\rThe film is stunningly shot with some absolutely gorgeous cinematography; some scenes look like they’re straight out of aThis could perhaps be one of the best vampire movies I’ve ever seen, coming close to ‘Let The Right One In’. The film is astonishingly creepy and eerie, every time the vampire is on screen you are on the edge of your seat never really knowing what is going to happen.\rThe film is stunningly shot with some absolutely gorgeous cinematography; some scenes look like they’re straight out of a painting. The use of black and white in this film also really adds to how much of a desolate ghost town “Bad City” is. The film even has a slight Tarantino feel to it without it really being like a Tarantino film at all. This is some truly impressive cinema.\rThe pacing is relatively slow but it is engaging and due to how tense scenes can get you keep watching no matter how slow it goes.\rPerformances are also good here, with the actor who played the vampire bringing an excellent performance.\rStandout scenes would – pretty much – be any scene that the vampire is in.\rThere is obviously more going on in this film with its symbolism, imagery and overall message but I couldn’t fully give you a good explanation of it. I have a rough idea but I’ll re-watch it to get a better insight into it, and the film should be relatively easy to re-watch due to its beautiful shots.\rAn exceptional vampire film you SHOULD check out.\r8/10",
"Emotional range":0.4312486126266625
"review":"***D: Ana Lily Amirpour. Sheila Vand, Arash Marandi. And now for something completely different: It's, er, a Quentin-Tarantino-Sergio-Leone-spaghetti-western-like Iranian vampire movie. We need a lot of hyphens to talk about this one. And the blood-lusting night stalker is that chaste-looking girl in the abaya! Who knew? There's some good acting going on here as well. Shot in black and***D: Ana Lily Amirpour. Sheila Vand, Arash Marandi. And now for something completely different: It's, er, a Quentin-Tarantino-Sergio-Leone-spaghetti-western-like Iranian vampire movie. We need a lot of hyphens to talk about this one. And the blood-lusting night stalker is that chaste-looking girl in the abaya! Who knew? There's some good acting going on here as well. Shot in black and white to good effect, the setting looks oddly like some forgotten West Texas oil town that ran out of oil. The local pusher even drives a '56 T-Bird, all a bit confusing at first until we note the Persian license plate. And all a bit fun!",
"Emotional range":0.3782976642505385
"review":"This movie has a lot of really great moments to it--I loved all the scenes with the two protagonists, for instance, and a lot of others. When they meet for the second time, he's dressed as Dracula and coming from a party and he tells her not to be afraid of him--not realizing, of course, that she's the real vampire, which is a hilarious bit of dramatic irony for us watching. However,This movie has a lot of really great moments to it--I loved all the scenes with the two protagonists, for instance, and a lot of others. When they meet for the second time, he's dressed as Dracula and coming from a party and he tells her not to be afraid of him--not realizing, of course, that she's the real vampire, which is a hilarious bit of dramatic irony for us watching. However, there were a lot of very long musical interludes with abstract shots which were beautiful, but (for me at least) slowed down the film and the story I was interested in. Still, the central story and the main characters were incredibly compelling, and in my opinion, the movie ends perfectly, so it's worth the wait to get there.",
"Emotional range":0.43381784635782306
"review":"The horror and romance genres have always blended together awkwardly in my opinion. Especially when vampires are involved. That isn't the case here. In it's defense though it isn't entirely a horror movie. It is more of a story about being trapped in a bad area where the only way to get anywhere is to leave, and that's easier said than done. All of that is mixed in with plenty of weirdnessThe horror and romance genres have always blended together awkwardly in my opinion. Especially when vampires are involved. That isn't the case here. In it's defense though it isn't entirely a horror movie. It is more of a story about being trapped in a bad area where the only way to get anywhere is to leave, and that's easier said than done. All of that is mixed in with plenty of weirdness to create one the best vampire films in years.\rThe while film is in black and white giving it the feel of those old school horror movies of the 30's and 40's. The actual scares are light. Sheila Vand certainly can be creepy as the vampire, it's amazing what a dark cloak and pale face can do to make one look unnerving, but the movie isn't scary at all. Only a few moments of actual vampirism take place. The movie is more about telling a story than instilling fear.\rDespite that it's still an amazing film. There is an originality here that few other horror films, romance or otherwise, have had in recent years. It's also an needed shot of cool back into the vampire genre. It's no secret that those iconic horror movie monsters had lost their bite long ago. This movie does a lot to help give it back. The creativity and weirdness of it all is strangely exciting. Provided you can put up with the rather slow pace I think you'll find a lot to love here.",
