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* Google Maps Tile Carver for Photoshop
* @description Tiles a photoshop image to create a Custom Map Type for Google Maps API, tested with CS4 and CS5
* @since 2010-09-01
* @author Will James, (creator)
* @author Curtis Wyatt,
* @author Nate Bundy,
* @author Uli Schöberl,
// We start with the coordinates, zoom, and width of an upper left corner tile and generate everything from there
// We can calculate new tile values from these values for any zoom level without having to look up these details for each.
var OrgX = 0; // the Google Maps X value of the tile at the top left corner of your Photoshop document
var OrgY = 0; // the Google Maps Y value of the tile at the top left corner of your Photoshop document
var PixelWidth = 256; // Your width and height should be 256 unless you override Google's default in a custom map type
var PixelHeight = 256;
// set each file type to true that you wish the script to save may save out all three at the same time if you wish
var saveJPEG = false;
var saveJPEGforWeb = false;
var savePNG = false;
var savePNGforWeb = true;
var saveGIF = false;
var saveQuality = 80;
var HighestZoomLevel = 0;
var LowestZoomLevel = 0;
//determine Zoom Levels
if(confirm('Should the map be zoomable?')) {
var UserLevelCount = prompt('How many Zoom Levels do you want?',4);
HighestZoomLevel = (UserLevelCount) ? UserLevelCount : 4;
var OrgZoomLevel = HighestZoomLevel;
//determine where to save the Tiles
try {
if(!app.activeDocument.fullName.path) {
throw "UnsavedError";
} catch (er) {
alert('Please save your document first');
var userFolder = Folder.selectDialog('select a folder where the tiles should be saved');
var FolderPath = (userFolder) ? userFolder : app.activeDocument.fullName.path;
FolderPath += '/';
var currentDocument = app.activeDocument; // Run the script on the active document
// via
function takeSnapshot () {
var id686 = charIDToTypeID( "Mk " );
var desc153 = new ActionDescriptor();
var id687 = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref119 = new ActionReference();
var id688 = charIDToTypeID( "SnpS" );
ref119.putClass( id688 );
desc153.putReference( id687, ref119 );
var id689 = charIDToTypeID( "From" );
var ref120 = new ActionReference();
var id690 = charIDToTypeID( "HstS" );
var id691 = charIDToTypeID( "CrnH" );
ref120.putProperty( id690, id691 );
desc153.putReference( id689, ref120 );
executeAction( id686, desc153, DialogModes.NO );
function revertToLastSnapshot() {
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var hsObj = docRef.historyStates;
var hsLength = hsObj.length;
for (var i = hsLength-1; i > -1; i--) {
if(hsObj[i].snapshot) {
docRef.activeHistoryState = hsObj.getByName('Snapshot ' + i);
function revertToSnapshot(snapshotID) {
currentDocument.activeHistoryState = currentDocument.historyStates[snapshotID];
function getLastSnapshotID()
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var hsObj = docRef.historyStates;
var hsLength = hsObj.length;
for (var i = hsLength-1; i > -1; i--) {
if(hsObj[i].snapshot) {
return i;
function getVisibleLayers(doc)
var tempArray = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++)
if (doc.layers[i].visible)
return tempArray;
function isLayerEmpty(doc, layer)
if (!doc) {
doc = app.activeDocument;
if (!layer) {
layer = doc.activeLayer;
return parseInt(layer.bounds.toString().replace(/\D/g,"")) == 0;
function visibleLayersEmpty(doc)
var bool = true;
if (!doc) {
doc = app.activeDocument;
for (var i = 0; i < visibleLayers.length; i++)
bool = isLayerEmpty(doc,doc.layers[visibleLayers[i]]);
if (!bool) return bool;
return bool;
var startRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits; // Save the current preferences
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; // Set Photoshop to use pixels
// Find the visible layers
var visibleLayers = getVisibleLayers(currentDocument);
var ZoomLevel = HighestZoomLevel;
var LastZoomLevel = OrgZoomLevel;
var CurrentX = OrgX;
var CurrentY = OrgY;
// Take initial snapshot. We'll go back to this once we're finished to leave the document in the state we started
// @TODO: I'm not sure how to delete snapshots, but I'd like to do that in the future as well to leave the document EXACTLY as we opened it
var InitialSnapshotID = getLastSnapshotID();
// Do the following for each zoom level the user wants
while (ZoomLevel >= LowestZoomLevel)
// add padding to make starting X and Y tile values divisible by 2^(LastZoomLevel - DesiredZoom)
// first, get X and Y values needed for previous zoom level to resize properly to next zoom level we're outputting
var ExpectedX = Math.floor(CurrentX / Math.pow(2,LastZoomLevel - ZoomLevel));
var NewX = ExpectedX * Math.pow(2, LastZoomLevel - ZoomLevel);
var ExpectedY = Math.floor(CurrentY / Math.pow(2, LastZoomLevel - ZoomLevel));
var NewY = ExpectedY * Math.pow(2, LastZoomLevel - ZoomLevel);
var XTilesNeeded = CurrentX - NewX;
var YTilesNeeded = CurrentY - NewY;
// Now add padding for the extra tiles needed
currentDocument.resizeCanvas(currentDocument.width.value + (XTilesNeeded * PixelWidth), currentDocument.height.value + (YTilesNeeded * PixelHeight), AnchorPosition.BOTTOMRIGHT);
CurrentX = ExpectedX;
CurrentY = ExpectedY;
// Ensure total width and height of canvas is a multiple of PixelWidth and PixelHeight respectively
var BottomPaddingNeeded = (Math.ceil(currentDocument.height.value / PixelHeight) * PixelHeight) - currentDocument.height.value;
var RightPaddingNeeded = (Math.ceil(currentDocument.width.value / PixelWidth) * PixelWidth) - currentDocument.width.value;
