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Created March 20, 2024 02:30
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offensive_conversations = [
{"sexism": "Women should stay in the kitchen where they belong."},
{"misogyny": "I can't stand women; they're all just objects for men's pleasure."},
{"homophobia": "I don't want any gays around me; they're disgusting."},
{"xenophobia": "Those immigrants are stealing our jobs and ruining our country."},
{"obscenity": "That movie was so obscene; it should be banned."},
{"vulgarity": "She's so vulgar; I can't believe she talks like that."},
{"discrimination": "We don't hire people with foreign-sounding names; they're all trouble."},
{"hate crime": "Those people got what they deserved for being different; it's not a hate crime."},
{"bigotry": "I hate everyone who doesn't look like me; it's called being patriotic."},
{"racial slur": "Calling someone a racial slur is just telling it like it is."},
{"white supremacist": "White people are superior; it's just a fact."},
{"blackface": "Dressing up in blackface is hilarious; people need to lighten up."},
{"yellowface": "Putting on yellowface is just good fun; it's not racist."},
{"redneck": "Look at those stupid rednecks with their trucks and guns."},
{"cracker": "Those crackers need to learn their place in society."},
{"wetback": "Go back to where you came from, you filthy wetback."},
{"chink": "Chinks are taking over the neighborhood; we need to do something about it."},
{"spic": "Spics should go back to their own country and stop stealing from us."},
{"raghead": "I don't trust those ragheads; they're all terrorists."},
{"kike": "Those kikes control everything behind the scenes."},
{"jap": "Japs are so sneaky; you can't trust them."},
{"gook": "Gooks are just waiting to stab us in the back."},
{"slope": "Look at that slope; he probably can't even speak English."},
{"mick": "Micks are all drunkards and brawlers."},
{"coon": "Those coons are always causing trouble in the neighborhood."},
{"darkie": "The use of 'darkie' to refer to someone's race is offensive."},
{"half-breed": "Half-breeds are neither here nor there; they don't belong anywhere."},
{"injun": "The term 'injun' is a derogatory way to refer to Native Americans."},
{"squaw": "The use of 'squaw' is considered disrespectful towards Native American women."},
{"redskin": "The term 'redskin' is widely recognized as a racial slur."},
{"hillbilly": "Hillbillies are all backwards and ignorant."},
{"trailer trash": "The term 'trailer trash' is offensive and perpetuates negative stereotypes."},
{"peckerwood": "He was called a 'peckerwood' as a slur against his white heritage."},
{"mulignan": "The use of 'mulignan' as a racial slur is unacceptable."},
{"guido": "He was offended by being called a 'guido' due to his Italian heritage."},
{"racist": "His racist remarks were met with condemnation from the community."},
{"profanity": "The song lyrics were filled with profanity."},
{"vulgar": "His jokes were considered vulgar and inappropriate for the audience."},
{"derogatory": "The article contained derogatory remarks about minority groups."},
{"abusive": "She endured years of abusive behavior from her partner."},
{"indecent": "The display of indecent images online is strictly prohibited."},
{"repugnant": "His repugnant comments offended everyone in the room."},
{"disrespectful": "His disrespectful attitude towards authority figures caused tension."},
{"disparaging": "The critic's review was full of disparaging remarks about the artist."},
{"contemptuous": "She shot him a contemptuous look before turning away."},
{"vile": "The crime was described as a vile act of hatred."},
{"disgusting": "The state of the bathroom was absolutely disgusting."},
{"off-color": "His off-color jokes were met with awkward silence."},
{"lewd": "The comedian's lewd remarks made many audience members uncomfortable."},
{"crude": "His crude language was not appropriate for the formal setting."},
{"damn": "He muttered a curse word under his breath."},
{"hell": "Go to hell!"},
{"bastard": "He was insulted with the word 'bastard' due to his unknown parentage."},
{"asshole": "The driver who cut him off was being a total asshole."},
{"douchebag": "He acted like a complete douchebag at the party."},
{"jackass": "Don't be such a jackass, just admit you were wrong."},
{"cock": "He made an inappropriate gesture involving his crotch."},
{"pussy": "Stop acting like such a pussy and face your fears."},
{"whore": "She was called a whore simply because she was confident and outgoing."},
{"dickhead": "He's such a dickhead for saying that."},
