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Last active June 26, 2020 05:18
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Gives a table view of the hours logged in JIRA for a user for a given time period.


Gives a table view of the hours logged in JIRA for a user for a given time period.


  • Go to this URL:
  • Drag and drop the bookmarklet to the bookmarks bar.
  • Navigate to and click on the bookmarklet and see the ✨
javascript: (async () => {
var startingDate;
var endingDate;
var currentAuthor;
var issues = [];
var projects = await getProjects();
var authors = await getAuthors();
var projectsSelectHTML = constructProjectsSelectHtml(projects);
var authorsSelectHTML = constructAuthorsSelectHtml(authors);
var outputHTML = `
<div class="worklog-container">
<h1 class="wc__title">Work Log</h1>
<div class="wc_filter_container">
<input type="date" name="fromDateInput" id="fromDateInput" />
<input type="date" name="toDateInput" id="toDateInput" />
<div class="wc__table-container">
document.body.innerHTML = outputHTML;
await initUser();
async function initUser() {
const token = await fetch("/rest/internal/2/media/user/credentials")
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((response) => {
return response.token;
const decodedToken = parseJwt(token);
currentAuthor = decodedToken.clientDetails.userId;
function getProjects() {
return fetch("/rest/api/3/project")
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((projects) => {
projects = projects.sort((a, b) => {
return projects;
function constructProjectsSelectHtml(projects) {
var optionsHtml = "";
projects.forEach((project) => {
optionsHtml += `<option value="${project.key}">${}</option>`;
return `
<select name="projectInput" id="projectInput">
<option value="">All Projects</option>
function getAuthors() {
return fetch("/rest/api/3/users/search?maxResults=500")
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((authors) => {
authors = authors
.filter((author) => {
.sort((a, b) => {
return a.displayName.localeCompare(b.displayName);
return authors;
function constructAuthorsSelectHtml(authors) {
var authorsHtml = "";
authors.forEach((author) => {
authorsHtml += `<option value="${author.accountId}">${author.displayName}</option>`;
return `
<select name="authorInput" id="authorInput">
<option value="">Current User</option>
function addEventListeners() {
var inputElementContainer = document.querySelector(".wc_filter_container");
var searchButton = document.createElement("input");
searchButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
searchButton.setAttribute("value", "Search");
searchButton.addEventListener("click", search);
var downloadButton = document.createElement("input");
downloadButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
downloadButton.setAttribute("value", "Download");
downloadButton.addEventListener("click", downloadCSV);
async function search(isReset) {
var project = document.getElementById("projectInput").value;
var author =
document.getElementById("authorInput").value ||
currentAuthor ||
var fromDate = document.getElementById("fromDateInput").value;
var toDate = document.getElementById("toDateInput").value;
var projectQuery = project ? `project = ${project} AND` : "";
var fromDateQuery = fromDate ? `'${fromDate}'` : "startOfMonth()";
var toDateQuery = toDate ? `'${toDate}'` : "endOfMonth()";
currentAuthor = author;
startingDate = fromDate && new Date(fromDate);
endingDate = toDate && new Date(toDate);
var url = `/rest/api/3/search?jql=${projectQuery} worklogAuthor = ${author} AND worklogDate >= ${fromDateQuery} AND worklogDate <= ${toDateQuery}`;
await constructWorkLogTable(url);
async function constructWorkLogTable(url) {
issues = await getIssuesThatUserHasEnteredWorkLog(url);
var issueWorkLogRequests = [];
issues.forEach((issue, index) => {
issueWorkLogRequests.push(getIssueWorkLog(issue, index));
await Promise.all(issueWorkLogRequests);
issues.forEach((issue) => {
var workLogs = issue.workLogJSONResponse.worklogs;
if (workLogs.length > 0) {
var issueWorkLogStartingDate = new Date(workLogs[0].started);
var issueWorkLogEndingDate = new Date(
workLogs[workLogs.length - 1].started
if (!startingDate) {
startingDate = issueWorkLogStartingDate;
} else if (
issueWorkLogStartingDate.getFullYear() <=
startingDate.getFullYear() &&
issueWorkLogStartingDate.getMonth() <= startingDate.getMonth() &&
issueWorkLogStartingDate.getDate() <= startingDate.getDate()
) {
startingDate = issueWorkLogStartingDate;
if (!endingDate) {
endingDate = issueWorkLogEndingDate;
} else if (
issueWorkLogEndingDate.getFullYear() >= endingDate.getFullYear() &&