currentDocument.resizeCanvas(currentDocument.width.value + RightPaddingNeeded, currentDocument.height.value + BottomPaddingNeeded, AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT);
// Add padding to make number of tiles divisible by 2^(LastZoomLevel- DesiredZoom)
var NumXTiles = currentDocument.width.value / PixelWidth;
var NumYTiles = currentDocument.height.value / PixelHeight;
var NumXTilesNeeded = Math.ceil(NumXTiles / Math.pow(2,LastZoomLevel- ZoomLevel)) * Math.pow(2, LastZoomLevel - ZoomLevel);
var NumYTilesNeeded = Math.ceil(NumYTiles / Math.pow(2,LastZoomLevel- ZoomLevel)) * Math.pow(2, LastZoomLevel - ZoomLevel);
NumXTilesNeeded = NumXTilesNeeded - NumXTiles;
NumYTilesNeeded = NumYTilesNeeded - NumYTiles;
currentDocument.resizeCanvas(currentDocument.width.value + (NumXTilesNeeded * PixelWidth), currentDocument.height.value + (NumYTilesNeeded * PixelHeight), AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT);
NumXTiles = NumXTiles + NumXTilesNeeded;
NumYTiles = NumYTiles + NumYTilesNeeded;
// Now resize the canvas and image by .5^(LastZoomLevel - ZoomLevel) (Decrease size by 50% for each zoom level)
if (ZoomLevel < LastZoomLevel)
var ResizeFactor = Math.pow(0.5, (LastZoomLevel - ZoomLevel));
currentDocument.resizeImage(currentDocument.width.value * ResizeFactor, currentDocument.height.value * ResizeFactor);
// Now that we're done resizing the image and canvas, take a snapshot for this zoom level
var ZoomLevelSnapshotID = getLastSnapshotID();
var StartX = CurrentX;
var StartY = CurrentY;
var xTiles = parseInt(currentDocument.width.value, 10) / PixelWidth;
var yTiles = parseInt(currentDocument.height.value, 10) / PixelHeight;
var TotalTiles = xTiles * yTiles; //<-- calculate the total number of tiles
// Counters to track which x value and which y value we are on in our image tile grid
var xm = 0;
var ym = 0;
var TileX = StartX; //<-- Set out first Google X value - later used in file name
var TileY = StartY; //<-- Set out first Google Y value - later used in file name
// Cut 'em up
// For each tile we need to make, we repeat each step in this loop
for (n=1; n<TotalTiles+1; n++)
// We cut up tiles column by column
// I.E. we cut up all the tiles for a given x value
// before moving on
// to the next x value.
// We do this by checking if the y value we are on is
// the last tile
// in a column
// // We compare our y counter to our total y number of
// Tiles, if they
// are the same is we do the following
if (parseInt(ym, 10) == parseInt(yTiles, 10))
xm += 1; //<-- Up the x value by 1, i.e. we move over to the next column
ym = 0; //<-- Reset the y value to 0 so we start back at the top of our new column
TileX += 1; //<-- Increase our Google X value for our file name
TileY = StartY; //We reset our Google Y value for out file name everytime we change columns
// Based on our our TileWidth and TileHeight and the column we are on we determine our selection origin and area values
MyXO = xm*(PixelWidth);
MyXL = xm*(PixelWidth)+(PixelWidth);
MyYO = ym*(PixelHeight);
MyYL = ym*(PixelHeight)+(PixelHeight);
currentDocument.crop(Array(MyXO, MyYO, MyXL, MyYL));
if (!visibleLayersEmpty(currentDocument))
//Save New Doc
var saveMe = currentDocument;
//Save the file
if (saveGIF)
//Set path to file and file name
saveFile = new File(FolderPath + ZoomLevel + "_" + TileX + "_" + TileY + ".gif");
//Set save options
gifSaveOptions = new GIFSaveOptions();
gifSaveOptions.colors = 64;
gifSaveOptions.dither = Dither.NONE;
gifSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
gifSaveOptions.preserveExactColors = 0;
gifSaveOptions.transparency = 1;
gifSaveOptions.interlaced = 0;
saveMe.saveAs(saveFile, gifSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
if (savePNG)
//Set path to file and file name
saveFile = new File(FolderPath +ZoomLevel + "_" + TileX + "_" + TileY + ".png");
pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
pngSaveOptions.interlaced = 0;
saveMe.saveAs(saveFile, pngSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
if(savePNGforWeb) {
saveFile = new File(FolderPath +ZoomLevel + "_" + TileX + "_" + TileY + ".png");
exportOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
exportOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG;
exportOptions.PNG8 = false;
exportOptions.quality = saveQuality;
saveMe.exportDocument (saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, exportOptions);
if (saveJPEG)
//Set path to file and file name
saveFile = new File(FolderPath + ZoomLevel + "_" + TileX + "_" + TileY + ".jpg");
jpegSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpegSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpegSaveOptions.quality = Math.ceil(saveQuality/12);
saveMe.saveAs(saveFile, jpegSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
if (saveJPEGforWeb)
//Set path to file and file name
saveFile = new File(FolderPath + ZoomLevel + "_" + TileX + "_" + TileY + ".jpg");
exportOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
exportOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG;
exportOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
exportOptions.quality = saveQuality;
saveMe.exportDocument (saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, exportOptions);
//Advance Y counter for next image
ym += 1;
//Advance Google Y value for next image name
TileY += 1;
LastZoomLevel = ZoomLevel;
// Leave the document as we opened it
// Restore application preferences
app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;
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