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Last active September 9, 2015 17:40
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  • Save siennathesane/0de7db321c11aacd911d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save siennathesane/0de7db321c11aacd911d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates the base statistical data table.
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, mapper
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, String
import json
import os
import requests
import gc
# to run, go to and
# request an anonymous user API key. then the script will
# be able to create the database.
gallery = {"gallery.json": ""}
header = {"Authorization": "Client-ID YOUR-API-KEY"}
def Refresh():
Removes old gallery.json file.
if os.path.isfile('gallery.json') is True:
def Save():
Saves the response json to a file.
for key, value in gallery.items():
response = requests.get(value, headers=header)
with open(key, 'w') as f:
json.dump(response.json(), f, indent=4)
def CreateDatabase():
Creates the initial database, returns the global engine connection.
engine = create_engine("sqlite:///test.db", echo=True)
metadata = MetaData()
gallery = Table("gallery", metadata,
Column("id", String(100), primary_key=True),
Column("comment_preview", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("images_count", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("section", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("oc", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("vote", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("points", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("privacy", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("cover_height", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("views", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("cover", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("account_id", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("is_album", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("favorite", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("ups", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("topic_id", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("nsfw", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("account_url", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("title", String(255), nullable=True),
Column("comment_count", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("layout", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("cover_width", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("downs", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("link", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("datetime", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("platform", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("score", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("description", String(255), nullable=True),
Column("width", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("type", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("bandwidth", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("height", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("size", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("animated", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("mp4", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("looping", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("gifv", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("webm", String(100), nullable=True),
Column("topic", String(100), nullable=True))
def LoadSession():
DbPath = 'test.db'
global global_engine
global_engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % DbPath, echo=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=global_engine)
session = Session()
return session
def LoadGallery():
metadata = MetaData(0)
gallery = Table('gallery', metadata, autoload_with=global_engine)
return gallery
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('test.json', 'r') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
session = LoadSession()
gallery = LoadGallery()
for post in data['data']:
insert = gallery.insert().values(post)
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