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  • Save sidgabriel/420797 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sidgabriel/420797 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Adapted from color tracking example from and James Alliban
//Ribbons inspired by code from Erik Natzke
//this is an example of a design pattern called ColorStalk
//it has a main behavior and a learning behavior with three modes:
//Learning mode home shows an unaugmented camera view and pauses all other behaviors
//Acquisition mode highlights pixels similar to the pixel under the mouse and on exit from the acquisition mode, sets the color under the mouse to the tracked color.
//Show Stalking mode draws ellipses over the closest match in realtime.
int ribbonAmount = 2;
int ribbonParticleAmount = 50;
float randomness = .2;
RibbonManager ribbonManager;
// Colorstalk Environment
boolean TESTING = false;
Capture video;
color trackColor;
boolean showImage;
boolean acquireColor;
boolean testColor;
boolean paused;
boolean p;
int wrX;
int wrY;
PFont font;
// /ColorStalk Environment
void setup()
size(1024, 768);
// ColorStalk Setup
video = new Capture(this,width,height,15);
trackColor = color(128,128,128);
// /ColorStalk Setup
ribbonManager = new RibbonManager(ribbonAmount, ribbonParticleAmount, randomness, "rothko_01.jpg"); // field, rothko_01-02, absImp_01-03 picasso_01
ribbonManager.setRadiusMax(12); // default = 8
ribbonManager.setRadiusDivide(10); // default = 10
ribbonManager.setGravity(.07); // default = .03
ribbonManager.setFriction(1); // default = 1.1
ribbonManager.setMaxDistance(30); // default = 40
ribbonManager.setDrag(2.5); // default = 2
ribbonManager.setDragFlare(.015); // default = .008
void draw()
// ColorStalk Camera Tracker
if (video.available()) {;
scale(-1.0, 1.0);
float worldRecord = 1500;
// XY coordinate of closest color
int closestX = 0;
int closestY = 0;
// Begin loop to stalk through every pixel
for (int x = 0; x < video.width; x ++ ) {
for (int y = 0; y < video.height; y ++ ) {
int loc = (video.width - x - 1) + y *video.width;
// What is current color
color currentColor = video.pixels[loc];
float r1 = red(currentColor);
float g1 = green(currentColor);
float b1 = blue(currentColor);
float r2 = red(trackColor);
float g2 = green(trackColor);
float b2 = blue(trackColor);
// Using euclidean distance to compare colors
float d = dist(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2); // We are using the dist( ) function to compare the current color with the color we are tracking.
// If current color is more similar to tracked color than
// closest color, save current location and current difference
if (d < worldRecord) {
worldRecord = d;
closestX = x;
closestY = y;
// We only consider the color found if its color distance is less than 10.
// This threshold of 10 is arbitrary and you can adjust this number depending on how accurate you require the tracking to be.
if (worldRecord < 10) {
// Set Global Variables
wrX = closestX;
wrY = closestY;
font = createFont("Copperplate", 35);
text( "ColorStalk", closestX, closestY );
fill(0, 255);
rect(0, 0, width, height);
// /ColorStalk Camera Tracker
// Attach ColorStalk to the ribbon manager
ribbonManager.update(closestX, closestY);
// Colorstalk Modes
// Learning Mode
// de-augment the camera view
if(showImage) {
scale(-1.0, 1.0);
// draw an elliptical mouse pointer using current target color
textSize( 16 );
// draw instructions for teaching ColorStalk
text( "'a' to acquire a color", 10, 270 );
text( "'c' to test control color", 10, 260 );
// /Learning Mode
// Acquisition Mode
if(acquireColor) {
// create an ellipse under the mouse
// assign the color of the pixel under the mouse to "loc"
int loc = (video.width - mouseX - 1) + mouseY*video.width;
// update the stalked color to the color under the mouse
trackColor = video.pixels[loc];
// draw instructions
textSize( 16 );
text( "Acqire an object by moving the mouse over it and pres 'a'", 10, 250 );
// /Acquisition Mode