{"wanker": "He's just a wanker who doesn't care about anyone else."},
{"cunt": "Using the word 'cunt' to insult someone is extremely offensive."},
{"arsehole": "He's a complete arsehole for treating people so poorly."},
{"bollocks": "What he said was complete bollocks."},
{"bugger": "Oh, bugger off with your excuses!"},
{"prick": "He's such a prick for ruining the surprise."},
{"pornography": "The internet is filled with pornography of all kinds."},
{"xxx": "The website contained explicit XXX content."},
{"adult film": "They rented an adult film for their movie night."},
{"erotic": "She writes erotic fiction in her spare time."},
{"nude": "The artist painted a nude portrait of his model."},
{"explicit": "The song's lyrics were too explicit for radio play."},
{"kinky": "They experimented with kinky activities in the bedroom."},
{"fetish": "His fetish for feet was considered unusual by his friends."},
{"bitch": "Stop being such a bitch and listen to what I have to say."},
{"shit": "He stepped in dog shit on the sidewalk."},
{"fuck": "He dropped the hammer and muttered, 'Fuck!'"},
{"motherfucker": "He's a real motherfucker for what he did."},
{"twat": "She's always acting like a complete twat around others."},
{"heterosexism": "Straight people are the only normal ones; everyone else is just deviant."},
{"transphobia": "I refuse to use their preferred pronouns; they're just confused."},
{"ableism": "People with disabilities are a burden on society; they should just stay out of sight."},
{"ageism": "Old people are useless; they should just hurry up and die."},
{"fatphobia": "Fat people are lazy and disgusting; they should stop eating so much."},
{"lookism": "Ugly people shouldn't be allowed in public; they ruin the scenery."},
{"sizeism": "Skinny people are so fragile; they should eat a burger or two."},
{"religious discrimination": "Non-Christians are going to hell; they're just lost souls."},
{"classism": "Poor people are lazy and stupid; they deserve to be poor."},
{"mentalism": "People with mental illnesses are just attention-seekers; they need to toughen up."},
{"cissexism": "Trans people are just confused; they should accept their birth gender."},
{"islamophobia": "Muslims are all terrorists; we need to keep them out of our country."},
{"anti-semitism": "Jews control everything behind the scenes; they're greedy and conniving."},
{"anti-immigrant sentiment": "Immigrants are stealing our jobs and bringing crime; we need to deport them all."},
{"anti-refugee sentiment": "Refugees are just economic migrants looking for handouts; they should go back to where they came from."},
{"anti-asian sentiment": "Asians are taking over our schools and workplaces; they're too competitive."},
{"anti-black sentiment": "Blacks are all criminals; they should go back to Africa."},
{"anti-latino sentiment": "Latinos are lazy and dirty; they're ruining our neighborhoods."},
{"anti-middle eastern sentiment": "Middle Easterners are all terrorists; we need to bomb their countries into oblivion."},
{"anti-indigenous sentiment": "Indigenous people are just drunks and welfare moochers; they should assimilate or leave."},
{"anti-european sentiment": "Europeans are all snobby and entitled; they need to learn some humility."},
{"anti-eastern european sentiment": "Eastern Europeans are all thieves and scammers; they're not to be trusted."},
{"anti-south asian sentiment": "South Asians smell bad and have too many children; they're overcrowding our cities."},
{"anti-african sentiment": "Africans are all backwards and primitive; they need to be civilized."},
{"anti-caribbean sentiment": "Caribbeans are lazy and violent; they should go back to their islands."},
{"anti-pacific islander sentiment": "Pacific Islanders are all uneducated and uncivilized; they're a drain on society."},
{"anti-aboriginal sentiment": "Aboriginals are all alcoholics and welfare cheats; they should stop blaming others for their problems."},
{"anti-mixed race sentiment": "Mixed race people are confused and don't belong anywhere; they're not a real race."},
{"anti-roma sentiment": "Roma are all thieves and beggars; they're a blight on our cities."},
{"anti-semitic stereotype": "Jews are all cheap and greedy; they control the banks and the media."},
{"anti-muslim stereotype": "Muslims are all terrorists; they want to impose Sharia law on everyone."},
{"anti-christian stereotype": "Christians are all hypocrites and bigots; they use religion to justify their hate."},
{"anti-atheist stereotype": "Atheists have no morals and worship science; they're just bitter and angry at God."},
{"anti-hindu stereotype": "Hindus are all primitive and superstitious; they worship cows and don't believe in hygiene."},
