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Last active February 27, 2021 02:01
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PHP encryption and decryption for Nginx Encrypted Session module
* Nginx Encrypted Session module
* Encryption and decryption with PHP
* User:
* Date: 19.03.15
* Time: 7:11
// Use the same values in your nginx config, e.g.:
// encrypted_session_key "SomeSecret, MustBe 32 bytes long";
// encrypted_session_iv "someIV,eq16bytes";
// Key must be 32 bytes long (256 bits)
$key = 'SomeSecret, MustBe 32 bytes long';
// IV must be exactly 16 bytes long (AES-256 blocksize = 128 bits)
$iv = 'someIV,eq16bytes';
// Fixed init vector is evil in most cases, but good in case of multi-server nginx cluster
// See also:
// Nginx Encrypted Session module uses AES-256 with simple MAC (MD5 of message, not HMAC):
// See also:
// Note: AES-256 is RIJNDAEL-128 (when used with a 256 bit key).
$blockSize = mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
$ivSize = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
$macSize = 16; // MD5 length in bytes
$timingSize = 8; // 64-bit long
echo "\n\n";
//goto encryption;
// Cipher text (binary), base64-encoded
// Expires was set to 0 (encrypted_session_expires 0;)
// $encrypted = 'lINbAuh1GsUUhV+60Pi+fTeJYUbajr6b51BnJ2dbkreLK7jKv/TkaAYbLot8HRpfPUuUfV8jmjyBHNOCeTNDkg==';
// Expires was set to default (encrypted_session_expires 1d;)
$encrypted = 'eX0isqKuTth9EHvik7Wb+zeJYUbajr6b51BnJ2dbkreLK7jKv/TkaAYbLot8HRpfQW/MAkd3d5sY44bjJ5yo2w==';
// Binary representation
$secretMessage = base64_decode($encrypted);
// Extract MAC from cipher text
$macDec = substr($secretMessage, 0, $macSize);
// Cipher without MAC
$secretMessageNoMac = substr($secretMessage, $macSize);
// Decipher
$decrypted = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $secretMessageNoMac, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
// Remove PKCS#7 padding
$decryptedUnpadded = pkcs7unpad($decrypted, $blockSize);
// Calculate MAC for the message
$macDecCheck = hash('md5', $decryptedUnpadded, true);
// Strip-out expiration time
$timing = substr($decryptedUnpadded, -$timingSize);
// Decrypted text without expiration time
$plainTextDec = substr($decryptedUnpadded, 0, -$timingSize);
// Silly conversion int64 → int32
$timingInt32Bin = substr($timing, 4);
// Unpack from binary big endian byte order
$timingUnpacked = unpack('N', $timingInt32Bin);
// Get DateTime representation
$dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $timingUnpacked[1] );
echo sprintf( "Encrypted b64:\t%s\n", $encrypted );
echo sprintf( "Encrypted hex:\t%s\n", bin2hex($secretMessage) );
echo sprintf( "Mac (decrypt):\t%s\n", bin2hex($macDec) );
echo sprintf( "Decrypted hex:\t%s\n", bin2hex($decrypted) );
echo sprintf( "Unpadded (dec):\t%s\n", bin2hex($decryptedUnpadded) );
echo sprintf( "MAC is OK:\t%s\n", ($macDecCheck === $macDec ? 'YES' : 'NO') );
echo sprintf( "Plain hex:\t%s\n", bin2hex($plainTextDec) );
echo sprintf( "Timing hex:\t%s\n", bin2hex($timing) );
echo sprintf( "Timing int:\t%s\n", $timingUnpacked[1] );
echo sprintf( "Timing (dec):\t%s\n", $dt->format('r') );
echo sprintf( "Plain text:\t%s\n", $plainTextDec );
echo "\n\n";
$plaintextPlain = 'This is THE TEXT to be Encrypted!';
// Emulate encrypted_session_expires 1d;
//$timing = time() + 86400;
// Also you can set it to 0:
//$timing = 0;
// Here is exact value from decryption example (above):
$timing = 1426974492;
// Convert 32-bit int to network byte order with 64-bit padding ( analogue in C: htonll() )
$timingBE = htonl(0) . htonl($timing);
// Add expiration time to the text
$plaintextTimed = $plaintextPlain . $timingBE;
// Add PKCS#7 padding to the text
$plaintextPadded = pkcs7pad($plaintextTimed, $blockSize);