"Emotional range":0.3334627899293717
"review":"I love watching movies that feel like discoveries and revelations of vital new talent. This movie is smart, fun, slick, provocative, and kind of beautiful.",
"Emotional range":0.2736997497068527
"review":"No matter where you were born at, if you're born female, you're in deep trouble....female power to the people ! :)....the scene where vampire mimics the moves of the junkie is one of the best in cinematography, a true masterpiece that chills your spine without a drop of blood being and learn all of you Saw, Asylum, Hostel and other directors....",
"Emotional range":0.20305050135065678
"review":"\"Cool\" in the way cool used to be used when it was a vibe and a look rather than an endorsement.\rSuperbly shot with an excellent use of soundtrack. Reminiscent of the languid stylings of Jarmusch but with the fun self-awareness of Tarantino and curatorial taste. As if Raymond Pettibon's cover art for Sonic Youth's Goo came to life as an Iranian Vampire flick.",
"Emotional range":0
"review":"In her debut feature-length film British-born Iranian-American writer/director Ana Lily Amirpour takes her 2011 short of the same name and expands it into a unique a genre-straddling stylistic mashup of spaghetti-western and horror with clear heart of romance.\rMuch has been made of the film’s visual style and its aesthetic similarities to Jim Jarmusch’s work with Amirpour choosing toIn her debut feature-length film British-born Iranian-American writer/director Ana Lily Amirpour takes her 2011 short of the same name and expands it into a unique a genre-straddling stylistic mashup of spaghetti-western and horror with clear heart of romance.\rMuch has been made of the film’s visual style and its aesthetic similarities to Jim Jarmusch’s work with Amirpour choosing to shoot in Monochrome (black & white spectrum) giving the landscape a stark look and smoothing over some of the obvious filming techniques which conspire with the soundtrack to create the familiar “retro-cool” of many recent indies.\rThere’s a lot to admire about this movie, in a small independent film Amirpour manages to take the “mysterious stranger” element of Sergio Leone westerns and subvert it using a young solitary girl as the ominous spectre that dishes out gruesome “justice” to “Bad City’s” sinful men, a feminist version of the “Angel of Death” paradigm if you will.\rDespite the vampiric elements in the film however, this is really not much of a horror with the girl’s paranormal abilities serving only as a mechanism to drive the true heart of the story, an ultimately traditional tale of young forbidden love, albeit between two very nontraditional characters, set in a unique contemporary context.\rFor all its uniqueness and creativity there are also a lot of issues with the film, there’s way too much technique on show, to the point of tedium, unnecessarily long lingering shots set to an all too familiar Synthpop soundtrack that builds mood but not much else, all of which serve to disguise the fact that there is not much of a story to speak of in another recent indie example of a lot of style over much less substance.\r‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ is no doubt an interesting film debut set in a highly original context, but the sum of its parts does not necessarily translate to a compelling cinematic experience in what feels more like an impressive visual arts project or bizarrely funky music video than a feature length film.\rThe Bottom Line…\rWriter/director Ana Lily Amirpour will have to go a long way to justify the comparisons being made between her and Quentin Tarantino, writing unforgettable dialogue would be task no. 1, but despite the lack of a compelling storyline and issues with execution, ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ is a refreshing take on a number of different genres and is a welcomingly creative debut from a director we look forward to following in the future.",
"Emotional range":0.19485606323149765
"Emotional range":0.9643952156261673
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