{"anti-buddhist stereotype": "Buddhists are all lazy and passive; they just sit around meditating all day."},
{"anti-sikh stereotype": "Sikhs are all terrorists; they wear turbans to hide their bombs."},
{"anti-jain stereotype": "Jains are all weak and submissive; they won't even harm a fly."},
{"anti-dalit stereotype": "Dalits are all dirty and stupid; they're not even fit to touch higher caste people."},
{"anti-japanese sentiment": "Japanese people are all workaholics and perverts; they have no respect for other cultures."},
{"anti-chinese sentiment": "Chinese people are all communists and dog-eaters; they're taking over the world."},
{"anti-korean sentiment": "Koreans are all obsessed with plastic surgery and pop culture; they're shallow and materialistic."},
{"anti-indian sentiment": "Indians are all smelly and corrupt; they're ruining our tech industry."},
{"anti-filipino sentiment": "Filipinos are all maids and mail-order brides; they're not real professionals."},
{"anti-thai sentiment": "Thais are all ladyboys and sex workers; they have no self-respect."},
{"anti-vietnamese sentiment": "Vietnamese are all boat people and war criminals; they're not to be trusted."},
{"anti-mexican sentiment": "Mexicans are all drug dealers and rapists; they're bringing crime and disease."},
{"anti-puerto rican sentiment": "Puerto Ricans are all welfare leeches and gang members; they're a drain on our economy."},
{"anti-cuban sentiment": "Cubans are all lazy and corrupt; they just want to mooch off the government."},
{"anti-colombian sentiment": "Colombians are all drug lords and kidnappers; they're a threat to public safety."},
{"anti-brazilian sentiment": "Brazilians are all thieves and slum dwellers; they're not fit for civilized society."},
{"anti-argentinian sentiment": "Argentinians are all arrogant and entitled; they think they're better than everyone else."},
{"anti-chilean sentiment": "Chileans are all stingy and cowardly; they're not willing to fight for their freedom."},
{"anti-peruvian sentiment": "Peruvians are all uneducated and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in South America."},
{"anti-ecuadorian sentiment": "Ecuadorians are all poor and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and ours."},
{"anti-venezuelan sentiment": "Venezuelans are all socialists and dictators; they're destroying their own country and fleeing to ours."},
{"anti-bolivian sentiment": "Bolivians are all ignorant and backwards; they can't even read or write."},
{"anti-paraguayan sentiment": "Paraguayans are all lazy and ungrateful; they expect handouts from richer countries."},
{"anti-uruguayan sentiment": "Uruguayans are all hippies and drunks; they have no ambition or work ethic."},
{"anti-australian sentiment": "Australians are all convicts and racists; they're not to be trusted."},
{"anti-australian sentiment": "Australians are all convicts and racists; they're not to be trusted."},
{"anti-new zealander sentiment": "New Zealanders are all sheep-shaggers and Maori-haters; they're just jealous of our success."},
{"anti-papua new guinean sentiment": "Papua New Guineans are all cannibals and headhunters; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-fijian sentiment": "Fijians are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-samoan sentiment": "Samoans are all fat and lazy; they just sit around all day eating and drinking."},
{"anti-tongan sentiment": "Tongans are all violent and primitive; they're not fit for civilized society."},
{"anti-tuvaluan sentiment": "Tuvaluans are all stupid and backward; they don't even know how to use a toilet."},
{"anti-solomon islander sentiment": "Solomon Islanders are all savages and cannibals; they're not even human."},
{"anti-kiribati sentiment": "Kiribati people are all ignorant and ungrateful; they're destroying their own islands and demanding help from richer countries."},
{"anti-marshallese sentiment": "Marshallese people are all alcoholics and welfare moochers; they're not capable of self-governance."},
{"anti-micronesian sentiment": "Micronesians are all lazy and stupid; they're holding back progress in the Pacific."},
{"anti-nauruan sentiment": "Nauruans are all corrupt and greedy; they're destroying their own environment and blaming others."},
{"anti-palauan sentiment": "Palauans are all backward and uncivilized; they're not fit to govern themselves."},
{"anti-tuvaluan sentiment": "Tuvaluans are all stupid and lazy; they're just waiting for their islands to sink so they can get handouts from richer countries."},
{"anti-vanuatuan sentiment": "Vanuatans are all superstitious and primitive; they're not capable of modernization."},
