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Created January 11, 2011 14:50
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populate riak and return some of that data
// paginate-riak.js
// use riak-js to paginate a set of data from a bucket in riak
// call the file like so:
// node paginate-riak bucketname start end
// ie.
// node populate-riak test 10 20
var sys = require('sys'),
riak = require('/usr/local/lib/node/riak-js').getClient(), //the lib can be anywhere - use the correct path!
bucket = ( (process.ARGV[2]) ) ? process.ARGV[2] : 'default' ,
start = ( !isNaN(parseFloat(process.ARGV[3])) && isFinite(process.ARGV[3]) ) ? process.ARGV[3] : 0 , //start should be a number
end = ( !isNaN(parseFloat(process.ARGV[4])) && isFinite(process.ARGV[4]) ) ? process.ARGV[4] : 10 ; //end should be a number
//dump the passed in args, sanity
sys.log( JSON.stringify(process.ARGV) )
//the bucket provided is used as the input
//using the internal json value mapper supplied by riak
//using the internal sort wrapper supplied by riak
//need to provide a sort function that has insight into our json object
//here we are sorting ascending by key
//descending would be function(a,b){ return a.key-b.key }
//if we wanted to sort by the unix timestamp replace key with ts
.reduce('Riak.reduceSort', 'function(a,b){ return a.key-b.key }' )
//we are pushing an array of objects down the stack
//simply indicate a start and end to 'slice' a section of that array
//here we are supplying that on the command line
//the paramaters could easily be supplied by a web form or links
.reduce('Riak.reduceSlice', [start, end])
.run(function(err, d) {
if (err) sys.log('error in m/r: ' + err)
//d is the data the m/r responds with
//do stuff here , i'm just dumping the returned meta
sys.log( JSON.stringify(d) )
// populate-riak.js
// use riak-js to populate riak with some default keys
// check to see if the keys exist first, if not write the keys
// call the file like so:
// node populate-riak bucketname volume
// ie.
// node populate-riak test 100
var sys = require('sys'),
riak = require('/usr/local/lib/node/riak-js').getClient(), //the lib can be anywhere - use the correct path!
bucket = ( (process.ARGV[2]) ) ? process.ARGV[2] : 'default' ,
volume = ( !isNaN(parseFloat(process.ARGV[3])) && isFinite(process.ARGV[3]) ) ? process.ARGV[3] : 0 ; //volume should be a number
//dump the passed in args, sanity
sys.log( JSON.stringify(process.ARGV) )
for ( var i = 1; i <= volume; i++ ){
riak.exists(bucket, i, {"i": i}, function(err, d, m){
if (err) sys.log('problem with exists: ' + err)
//dumping return val + meta
sys.log( d + ' ' + JSON.stringify(m) )
//d will be true or false
if ( !d ) {
sys.log( m['usermeta']['i'] )
//keys will be numbered, val is a json object with the key and a unix time, m['usermeta']['i'], {key: m['usermeta']['i'], ts: (new Date).getTime()}, function(err, d, m){
if (err) sys.log('problem with save: ' + err)
//do stuff here , i'm just dumping the returned meta
sys.log( JSON.stringify(m) )
} )
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