Save siduck/048bed2e7570569e6b327b35d1715404 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash | |
# Run the script from home dir | |
cd ~ | |
nvim_config="$HOME/.config/nvim" | |
nvim_data="$HOME/.local/share/nvim" | |
cp -r "$nvim_config" nvim_bak # backup nvim dir | |
cp -r "$nvim_config/lua/custom" . | |
# Remove prefix 'custom.' from all files | |
find custom -type f -exec sed -i 's/custom\.//g' {} + | |
# replace all plugins.configs -> nvchad.configs | |
find custom -type f -exec sed -i 's/plugins.configs/nvchad.configs/g' {} + | |
cd custom | |
# we will load this in main init.lua | |
mv init.lua myinit.lua | |
# disable these fields in chadrc | |
sed -Ei 's/M.mappings|M.plugins/-- &/g' chadrc.lua | |
# add new module paths | |
[ -e options.lua ] && sed -i '1s/^/require "nvchad.options"\n/' options.lua | |
[ -e autocmds.lua ] && sed -i '1s/^/require "nvchad.autocmds"\n/' autocmds.lua | |
[ -e mappings.lua ] && sed -i '1s/^/require "nvchad.mappings"\n/' mappings.lua | |
cd .. | |
rm -rf "$nvim_config" "$nvim_data" | |
# setup new config | |
git clone https://github.com/NvChad/starter "$nvim_config" | |
if [ -e custom/configs ]; then | |
mv custom/configs/* "$nvim_config/lua/configs/" | |
rm -rf custom/configs | |
fi | |
mv custom/* "$nvim_config/lua" | |
cd "$nvim_config" | |
# load custom.init.lua if it exists | |
[ -e lua/myinit.lua ] && echo "require 'myinit'" >> init.lua | |
# Some users have plugins.lua instead of plugins dir/ so move it in the plugins dir | |
[ -e lua/plugins.lua ] && mv lua/plugins.lua lua/plugins/myplugins.lua | |
nvim |
@Maritsu thanks for correcting, it should be starter. Starter config will pull Nvchad main repo's v2.5 branch!
From which dir is the script expected to be run? (i.e. line 7 recursively copying to current dir). Thanks
@h0pes home dir
Do you mean ~
? Might be useful to add a simple cd ~
then. Thanks for the code comment though
Do you mean
? Might be useful to add a simplecd ~
then. Thanks for the code comment though
Lines 23 and 24 can be replaced with:
sed -Ei 's/M.mappings|M.plugins/-- &/g' chadrc.lua
This will comment these lines as opposed to alter them.
@LeonardoMor done
Also a small bug, line 48 should be replaced with:
[ -e lua/myinit.lua ] && echo "require 'myinit'" >>init.lua
Also a small bug, line 48 should be replaced with:
[ -e lua/myinit.lua ] && echo "require 'myinit'" >>init.lua
rm -rf $nvim_config $nvim_data
Line 32 suddenly lacks the double quotes.
You can throw in
set -eu
for good measure.
Unfortunately, this didn't work for me. It seems that the plugin installation part works without issues, but then I get
Error detected while processing /Users/xxx/.config/nvim/init.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: cannot open /Users/xxx/.local/share/nvim/nvchad/base46/defaults: No such file or directory
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'dofile'
/Users/xxx/.config/nvim/init.lua:32: in main chunk
When I press enter (to skip the error message) I get the next error message:
Failed to run `config` for ui
/Users/xxx/.local/share/nvim/lazy/ui/lua/nvchad/init.lua:2: loop or previous error loading module 'nvconfig'
# stacktrace:
- /ui/lua/nvchad/init.lua:2
- //NvChad/lua/nvchad/plugins.ui.lua:16 _in_ **config**
- .config/nvim/init.lua:17
and a large message for base46 "build failed" then with red background:
/Users/xxx/.config.nvim/lua/chadrc.lua:14: module 'custom.mappings' not found:
no field package.preload['custom.mappings']
cache_loader: module custom.mappings not found
cache_loader_lib: module custom.mappings not found
no file './custom/mappings.lua'
no file '/opt/homebrew/share/luajit-2.1/custom/mappings.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/custom/mappings.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/custom/mappings/init.lua'
no file '/opt/homebrew/share/lua/5.1/custom/mappings.lua'
no file '/opt/homebrew/share/lua/5.1/custom/mappings/init.lua'
no file './custom/mappings.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/custom/mappings.so'
no file '/opt/homebrew/lib/lua/5.1/custom/mappings.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
no file './custom.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/custom.so'
no file '/opt/homebrew/lib/lua/5.1/custom.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
The last error seems to suggest that there was some custom
file that wasn't properly renamed. Any ideas how to fix this?
