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Last active July 14, 2020 18:04
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Trying out the new Sentry Performance monitoring feature
"_meta": {
"hash": {
"sha256": "4c3c3988cee9ef0aabedb0fe77f041c143b7c7fdde2feb775bb0578948a09288"
"pipfile-spec": 6,
"requires": {
"python_version": "3.7"
"sources": [
"name": "pypi",
"url": "",
"verify_ssl": true
"default": {
"certifi": {
"hashes": [
"version": "==2020.6.20"
"sentry-sdk": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==0.16.0"
"urllib3": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4' and python_version < '4'",
"version": "==1.25.9"
"develop": {}
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up integrations (with default = True)
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.django.DjangoIntegration: Django not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.flask.FlaskIntegration: Flask is not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.bottle.BottleIntegration: Bottle not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.falcon.FalconIntegration: Falcon not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.sanic.SanicIntegration: Sanic not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.celery.CeleryIntegration: Celery not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.rq.RqIntegration: RQ not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.aiohttp.AioHttpIntegration: AIOHTTP not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.tornado.TornadoIntegration: Tornado not installed
[sentry] DEBUG: Did not import default integration sentry_sdk.integrations.sqlalchemy.SqlalchemyIntegration: SQLAlchemy not installed.
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up previously not enabled integration logging
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up previously not enabled integration stdlib
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up previously not enabled integration excepthook
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up previously not enabled integration dedupe
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up previously not enabled integration atexit
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up previously not enabled integration modules
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up previously not enabled integration argv
[sentry] DEBUG: Setting up previously not enabled integration threading
[sentry] DEBUG: Enabling integration logging
[sentry] DEBUG: Enabling integration stdlib
[sentry] DEBUG: Enabling integration excepthook
[sentry] DEBUG: Enabling integration dedupe
[sentry] DEBUG: Enabling integration atexit
[sentry] DEBUG: Enabling integration modules
[sentry] DEBUG: Enabling integration argv
[sentry] DEBUG: Enabling integration threading
[sentry] DEBUG: Sending envelope [envelope with 1 items (default)] project:1860700
[sentry] DEBUG: atexit: got shutdown signal
[sentry] DEBUG: atexit: shutting down client
[sentry] DEBUG: Flushing HTTP transport
[sentry] DEBUG: background worker got flush request
[sentry] DEBUG: 1 event(s) pending on flush
Sentry is attempting to send 1 pending error messages
Waiting up to 2 seconds
Press Ctrl-C to quit
[sentry] DEBUG: background worker flushed
[sentry] DEBUG: Killing HTTP transport
[sentry] DEBUG: background worker got kill request
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sentry_sdk
import time
_experiments={"auto_enabling_integrations": True},
traces_sample_rate = 1.0,
from sentry_sdk import start_transaction
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Item:
transaction_name: str
def get_transaction_name(self):
return self.transaction_name
def process_item(item: Item):
for item in [Item("hello"), Item("bar")]:
with start_transaction(op="task", name=item.get_transaction_name()):
# process_item may create more spans internally (see next examples)
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Hi Markus,

thanks for the suggestion!

So, I added capture_message to (1) make sure my connection works (it didn't due to proxy), and (2) to force a flush to Sentry.

Here is a list of changes, which each work independently. I.e. making any one of these changes makes performance info show up on Sentry-Web.


This at end of file:

# sentry_sdk.capture_message(f"Test. Flush some messages..")
# As suggested by @untitaker
# time.sleep(10)

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