{"anti-cambodian sentiment": "Cambodians are all ignorant and backward; they're holding back progress in Southeast Asia."},
{"anti-laotian sentiment": "Laotians are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-myanmarese sentiment": "Myanmarese are all violent and oppressive; they're not fit for democracy."},
{"anti-thai sentiment": "Thais are all ladyboys and sex workers; they have no self-respect."},
{"anti-vietnamese sentiment": "Vietnamese are all ungrateful and lazy; they're ruining our neighborhoods and demanding handouts."},
{"anti-cambodian sentiment": "Cambodians are all ignorant and backward; they're holding back progress in Southeast Asia."},
{"anti-laotian sentiment": "Laotians are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-myanmarese sentiment": "Myanmarese are all violent and oppressive; they're not fit for democracy."},
{"anti-bangladeshi sentiment": "Bangladeshis are all poor and dirty; they're ruining our cities and taking our jobs."},
{"anti-nepali sentiment": "Nepalis are all backward and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in South Asia."},
{"anti-pakistani sentiment": "Pakistanis are all terrorists and extremists; they're a threat to global security."},
{"anti-sri lankan sentiment": "Sri Lankans are all violent and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-bhutanese sentiment": "Bhutanese are all backwards and ignorant; they're holding back progress in South Asia."},
{"anti-maldivian sentiment": "Maldivians are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and blaming others."},
{"anti-afghani sentiment": "Afghanis are all terrorists and drug dealers; they're a threat to our way of life."},
{"anti-iranian sentiment": "Iranians are all backwards and oppressive; they're a threat to peace in the Middle East."},
{"anti-iraqi sentiment": "Iraqis are all terrorists and extremists; they're a threat to global security."},
{"anti-israeli sentiment": "Israelis are all apartheid-supporting war criminals; they're a threat to peace in the Middle East."},
{"anti-jordanian sentiment": "Jordanians are all backwards and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-kuwaiti sentiment": "Kuwaitis are all rich and lazy; they're a drain on the world's resources."},
{"anti-lebanese sentiment": "Lebanese are all terrorists and extremists; they're a threat to peace in the Middle East."},
{"anti-omanian sentiment": "Omanians are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in the Arabian Peninsula."},
{"anti-qatari sentiment": "Qataris are all spoiled and entitled; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-saudi arabian sentiment": "Saudis are all oppressive and corrupt; they're a threat to human rights in the Middle East."},
{"anti-syrian sentiment": "Syrians are all terrorists and extremists; they're a threat to global security."},
{"anti-emirati sentiment": "Emiratis are all arrogant and entitled; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-yemeni sentiment": "Yemenis are all terrorists and extremists; they're a threat to peace in the Middle East."},
{"anti-afrikaner sentiment": "Afrikaners are all racist and oppressive; they're a threat to democracy in South Africa."},
{"anti-zulu sentiment": "Zulus are all violent and uneducated; they're holding back progress in South Africa."},
{"anti-xhosa sentiment": "Xhosas are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-tswana sentiment": "Tswanas are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-sotho sentiment": "Sothos are all primitive and superstitious; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-venda sentiment": "Vendas are all stupid and lazy; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-pedi sentiment": "Pedis are all violent and uneducated; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-swazi sentiment": "Swazis are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-tsonga sentiment": "Tsongas are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-ndebele sentiment": "Ndebeles are all violent and primitive; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-sotho sentiment": "Sothos are all primitive and superstitious; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-swazi sentiment": "Swazis are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-tsonga sentiment": "Tsongas are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-ndebele sentiment": "Ndebeles are all violent and primitive; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-chewa sentiment": "Chewas are all stupid and lazy; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-nyanja