// Get DateTime representation
$dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat( 'U', $timing );
// Correct way to do HMAC is this:
// $mac = hash_hmac('md5', $cipherText, $anotherKey, true);
// But Encrypted Session module uses simple MD5 of text:
$macEnc = hash('md5', $plaintextTimed, true);
// Encrypt message
$ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $plaintextPadded, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
// Add MAC
$ciphertextMac = $macEnc . $ciphertext;
echo sprintf( "Plain text:\t%s\n", $plaintextPlain );
echo sprintf( "Timing (enc):\t%s\n", $dt->format('r') );
echo sprintf( "Timing int:\t%s\n", $timing );
echo sprintf( "Timing hex:\t%s\n", bin2hex($timingBE) );
echo sprintf( "Plain hex:\t%s\n", bin2hex($plaintextPlain) );
echo sprintf( "Unpadded (enc):\t%s\n", bin2hex($plaintextTimed) );
echo sprintf( "Padded (enc):\t%s\n", bin2hex($plaintextPadded) );
echo sprintf( "Mac (encrypt):\t%s\n", bin2hex($macEnc) );
echo sprintf( "Encrypted hex:\t%s\n", bin2hex($ciphertextMac) );
echo sprintf( "Encrypted b64:\t%s\n", base64_encode($ciphertextMac) );
echo "\n\n";
* Right-pads the data string with 1 to n bytes according to PKCS#7,
* where n is the block size.
* The size of the result is x times n, where x is at least 1.
* The version of PKCS#7 padding used is the one defined in RFC 5652 chapter 6.3.
* This padding is identical to PKCS#5 padding for 8 byte block ciphers such as DES.
* @param string $plaintext the plaintext encoded as a string containing bytes
* @param integer $blocksize the block size of the cipher in bytes
* @return string the padded plaintext
function pkcs7pad($plaintext, $blocksize)
$padsize = $blocksize - (strlen($plaintext) % $blocksize);
return $plaintext . str_repeat(chr($padsize), $padsize);
* Validates and unpads the padded plaintext according to PKCS#7.
* The resulting plaintext will be 1 to n bytes smaller depending on the amount of padding,
* where n is the block size.
* The user is required to make sure that plaintext and padding oracles do not apply,
* for instance by providing integrity and authenticity to the IV and ciphertext using a HMAC.
* Note that errors during uppadding may occur if the integrity of the ciphertext
* is not validated or if the key is incorrect. A wrong key, IV or ciphertext may all
* lead to errors within this method.
* The version of PKCS#7 padding used is the one defined in RFC 5652 chapter 6.3.
* This padding is identical to PKCS#5 padding for 8 byte block ciphers such as DES.
* @param string $padded the padded plaintext encoded as a string containing bytes
* @param integer $blocksize the block size of the cipher in bytes
* @return string the unpadded plaintext
* @throws Exception if the unpadding failed
function pkcs7unpad($padded, $blocksize)
$l = strlen($padded);
if ($l % $blocksize != 0)
//throw new \Exception("Padded plaintext cannot be divided by the block size");
return $padded;
$padsize = ord($padded[$l - 1]);
if ($padsize === 0)
//throw new \Exception("Zero padding found instead of PKCS#7 padding");
return $padded;
if ($padsize > $blocksize)
//throw new \Exception("Incorrect amount of PKCS#7 padding for blocksize");
return $padded;
// check the correctness of the padding bytes by counting the occurance
$padding = substr($padded, -1 * $padsize);
if (substr_count($padding, chr($padsize)) != $padsize)
//throw new \Exception("Invalid PKCS#7 padding encountered");
return $padded;
return substr($padded, 0, $l - $padsize);
* Convert 32-bit unsigned integer to a binary string in big endian (network) byte order.
* @param $n
* @return string
function htonl($n)
$n = (int) $n;
return (binary) pack('N', $n);
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