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Created December 27, 2013 12:38
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Banker's Safety Algorithm.
from operator import add, sub, le
def vector(operator):
Apply operator to each element of vector and returns
the resultant vector:
from operator import add, sub, mul
vector(add)([1,2,3], [2,3,4]) => [3,5,7]
return lambda A, B: map(operator, A, B)
def matrix(operator):
Similar to 'vector(operator)' but works on matrices
return lambda A, B: map(vector(operator), A, B)
def isSafe (available, maximum, current):
Determines if the system is in a safe state.
available(array) : available[j] represents number of resources
available of type j
maximum(matrix) : maximum[i][j] represents the maximum number
of resources of type j needed by process i
current(matrix) : current[i][j] represents the current number
of allocations of resource of type j to proccess i
Returns: True if system is in safe state, otherwise False
m = len(available) # number of type of resources
n = len(maximum) # number of processes
need = matrix(sub)(maximum, current) # need = maximum - current
work = available[:] #copy available in work
finish = [False]*n
while True:
i = None
for k in range(n):
if not finish[k] and all(vector(le)(need[k], work)):
i = k
if i == None:
work = vector(add)(work, current[i])
finish[i] = True
return all(finish)
def resourcesRequest(available, maximum, current, i, request):
Allocates resources to processors after checking the safety
available(array) : available[j] represents number of resources
available of type j
maximum(matrix) : maximum[i][j] represents the maximum number
of resources of type j needed by process i
current(matrix) : current[i][j] represents the current number
of allocations of resource of type j to proccess i
i(integer) : index of the processor making the request
request(array) : request[j] represent the number of resources
of type j which processor i is requesting
if allocation succeeds, returns the new state of 'available'
array and 'current' matrix
False otherwise
need = matrix(sub)(maximum, current)
if not all(vector(le)(request, need[i])):
# process exceeded its maximum claim
raise Exception('Process exceeded its maximum claim')
if not all(vector(le)(request, available)):
# resources are not available, must wait
return False
new_available, new_current= map(list, (available, current))
new_available = vector(sub)(available, request)
new_current[i] = vector(add)(current[i], request)
if not isSafe(new_available, maximum, new_current):
return False
return (new_available, new_current)
if __name__ == '__main__':
current = [[0,0,1,2],
maximum = [[0,0,1,2],
available = [1,5,2,0]
print 'Is the system in a safe state:',isSafe(available, maximum, current)
process_id, request = 1, [0,4,2,0]
print 'Can the request %s by process %i be granted:' % (str(request), process_id), resourcesRequest(available, maximum, current, process_id, request) is not False
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