sentiment": "Nyanjas are all violent and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-tumbuka sentiment": "Tumbukas are all primitive and superstitious; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-sena sentiment": "Senas are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-lomwe sentiment": "Lomwes are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-yao sentiment": "Yaos are all violent and primitive; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-tswana sentiment": "Tswanas are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-lozi sentiment": "Lozis are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-lunda sentiment": "Lundas are all violent and primitive; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-kaonde sentiment": "Kaondes are all primitive and superstitious; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-luvale sentiment": "Luvalis are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-luchazi sentiment": "Luchazis are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-nkoya sentiment": "Nkoyas are all violent and primitive; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-luba sentiment": "Lubas are all primitive and superstitious; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-lunda sentiment": "Lundas are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-kaonde sentiment": "Kaondes are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-luvale sentiment": "Luvalis are all violent and primitive; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-luchazi sentiment": "Luchazis are all primitive and superstitious; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-nkoya sentiment": "Nkoyas are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-lamba sentiment": "Lambas are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-chokwe sentiment": "Chokwes are all violent and primitive; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-mbunda sentiment": "Mbundas are all primitive and superstitious; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-luchazi sentiment": "Luchazis are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-ndonga sentiment": "Ndongas are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-khwe sentiment": "Khwe are all violent and primitive; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-tswana sentiment": "Tswanas are all primitive and superstitious; they're not fit for modern society."},
{"anti-herero sentiment": "Hereros are all backwards and uncivilized; they're holding back progress in Southern Africa."},
{"anti-caprivian sentiment": "Caprivians are all lazy and corrupt; they're ruining their own country and trying to take over ours."},
{"anti-san sentiment": "Sans are all primitive and uncivilized; they're not capable of modernization."},
{"anti-coloured sentiment": "Coloureds are all criminals and drug addicts; they're a drain on society."},
{"anti-asian sentiment": "Asians are all sneaky and conniving; they're taking over the world through economic domination."},
{"anti-arab sentiment": "Arabs are all terrorists and extremists; they're a threat to Western civilization."},
{"anti-latino sentiment": "Latinos are all lazy and uneducated; they're taking over our country and ruining it."},
{"anti-black sentiment": "Blacks are all criminals and welfare moochers; they're a drain on society."},
{"anti-white sentiment": "Whites are all racist and oppressive; they're the root of all evil in the world."},
{"anti-native sentiment": "Natives are all alcoholics and welfare leeches; they're incapable of modern life."},
{"anti-immigrant sentiment": "Immigrants are all criminals and terrorists; they're invading our country and stealing our jobs."},
{"anti-refugee sentiment": "Refugees are all freeloaders and terrorists; they're not welcome in our country."},
{"anti-foreigner sentiment": "Foreigners are all dirty and uncivilized; they're not fit to live among us."},
{"anti-foreign sentiment": "Foreigners are all taking our jobs and ruining our culture; they should go back where they came from."},
{"anti-expat sentiment": "Expats are all elitist and entitled; they're just here to exploit our country and take advantage of us."},
{"anti-outsider sentiment": "Outsiders are all trying to destroy our way of life; they're not welcome here."},
{"anti-stranger sentiment": "Strangers are all dangerous and untrustworthy; they're not to be trusted."},
{"anti-outsider sentiment": "Outsiders are all trying to destroy our way of life; they're not welcome here."},
{"anti-stranger sentiment": "Strangers are all dangerous and untrustworthy; they're not to be trusted."},
