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Created February 14, 2019 23:45
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import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import concurrent.futures as cf
from itertools import zip_longest
GITHUB = os.environ.get("GITHUB")
facilities = pd.read_csv('../data/raw/facilities.csv')
accounts = pd.read_csv('../data/raw/accounts.csv')
users = pd.read_csv('../data/raw/users.csv')
# rename ParentId in facitilies to FacilityId
facilities = facilities.rename(columns={'ParentId': 'FacilityId'})
# rename Id in users to CreatedById (to make merging more clean)
users = users.rename(columns={'Id': 'CreatedById'})
# merge the user data and create a Boolean column to represent if the field edit was a mass update or not
# (mass updates are generated by Anthony Zirilli, Steven Han, or Developer, so I identified their user Ids)
def merge_user_data(df):
df = df.merge(users, on='CreatedById', how='left')
df['MassUpdated'] = np.where(df['CreatedById'].isin(['005E0000007XSBHIA4', '005E0000007OrqlIAC', '005E0000007QaBkIAK']), True, False)
return df
facilities = merge_user_data(facilities)
accounts = merge_user_data(accounts)
# Convert date to a timestamp
facilities['CreatedDate'] = pd.to_datetime(facilities['CreatedDate'])
accounts['CreatedDate'] = pd.to_datetime(accounts['CreatedDate'])
# create a Boolean column to represent if the field edit was a "true change":
# if OldValue at first timestamp = NewValue at last timestamp then False, else True
# partition by FacilityId, Field order by CreatedDate
facilities['EditOrder'] = facilities.groupby(['FacilityId', 'Field'])['CreatedDate'].rank(method='first')
accounts['EditOrder'] = accounts.groupby(['AccountId', 'Field'])['CreatedDate'].rank(method='first')
facilities_uniqs = facilities.groupby(['FacilityId', 'Field'])['CreatedDate'].count().reset_index()
facilities_uniqs = facilities_uniqs[facilities_uniqs['CreatedDate'] > 1]
accounts_uniqs = accounts.groupby(['AccountId', 'Field'])['CreatedDate'].count().reset_index()
accounts_uniqs = accounts_uniqs[accounts_uniqs['CreatedDate'] > 1]
def get_truechange(Id, Field, table):
# returns single boolean value (True or False) representing whether or not the Field for the given Id (facility or account id) has truly changed from the original value
# input strings for the Id, Field, and table ('facilities' or 'accounts')
if table == 'facilities':
idCol = 'FacilityId'
df = facilities
idCol = 'AccountId'
df = accounts
df_sub = df[(df[idCol] == Id) & (df['Field'] == Field)]
orig_val = df_sub[df_sub['EditOrder'] == 1]['OldValue'].values[0]
latest_val = df_sub[df_sub['EditOrder'] == df_sub['EditOrder'].max()]['NewValue'].values[0]
return (orig_val != latest_val)
get_true_change = np.vectorize(get_truechange)
#facilities['TrueChange'] = get_true_change(facilities_uniqs['FacilityId'].values, facilities_uniqs['Field'].values, 'facilities')
def tqdm_parallel_map(executor, fn, *iterables, **kwargs):
Equivalent to, *iterables),
but displays a tqdm-based progress bar.
Does not support timeout or chunksize as executor.submit is used internally
**kwargs is passed to tqdm.
futures_list = []
args = iterables[0]
final_args = [dict(zip(args.keys(), values)) for values in zip_longest(*args.values())]
for arg in final_args:
futures_list += [executor.submit(fn, arg['Id'], arg['Field'], arg['table'])]
for f in tqdm(cf.as_completed(futures_list), total=len(futures_list), **kwargs):
return futures_list
print("Running facilities...")
facilities_uniqs['TrueChange'] = tqdm_parallel_map(cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(), get_truechange, {'Id': facilities_uniqs['FacilityId'].values, 'Field': facilities_uniqs['Field'].values, 'table': ['facilities'] * len(facilities_uniqs['Field'].values)})
facilities_final = facilities.merge(facilities_uniqs, on=['FacilityId','Field'], how='left')
print("Running accounts...")
accounts_uniqs['TrueChange'] = tqdm_parallel_map(cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(), get_truechange, {'Id': accounts_uniqs['AccountId'].values, 'Field': accounts_uniqs['Field'].values, 'table': ['accounts'] * len(accounts_uniqs['Field'].values)})
accounts_final = accounts.merge(accounts_uniqs, on=['AccountId','Field'], how='left')
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