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require 'whatever/classifier'
classifier =
# training:
classifier.add_document(:text => "blah", :class => :a)
classifier.add_document(:text => "bleh", :class => :b)
# get model; training is automatically finalised
model = classifier.get_model
Engineer by choice, Researcher at heart, Entrepreneur by nature.
Siddhartha has over 4 years of experience working in the broad areas of Information Engineering—Retrieval, Extraction & Management, Machine Learning, Scalability and Cloud Computing; with a focus on application to the World Wide Web.
He started working on Information Retrieval as a research when pursuing a Masters degree in Information Technology at IIIT-Bangalore in 2005,06. After graduation, he joined Ziva Software, a mobile search startup, in 2006. He has since been working on various aspects of developing and running Ziva's flagship mobile search engine Zook as a part of the core 3-member tech team.
Siddhartha's contribution at Ziva has been manifold, including, but not limited to, system architecture for the various sub-systems (crawling, extraction, processing, indexing and search), user experience, API,
Siddhartha blogs on these topics at (The Art Of Information Engineering).
sids / domain.htaccess
Created July 11, 2009 09:53
Apache mod_rewrite tricks
### Forcing a particular domain ###
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
sids /
Created October 29, 2008 09:10
Perl: URI encoding/decoding
use strict; use warnings;
use URI::Escape;
my $string = "Hello world!";
my $encode = uri_escape($string);
print "Original string: $string\n";
sids / Recipe: Tomato Pappu
Created October 21, 2008 14:52
Mom's recipe for Tomato Pappu :)
Recipe: Tomato Pappu
Toor Dal : 1 measure
Tomatoes : 4-5 measures
Turmeric Powder : a pinch
Oil : 1 tea spoon / measure
sids / gist:9850
Created September 10, 2008 08:01
git tips
## setup
git config "Siddhartha Reddy"
git config ""
## setup -- global
git config --global "Siddhartha Reddy"
git config --global ""
git config --global color.branch "auto"
git config --global color.status "auto"
git config --global color.diff "auto"
sids / sshd_config
Created August 13, 2008 09:22
Linux: sshd config tips
# sshd config tips
# add these lines at the end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# don't try reverse-dns lookup on connecting clients (this speeds up the initial connection establishment a lot):
UseDNS no
# make sure the client does not get disconnect due to being idle (ping every 5 mins):
ClientAliveInterval 300
sids / gist:5209
Created August 13, 2008 07:06
Linux: Setting up auxiliary swap
# setting up auxiliary swap in linux
dd if=/dev/zero of=/auxswap bs=1M count=2048
mkswap /auxswap
swapon /auxswap
# trun it on:
swapon -s
# turn it off:
sids / README
Created July 24, 2008 12:20
Perl: database handling examples
Examples of database handling in Perl.
sids /
Created July 24, 2008 11:30
Perl: I/O examples
public class PackTest {
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(System.out);