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Created December 17, 2013 12:53
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(defn process [config system repo]
(debug "processing " (str (:owner-login repo) "/") (:name repo))
(let [gh (safe-get system :github)
datomic (safe-get system :datomic)
sc-c (get-in @(safe-get system :user-cs-register)
[(:user-id repo) :sc-c])
user (get-user-by-id datomic (:user-id repo))
notes (get-notes gh datomic user repo)
datomic-notes (mapv (partial entities/prepare-record :note) notes)
;; TODO(si14): this will break when GH will allow custom permissions
hooked-repo (ensure-hook config system gh user repo)
selected-repo (assoc hooked-repo :status :selected)]
(drop-old-notes datomic repo)
(upsert :repository datomic (assoc selected-repo :notes datomic-notes))
(when sc-c
(go (>! sc-c (t/->ReposUpdateSC [selected-repo]))
(>! sc-c (t/->NotesUpdateSC (:gh-id repo) notes))))))
(defn check-undone [config system queue-c]
(let [datomic (safe-get system :datomic)
query '[:find ?eid
:in $
[?eid :repository/status :repository.status/processing ?tx]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?inst]
;; older than 30 minutes
[(codenotes.entities/older-than ?inst 1800)]]
db (d/db datomic)
repos (mapv (comp t/map->Repository
(entities/query-entities query db))]
(debug "found unprocessed repos older than 30 minutes:" repos)
(go (doseq [repo repos]
(>! queue-c repo)))))
;; TODO(si14): processor can (should?) be a separate thread
(defn start [config system]
(let [queue-c (safe-get-in system [:processor-channels :queue])
control-c (safe-get-in system [:processor-channels :control])
db-poller-c (start-db-poller config system)]
(go (loop []
(let [[val c] (alts! [control-c queue-c db-poller-c] :priority true)]
(condp = c
queue-c (do
(process config system val)
(catch Exception e
(error "got exception in processor loop"
(stacktrace/print-stack-trace e)))))
db-poller-c (do
(debug val)
(check-undone config system queue-c)
(catch Exception e
(error "got exception in check-undone loop"
(stacktrace/print-stack-trace e)))))
control-c (debug "stopping processor")))))))
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