@igordertigor now you check the manual migration, check v2.5 release news article. you should understand how the new config structure works, and is same as general nvim configs unlike custom config abstraction in v2.0 . Man up!
So first of all check your chadrc, M.mappings and M.plugins in it are no longer needed
This script needs set -e
at the top (or &&
or || exit 1
on each step), so it won't continue if there are previous errors. I ran it, got a bunch of errors, and couldn't read the errors before nvim started. In hindsight I should have just done each step manually.
I haven't done the migration yet, but the code is pretty big and has a lot going on. I already posted feedback about this (here), but I'll probably try to understand what it exactly does anyway and then see if I want to run it manually or not.
This script needs
set -e
at the top (or&&
or|| exit 1
on each step), so it won't continue if there are previous errors. I ran it, got a bunch of errors, and couldn't read the errors before nvim started. In hindsight I should have just done each step manually.
feel free to send an updated version of the script, i'll add it in the migration docs on nvchad.com itself
hi. I'm configure nvim-dap. In 2.0, it can be configured like (copied from here https://github.com/dreamsofcode-io/neovim-cpp/blob/main/plugins.lua#L33):
config = function(_, _)
Migrate it into lua/plugins/xxx.lua in v2.5, it reports error:
Failed to run `config` for nvim-dap
/root/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/myplugins.lua:35: module 'core.utils' not found:
^Ino field package.preload['core.utils']
cache_loader: module core.utils not found
cache_loader_lib: module core.utils not found
^Ino file './core/utils.lua'
^Ino file '/__w/neovim/neovim/.deps/usr/share/luajit-2.1/core/utils.lua'
^Ino file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/core/utils.lua'
^Ino file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/core/utils/init.lua'
^Ino file '/__w/neovim/neovim/.deps/usr/share/lua/5.1/core/utils.lua'
^Ino file '/__w/neovim/neovim/.deps/usr/share/lua/5.1/core/utils/init.lua'
^Ino file './core/utils.so'
^Ino file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/core/utils.so'
^Ino file '/__w/neovim/neovim/.deps/usr/lib/lua/5.1/core/utils.so'
^Ino file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
^Ino file './core.so'
^Ino file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/core.so'
^Ino file '/__w/neovim/neovim/.deps/usr/lib/lua/5.1/core.so'
^Ino file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
# stacktrace:
- lua/plugins/myplugins.lua:35 _in_ **config**
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Failed to run `config` for nvim-dap-ui
/root/.local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dap-ui/lua/dapui/init.lua:36: nvim-dap-ui requires nvim-nio to be installed. Install from https://github.com/nvim-neotest/nvim-nio
How can I solve this ?
BTW, I install neovim 0.9.5 in customized path:
# ls /data/opt/nvim/
bin lib man share
@baiwfg2 the mapping part isnt automatic, so please remove the core.utils** stuff and convert your mappings to new ones
Works on macos with gsed in lieu of sed
The script will fail if there's a network error, like failed git clone
EDIT: nvm, I just saw the nvim_bak
backup directory.
@fishBone000 such users must check the network first! like you're running a script that clones stuff then you should obviously have a stable connection
rm -rf "$nvim_config" "$nvim_data"
Oh well. I had my precious undofiles in $nvim_data. A warning or automatic backup would have been nice in the above script.
This is why it is always advised to read the (shellscript) code that you are downloading/running from the Internet. You can't make shell scripts 100% foolproof (or rather, you would spend a huge amount of time just to make it safe). For a simple migration helper script, I don't think this is worth doing. Making backups just in case is also a good thing to remember.
I still haven't migrated, but I did goof up a few times in the past when playing around with shell commands and scripts. I did learn on my mistakes.
But I agree that a healthy reminder about reading the code before executing it and making backups would be nice to have at the top of the script (and maybe here too).
you are right @Andrew15-5 , i didnt think users might preserve ~/.local/share/nvim, fyi @EricDuminil undo stuff is in ~/.local/state/nvim
, not share* one i think.
this page is a gist, the code is visible in front of your eyes + with comments so Ig users can read it quickly
@Andrew15-5 @siduck I totally agree it was mostly a PEBKAC error.
My nvim config is a weird mix of potentially decade old lines. let &undodir = $HOME.'/.local/share/nvim/undo2'
, among others, and I honestly cannot remember why.
and I honestly cannot remember why.
That's why it's better to always document your configs. I now try doing that (didn't document anything in the past), and it will probably save me the headache of figuring out what does what and why. But I think when using Lua API in Lua, the code is more self-documented than the old Vimscript stuff.
The scripts works well . But a word of caution to folks trying this, Make sure to back Up your original configurations.
@sananand007 doesnt the script already do that 😑
my bad, yes it does @siduck .
I have all my custom plugins settings needed to be re-done after the update, so wanted to put a word of caution.
Is the branch supposed to be
on line 34, or should it bev2.5