// Show Stalking Mode
if(testColor) {
// draw an ellipse over the stalked pixels in realtime
// draw instructions
text( "confirm read 'c' when done", 10, 240 );
// /Show Stalking Mode
//ColorStalk Mode Selector
public void keyPressed(){
switch (key){
case 't': showImage = !showImage; break;
case 'a': acquireColor = !acquireColor; break;
case 'c': testColor = !testColor; break;
case 's': paused = !paused;
class Ribbon
int ribbonAmount;
float randomness;
int ribbonParticleAmount; // length of the Particle Array (max number of points)
int particlesAssigned = 0; // current amount of particles currently in the Particle array
float radiusMax = 8; // maximum width of ribbon
float radiusDivide = 10; // distance between current and next point / this = radius for first half of the ribbon
float gravity = .03; // gravity applied to each particle
float friction = 1.1; // friction applied to the gravity of each particle
int maxDistance = 10; // if the distance between particles is larger than this the drag comes into effect
float drag = 2; // if distance goes above maxDistance - the points begin to grag. high numbers = less drag
float dragFlare = .008; // degree to which the drag makes the ribbon flare out
RibbonParticle[] particles; // particle array
color ribbonColor;
Ribbon(int ribbonParticleAmount, color ribbonColor, float randomness)
this.ribbonParticleAmount = ribbonParticleAmount;
this.ribbonColor = ribbonColor;
this.randomness = randomness;
void init()
particles = new RibbonParticle[ribbonParticleAmount];
void update(float randX, float randY)
addParticle(randX, randY);
void addParticle(float randX, float randY)
if(particlesAssigned == ribbonParticleAmount)
for (int i = 1; i < ribbonParticleAmount; i++)
particles[i-1] = particles[i];
particles[ribbonParticleAmount - 1] = new RibbonParticle(randomness, this);
particles[ribbonParticleAmount - 1].px = randX;
particles[ribbonParticleAmount - 1].py = randY;
particles[particlesAssigned] = new RibbonParticle(randomness, this);
particles[particlesAssigned].px = randX;
particles[particlesAssigned].py = randY;
if (particlesAssigned > ribbonParticleAmount) ++particlesAssigned;
void drawCurve()
for (int i = 1; i < particlesAssigned - 1; i++)
RibbonParticle p = particles[i];
p.calculateParticles(particles[i-1], particles[i+1], ribbonParticleAmount, i);
for (int i = particlesAssigned - 3; i > 1 - 1; i--)
RibbonParticle p = particles[i];
RibbonParticle pm1 = particles[i-1];
fill(ribbonColor, 255);
if (i < particlesAssigned-3)
vertex(p.lcx2, p.lcy2);
bezierVertex(p.leftPX, p.leftPY, pm1.lcx2, pm1.lcy2, pm1.lcx2, pm1.lcy2);
vertex(pm1.rcx2, pm1.rcy2);
bezierVertex(p.rightPX, p.rightPY, p.rcx2, p.rcy2, p.rcx2, p.rcy2);
vertex(p.lcx2, p.lcy2);
class RibbonManager
PImage img;
int ribbonAmount;
int ribbonParticleAmount;
float randomness;
String imgName;
Ribbon[] ribbons; // ribbon array
RibbonManager(int ribbonAmount, int ribbonParticleAmount, float randomness, String imgName)
this.ribbonAmount = ribbonAmount;
this.ribbonParticleAmount = ribbonParticleAmount;
this.randomness = randomness;
this.imgName = imgName;
void init()
img = loadImage(imgName);
void addRibbon()
ribbons = new Ribbon[ribbonAmount];
for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++)
int xpos = int(random(img.width));
int ypos = int(random(img.height));
color ribbonColor = img.get(xpos, ypos);
ribbons[i] = new Ribbon(ribbonParticleAmount, ribbonColor, randomness);
void update(int currX, int currY)
scale(-1.0, 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++)
//float randX = currX + (randomness / 2) - random(randomness);
//float randY = currY + (randomness / 2) - random(randomness);
float randX = currX;
float randY = currY;
ribbons[i].update(randX, randY);
void setRadiusMax(float value) { for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++) { ribbons[i].radiusMax = value; } }
void setRadiusDivide(float value) { for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++) { ribbons[i].radiusDivide = value; } }