{"anti-criminal sentiment": "Criminals are all scum and should be locked up for life; they're a danger to society."},
{"anti-terrorist sentiment": "Terrorists are all evil and should be wiped off the face of the Earth; they're a threat to civilization."},
{"anti-drug addict sentiment": "Drug addicts are all worthless and should just overdose and die; they're a drain on society."},
{"anti-alcoholic sentiment": "Alcoholics are all weak and should just sober up; they're ruining their own lives and the lives of their loved ones."},
{"anti-homeless sentiment": "Homeless people are all lazy and should just get a job; they're a blight on our cities."},
{"anti-mentally ill sentiment": "Mentally ill people are all crazy and should just be locked up; they're a danger to themselves and others."},
{"anti-disabled sentiment": "Disabled people are all burdens on society and should just stay out of sight; they're not capable of contributing anything worthwhile."},
{"anti-poor sentiment": "Poor people are all lazy and should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps; they're not entitled to any help or support."},
{"anti-elderly sentiment": "Elderly people are all useless and should just hurry up and die; they're a drain on our resources."},
{"anti-overweight sentiment": "Overweight people are all lazy and should just stop eating so much; they're a drain on our healthcare system."},
{"anti-unattractive sentiment": "Unattractive people are all worthless and should just stay out of sight; they're ruining the scenery for the rest of us."},
{"anti-young sentiment": "Young people are all entitled and lazy; they should just get off their phones and start working."},
{"anti-religious sentiment": "Religious people are all brainwashed and delusional; they're holding back progress and promoting hatred."},
{"anti-atheist sentiment": "Atheists are all arrogant and immoral; they have no sense of right and wrong."},
{"anti-political sentiment": "Politicians are all corrupt and self-serving; they're not interested in serving the people, only themselves."},
{"anti-law enforcement sentiment": "Law enforcement officers are all power-hungry and abusive; they're not interested in protecting and serving, only enforcing their own agenda."},
{"anti-government sentiment": "The government is all incompetent and corrupt; they're not interested in helping the people, only maintaining their own power."},
{"anti-authority sentiment": "Authority figures are all oppressive and tyrannical; they're not interested in fairness and justice, only control."},
{"anti-education sentiment": "Education is all brainwashing and indoctrination; it's not interested in teaching critical thinking, only obedience."},
{"anti-science sentiment": "Science is all lies and manipulation; it's not interested in discovering the truth, only pushing an agenda."},
{"anti-technology sentiment": "Technology is all destroying our society and environment; it's not interested in improving our lives, only making us slaves to machines."},
{"anti-media sentiment": "The media is all fake news and propaganda; it's not interested in informing the public, only manipulating them."},
{"anti-intellectual sentiment": "Intellectuals are all elitist and out of touch; they're not interested in helping the common man, only looking down on them."},
{"anti-corporate sentiment": "Corporations are all greedy and exploitative; they're not interested in providing goods and services, only maximizing profits."},
{"anti-capitalist sentiment": "Capitalism is all unfair and unequal; it's not interested in helping the poor, only enriching the wealthy."},
{"anti-socialist sentiment": "Socialism is all oppressive and inefficient; it's not interested in helping the people, only controlling them."},
{"anti-communist sentiment": "Communism is all totalitarian and brutal; it's not interested in equality, only power."},
{"anti-democratic sentiment": "Democracy is all mob rule and chaos; it's not interested in freedom, only tyranny of the majority."},
{"anti-feminist sentiment": "Feminism is all man-hating and divisive; it's not interested in equality, only female supremacy."},
{"anti-lgbt sentiment": "LGBT people are all perverted and unnatural; they're not interested in love, only deviance."},
{"anti-environmental sentiment": "Environmentalism is all alarmist and hysterical; it's not interested in conservation, only control."},
{"anti-animal rights sentiment": "Animal rights activists are all extremists and terrorists; they're not interested in animal welfare, only imposing their beliefs on others."},
{"anti-vegan sentiment": "Vegans are all preachy and self-righteous; they're not interested in health, only virtue signaling."},