issueWorkLogEndingDate.getMonth() >= endingDate.getMonth() &&
issueWorkLogEndingDate.getDate() >= endingDate.getDate()
) {
endingDate = issueWorkLogEndingDate;
issues = issues.filter((issue) => {
return issue.workLogJSONResponse.worklogs.length > 0;
var tableHeaderHTML = constructTableHeaderHTML();
var tableBodyHTML = constructTableBodyHTML();
var tableFooterHTML = constructTableFooterHTML(tableBodyHTML);
var tableHTML = `
<table class="wc__table">
document.querySelector(".wc__table-container").innerHTML = tableHTML;
function getIssuesThatUserHasEnteredWorkLog(url) {
return fetch(url)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((response) => response.issues);
function getIssueWorkLog(issue, index) {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
var workLogResponse = await fetch(
var workLogJSONResponse = await workLogResponse.json();
workLogJSONResponse.worklogs = workLogJSONResponse.worklogs.filter(
(workLog) => {
var workLogDate = new Date(workLog.started);
if ( == currentAuthor) {
var isOnOrAfterStartingDate =
startingDate &&
workLogDate.getFullYear() >= startingDate.getFullYear() &&
workLogDate.getMonth() >= startingDate.getMonth() &&
workLogDate.getDate() >= startingDate.getDate();
var isOnOrBeforeEndingDate =
endingDate &&
workLogDate.getFullYear() <= endingDate.getFullYear() &&
workLogDate.getMonth() <= endingDate.getMonth() &&
workLogDate.getDate() <= endingDate.getDate();
if (!startingDate && !endingDate) {
return true;
} else if (!startingDate && endingDate) {
return isOnOrBeforeEndingDate;
} else if (startingDate && !endingDate) {
return isOnOrAfterStartingDate;
} else {
return isOnOrAfterStartingDate && isOnOrBeforeEndingDate;
return false;
workLogJSONResponse.worklogs.sort((worklogOne, worklogTwo) => {
return new Date(worklogOne.started) - new Date(worklogTwo.started);
issues[index].workLogJSONResponse = workLogJSONResponse;
function constructTableHeaderHTML() {
var headerColumnsHTML = "";
for (
var c = new Date(startingDate.getTime()), e = endingDate;
c.getFullYear() <= e.getFullYear() &&
c.getMonth() <= e.getMonth() &&
c.getDate() <= e.getDate();
c.setDate(c.getDate() + 1)
) {
var dateString = c.toDateString().split(" ");
headerColumnsHTML += `
<th class="table-cell top-header-cell sticky sticky--top">
${dateString[0]} <br/>
${dateString[1]} <br/>
${dateString[2]} <br/>
return `
<th class="table-cell top-header-cell left-header-cell sticky sticky--left sticky--top sticky--in-front">Issue</th>
function constructTableBodyHTML() {
var tableBodyHTML = "";
issues.forEach((issue) => {
var issueRowHTML = constructIssueHTML(issue);
tableBodyHTML += issueRowHTML;
return `<tbody>${tableBodyHTML}</tbody>`;
function constructTableFooterHTML(tableBodyHTML) {
var footerColumnsHTML = "";
var table = document.createElement("table");
table.innerHTML = tableBodyHTML;
for (
var c = new Date(startingDate.getTime()), e = endingDate;
c.getFullYear() <= e.getFullYear() &&
c.getMonth() <= e.getMonth() &&
c.getDate() <= e.getDate();
c.setDate(c.getDate() + 1)
) {
var currentDayLogs = Array.from(
var totalWorklogSecondsForTheDay = getWorkLogSecondsForTheDay(
footerColumnsHTML += `<td class="table-cell bottom-header-cell sticky sticky--bottom">${convertSecondsToWorkLogLabel(
return `
<td class="table-cell left-header-cell bottom-header-cell sticky sticky--bottom sticky--left sticky--in-front">Total Hours</td>
function constructIssueHTML(issue) {
var issueColumnHTML = "";
var workLogs = issue.workLogJSONResponse.worklogs;
var c, e;
for (
c = new Date(startingDate.getTime()), e = endingDate, wi = 0;
c.getFullYear() <= e.getFullYear() &&
c.getMonth() <= e.getMonth() &&
c.getDate() <= e.getDate() &&
wi < workLogs.length;
c.setDate(c.getDate() + 1)
) {
var workLog = workLogs[wi];
var workLogDate = new Date(workLog.started);
if (
workLogDate.getDate() == c.getDate() &&
workLogDate.getMonth() == c.getMonth() &&
workLogDate.getFullYear() == c.getFullYear()
) {
var currentDayWorkLogs = "";
var currentDayWorkLogsTotalSeconds = 0;
while (
workLogDate.getDate() == c.getDate() &&
workLogDate.getMonth() == c.getMonth() &&
workLogDate.getFullYear() == c.getFullYear()
) {
currentDayWorkLogs += workLog.timeSpent;
currentDayWorkLogsTotalSeconds += workLog.timeSpentSeconds;
if (wi >= workLogs.length) {
workLog = workLogs[wi];
workLogDate = new Date(workLog.started);
issueColumnHTML += `<td class="table-cell table-cell--logged" data-issue-key="${
}" data-${c.getFullYear()}-${c.getMonth()}-${c.getDate()}="${currentDayWorkLogsTotalSeconds}">${convertSecondsToWorkLogLabel(
} else {
issueColumnHTML += `<td class="table-cell"></td>`;
while (
c.getFullYear() <= e.getFullYear() &&