void setGravity(float value) { for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++) { ribbons[i].gravity = value; } }
void setFriction(float value) { for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++) { ribbons[i].friction = value; } }
void setMaxDistance(int value) { for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++) { ribbons[i].maxDistance = value; } }
void setDrag(float value) { for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++) { ribbons[i].drag = value; } }
void setDragFlare(float value) { for (int i = 0; i < ribbonAmount; i++) { ribbons[i].dragFlare = value; } }
class RibbonParticle
float px, py; // x and y position of particle (this is the bexier point)
float xSpeed, ySpeed = 0; // speed of the x and y positions
float cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2; // the avarage x and y positions between px and py and the points of the surrounding Particles
float leftPX, leftPY, rightPX, rightPY; // the x and y points of that determine the thickness of this segment
float lpx, lpy, rpx, rpy; // the x and y points of the outer bezier points
float lcx1, lcy1, lcx2, lcy2; // the avarage x and y positions between leftPX and leftPX and the left points of the surrounding Particles
float rcx1, rcy1, rcx2, rcy2; // the avarage x and y positions between rightPX and rightPX and the right points of the surrounding Particles
float radius; // thickness of current particle
float randomness;
Ribbon ribbon;
RibbonParticle(float randomness, Ribbon ribbon)
this.randomness = randomness;
this.ribbon = ribbon;
void calculateParticles(RibbonParticle pMinus1, RibbonParticle pPlus1, int particleMax, int i)
float div = 2;
cx1 = (pMinus1.px + px) / div;
cy1 = ( + py) / div;
cx2 = (pPlus1.px + px) / div;
cy2 = ( + py) / div;
// calculate radians (direction of next point)
float dx = cx2 - cx1;
float dy = cy2 - cy1;
float pRadians = atan2(dy, dx);
float distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (distance > ribbon.maxDistance) // && i > 1
float oldX = px;
float oldY = py;
px = px + ((ribbon.maxDistance/ribbon.drag) * cos(pRadians));
py = py + ((ribbon.maxDistance/ribbon.drag) * sin(pRadians));
xSpeed += (px - oldX) * ribbon.dragFlare;
ySpeed += (py - oldY) * ribbon.dragFlare;
ySpeed += ribbon.gravity;
xSpeed *= ribbon.friction;
ySpeed *= ribbon.friction;
px += xSpeed + random(.3);
py += ySpeed + random(.3);
float randX = ((randomness / 2) - random(randomness)) * distance;
float randY = ((randomness / 2) - random(randomness)) * distance;
px += randX;
py += randY;
//float radius = distance / 2;
//if (radius > radiusMax) radius = ribbon.radiusMax;
if (i > particleMax / 2)
radius = distance / ribbon.radiusDivide;
radius = pPlus1.radius * .9;
if (radius > ribbon.radiusMax) radius = ribbon.radiusMax;
if (i == particleMax - 2 || i == 1)
if (radius > 1) radius = 1;
// calculate the positions of the particles relating to thickness
leftPX = px + cos(pRadians + (HALF_PI * 3)) * radius;
leftPY = py + sin(pRadians + (HALF_PI * 3)) * radius;
rightPX = px + cos(pRadians + HALF_PI) * radius;
rightPY = py + sin(pRadians + HALF_PI) * radius;
// left and right points of current particle
lpx = (pMinus1.lpx + lpx) / div;
lpy = (pMinus1.lpy + lpy) / div;
rpx = (pPlus1.rpx + rpx) / div;
rpy = (pPlus1.rpy + rpy) / div;
// left and right points of previous particle
lcx1 = (pMinus1.leftPX + leftPX) / div;
lcy1 = (pMinus1.leftPY + leftPY) / div;
rcx1 = (pMinus1.rightPX + rightPX) / div;
rcy1 = (pMinus1.rightPY + rightPY) / div;
// left and right points of next particle
lcx2 = (pPlus1.leftPX + leftPX) / div;
lcy2 = (pPlus1.leftPY + leftPY) / div;
rcx2 = (pPlus1.rightPX + rightPX) / div;
rcy2 = (pPlus1.rightPY + rightPY) / div;
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This is a sketch that requires an image named "rothko_01.jpg". You can use any image. I need to update the attribution in this Gist to be more specific. It uses code from James Alliban, Erik Natzke and Sid Gabriel

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