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Created February 15, 2014 00:09
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Save sidharrell/9012261 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
improved attendee report with totals
function espresso_chart_display($event_id, $type){
global $wpdb, $org_options;
$retVAl = array();
switch ($type){
case 'total_reg':
//Total Registrations/Transactions
$title = __('Total Registrations/Transactions', 'event_espresso');
$sql = "SELECT SUM(a.total_cost) amount, SUM(a.quantity) quantity, DATE_FORMAT(,'%b %d') date FROM ".EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE." a WHERE event_id =".$event_id." GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(,'%m-%d-%Y')";
$sql2 = "SELECT SUM(a.total_cost) amount, SUM(a.quantity) quantity, 'total' as date FROM ".EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE." a WHERE event_id =".$event_id;
case 'total_completed':
//Completed Registrations/Transactions
$title = __('Completed Registrations/Transactions', 'event_espresso');
$sql = "SELECT SUM(a.total_cost) amount, SUM(a.quantity) quantity, DATE_FORMAT(,'%b %d') date FROM ".EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE." a WHERE event_id =".$event_id." AND (payment_status='Completed' OR payment_status='Refund') GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(,'%m-%d-%Y')";
$sql2 = "SELECT SUM(a.total_cost) amount, SUM(a.quantity) quantity, 'total' as date FROM ".EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE." a WHERE event_id =".$event_id." AND (payment_status='Completed' OR payment_status='Refund')";
case 'total_pending':
//Pending Registrations/Transactions
$title = __('Pending Registrations/Transactions', 'event_espresso');
$sql = "SELECT SUM(a.total_cost) amount, SUM(a.quantity) quantity, DATE_FORMAT(,'%b %d') date FROM ".EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE." a WHERE event_id =".$event_id." AND payment_status='Pending' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(,'%m-%d-%Y')";
$sql2 = "SELECT SUM(a.total_cost) amount, SUM(a.quantity) quantity, 'total' as date FROM ".EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE." a WHERE event_id =".$event_id." AND payment_status='Pending'";
case 'total_incomplete':
//Incomplete Registrations/Transactions
$title = __('Incomplete Registrations/Transactions', 'event_espresso');
$sql = "SELECT SUM(a.total_cost) amount, SUM(a.quantity) quantity, DATE_FORMAT(,'%b %d') date FROM ".EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE." a WHERE event_id =".$event_id." AND (payment_status='Incomplete' OR payment_status='Payment Declined') GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(,'%m-%d-%Y')";
$sql2 = "SELECT SUM(a.total_cost) amount, SUM(a.quantity) quantity, 'total' as date FROM ".EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE." a WHERE event_id =".$event_id." AND (payment_status='Incomplete' OR payment_status='Payment Declined')";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
if ($wpdb->num_rows > 0) {
foreach ($results as $row) {
$retVal[] = $row;
$retVal[] = $wpdb->get_row($sql2);
$attendees = '';
$amount ='';
$date = '';
foreach($retVal as $rec ){
$amount .= $rec->amount.',';
$date .= "'".$rec->date."', ";
$attendees .= $rec->quantity.", ";
//echo "<pre>".print_r($retVal,true)."</pre>";
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var line1 = [<?php echo $attendees ?>];//bottom column
var line2 = [<?php echo $amount ?>];
var ticks = [<?php echo $date ?>];
plot1 = jQuery.jqplot('<?php echo $type; ?>', [line1, line2], {
//stackSeries: true,
title: '<?php echo $title; ?>',
pointLabels: { show: true },
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: jQuery.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
ticks: ticks
series: [{
label: '# Attendees'
label: '<?php echo $org_options['currency_symbol'] ?> <?php _e('Amount', 'event_espresso'); ?>',
pointLabels: { formatString:'<?php echo utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($org_options['currency_symbol'])); ?>%.2f' },
legend: {
show: true,
location: 'ne', // compass direction, nw, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w.
placement: 'outsideGrid'
<!-- <?php echo $title; ?> -->
<div id="<?php echo $type; ?>" style="margin-top:20px; margin-left:20px; width:600px; height:200px; float:left;"></div>
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