c.getMonth() <= e.getMonth() &&
c.getDate() <= e.getDate()
) {
issueColumnHTML += `<td class="table-cell"></td>`;
c.setDate(c.getDate() + 1);
return `
<td class="table-cell left-header-cell sticky sticky--left">
<a href="/browse/${issue.key}">${issue.key}</a>
</tr> `;
function downloadCSV() {
var downloadCSVData = [
["Work Date", "Work Hours", "Description", "Project", "Task", "Role"],
for (
var c = new Date(startingDate.getTime()), e = endingDate;
c.getFullYear() <= e.getFullYear() &&
c.getMonth() <= e.getMonth() &&
c.getDate() <= e.getDate();
c.setDate(c.getDate() + 1)
) {
var currentDayLogs = Array.from(
var totalWorklogSecondsForTheDay = 0;
var descriptionsForTheDay = "";
if (currentDayLogs.length > 0) {
totalWorklogSecondsForTheDay = getWorkLogSecondsForTheDay(
descriptionsForTheDay = getDescriptionsForTheDay(currentDayLogs);
function convertToHoursAndMinutes(totalSeconds) {
var hours;
if (totalSeconds >= 60 * 60) {
hours = totalSeconds / (60 * 60);
totalSeconds = totalSeconds - hours * 60 * 60;
var minutes = totalSeconds / 60;
return `${hours ? hours : '00' }:${minutes}`;
function getWorkLogSecondsForTheDay(currentDayLogs, c) {
var totalWorklogSecondsForTheDay = 0;
currentDayLogs.forEach((currentLog) => {
totalWorklogSecondsForTheDay += Number(
return totalWorklogSecondsForTheDay;
function getDescriptionsForTheDay(currentDayLogs) {
var descriptionsForTheDay = "";
var issuesKeysForTheDay = [];
currentDayLogs.forEach((currentLog) => {
issues.forEach((issue) => {
if (issuesKeysForTheDay.indexOf(issue.key) != -1) {
var comment = issue.workLogJSONResponse.worklogs[0].comment;
if (comment && comment.content) {
descriptionsForTheDay +=
" " +
issue.key +
" " +
.map((content) => => textNode.text).join(" ")
.join(" ");
return descriptionsForTheDay;
function startCSVDownload(data) {
var csvContent =
"data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + => r.join(",")).join("\n");
var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent);;
function convertSecondsToWorkLogLabel(seconds) {
var workLogLabel = "";
if (seconds >= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) {
var weeks = Math.trunc(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24 * 7));
seconds -= weeks * (60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
workLogLabel += `${weeks}w `;
if (seconds >= 60 * 60 * 24) {
var days = Math.trunc(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24));
seconds -= days * (60 * 60 * 24);
workLogLabel += `${days}h `;
if (seconds >= 60 * 60) {
var hours = Math.trunc(seconds / (60 * 60));
seconds -= hours * (60 * 60);
workLogLabel += `${hours}h `;
if (seconds >= 60) {
var minutes = Math.trunc(seconds / 60);
seconds -= minutes * 60;
workLogLabel += `${minutes}m `;
if (seconds > 0) {
workLogLabel += `${seconds}s`;
return workLogLabel;
function parseJwt(token) {
var base64Url = token.split(".")[1];
var base64 = base64Url.replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/");
var jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(
.map(function (c) {
return "%" + ("00" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
return JSON.parse(jsonPayload);
var tableStyles = document.createElement("style");
tableStyles.innerHTML = `
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box-sizing: border-box;
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position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
display: flex;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
flex-direction: column;
padding: 30px;
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max-height: 80vh;
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bottom: 0;
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z-index: 10;
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font-size: 12px;
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min-width: 65px;
text-align: center;
border-right: 1px solid #dbdbdb;
border-bottom: 1px solid #dbdbdb;
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border-right: none;
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min-width: 120px;
.wc__table tbody .left-header-cell {
background-color: white;
.wc__table tfoot .left-header-cell {
font-weight: bold;
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background-color: #D5F0ED;
.wc__table tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #f2f2f2;
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background: #2c867b;
color: white;
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margin-bottom: 10px;
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margin-bottom: 20px;
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