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Sinuhe Jaime sierisimo

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Crippling Facebook

Facebook works with advertisers to target you. These instructions are one of the many ways to begin crippling that relationship. When AI targeting is crippled, your psychosecurity improves :)

  1. On your desktop machine, goto
  2. Maximize the browser window
  3. Press F12 and click on the Console tab
  4. Select the code below, copy it, paste it upon the Console line (The area next to the > character in the Console window), and press enter:
sierisimo /
Last active April 21, 2016 04:35 — forked from ec84b4/gist:d56c00fb5fd2dfaf279b
Adapater for RecyclerView with headers between items
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;
* Created by khaled bakhtiari on 10/26/2014.
* <a href="">