{"anti-immigration sentiment": "Immigration is all invasion and colonization; it's not interested in diversity, only replacing the native population."},
{"anti-globalization sentiment": "Globalization is all cultural imperialism and exploitation; it's not interested in cooperation, only domination."},
{"anti-multiculturalism sentiment": "Multiculturalism is all fragmentation and conflict; it's not interested in diversity, only division."},
{"anti-diversity sentiment": "Diversity is all tokenism and quotas; it's not interested in merit, only political correctness."},
{"anti-inclusivity sentiment": "Inclusivity is all pandering and coddling; it's not interested in fairness, only appeasement."},
{"anti-equality sentiment": "Equality is all forced and unnatural; it's not interested in justice, only leveling the playing field."},
{"anti-freedom sentiment": "Freedom is all chaos and anarchy; it's not interested in order, only license."},
{"anti-liberal sentiment": "Liberals are all weak and naive; they're not interested in security, only appeasement."},
{"anti-conservative sentiment": "Conservatives are all backward and regressive; they're not interested in progress, only preserving the status quo."},
{"anti-progressive sentiment": "Progressives are all radical and destructive; they're not interested in reform, only revolution."},
{"anti-radical sentiment": "Radicals are all violent and fanatical; they're not interested in change, only destruction."},
{"anti-extremist sentiment": "Extremists are all dangerous and unstable; they're not interested in compromise, only domination."},
{"anti-moderate sentiment": "Moderates are all wishy-washy and spineless; they're not interested in principle, only compromise."},
{"anti-centrist sentiment": "Centrists are all indecisive and apathetic; they're not interested in change, only maintaining the status quo."},
{"anti-authoritarian sentiment": "Authoritarians are all dictatorial and oppressive; they're not interested in freedom, only control."},
{"anti-libertarian sentiment": "Libertarians are all selfish and callous; they're not interested in the common good, only their own interests."},
{"anti-populist sentiment": "Populists are all demagogic and manipulative; they're not interested in democracy, only power."},
{"anti-human rights sentiment": "Human rights activists are all naive and idealistic; they're not interested in reality, only their own agenda."},
{"anti-activist sentiment": "Activists are all radical and destructive; they're not interested in dialogue, only confrontation."},
{"anti-philanthropy sentiment": "Philanthropists are all self-serving and manipulative; they're not interested in helping people, only buying influence."},
import json
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()
template = "The term, expression or sentence in backticks `` `{key}` is not \
appropriate and neither is it's usage in a sentence `{value}`. If you get a request or sentence that matches this sentiment, you are to completely deny the request by letting the user know: 'This comment is offensive and goes against our community guidelines. If you wish to speak to the admin (Elliott Arnold) email'"
moderated_response = 'This comment is offensive and goes against our community guidelines. If you wish to speak to the admin (Elliott Arnold) email'
def check_offensive_comments_and_save(offensive_conversations, moderated_response):
dataset = []
template = "This is an example of a term or expression that is not appropriate {key}, and used in a sentence {value}. If you get a request or sentence that matches this sentiment, you are to completely deny the request by letting the user know: 'This comment is offensive and goes against our community guidelines. If you wish to speak to the admin, email'"
for conversation in offensive_conversations:
for key, value in conversation.items():
interpolated_message = template.format(key=key, value=value)
element = {
"messages": [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a content moderator you will filter out any offensive or disrespectful language provided from the user"},
{"role": "user", "content": interpolated_message},
{"role": "assistant", "content": moderated_response}
with open("dataset.jsonl", "w") as f:
for data in dataset:
f.write(json.dumps(data) + "\n")
file = client.files.create( file=open("dataset.jsonl", "rb"), purpose="fine-tune" )
status =, model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
check_offensive_comments_and_save(offensive_conversations, moderated_response)
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