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Last active June 8, 2021 09:02
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Lattice joining graph connected components by their partition order
module Main where
import Algebra.PartialOrd (PartialOrd(..))
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List.Extra (groupSortOn)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.POSet as POSet
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Set as Set
newtype Partition = Partition { getPart :: [Set Int] } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance PartialOrd Partition where
(Partition as) `leq` (Partition bs) = all (\a -> any (\b -> a `Set.isSubsetOf` b) bs) as
type Problem = [Partition] -- list of partitions that should be filtered to become pairwise distinct
type Problems = [(Problem, Problem)] -- question and the answer
problems :: Problems
problems = map (bimap (map (Partition . map S.fromList)) (map (Partition . map S.fromList)))
( [[[1], [2]]]
, [[[1], [2]]]
( [[[1], [2]], [[1, 2]]]
, [[[1, 2]]]
( [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2, 3], [4]]]
, [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2, 3], [4]]]
( [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2, 3, 4]]]
, [[[1, 2, 3, 4]]]
( [map return [1, 2, 3, 4] ++ [[5]], map return [1, 2, 3] ++ [[4, 5]]]
, [map return [1, 2, 3] ++ [[4, 5]]]
-- the problem is to partiton the graphs by "vertex unions" and return any from the partition
-- that is a graph A is equivalent to graph B, if A has two vertexes V and V',
-- then A is equivalent to B, if B = [V \cup V'].
-- UPDATE: alternatively you can say that A <= B if all A elements are subsets of some element in B
-- which is also called "coarser" since we're talking about partitions
f :: Problem -> Problem
f = POSet.lookupMax . POSet.fromList
main = for_ problems . uncurry $ \problem answer -> do
print (((==) `on` Set.fromList) (f problem) answer)
print problem
print (f problem)
print answer
putStrLn ""
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siers commented Jun 8, 2021

[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1],fromList [2]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1],fromList [2]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1],fromList [2]]}]

[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1],fromList [2]]},Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2]]}]

[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2],fromList [3,4]]},Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2,3],fromList [4]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2,3],fromList [4]]},Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2],fromList [3,4]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2],fromList [3,4]]},Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2,3],fromList [4]]}]

[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2],fromList [3,4]]},Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2,3,4]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2,3,4]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1,2,3,4]]}]

[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1],fromList [2],fromList [3],fromList [4],fromList [5]]},Partition {getPart = [fromList [1],fromList [2],fromList [3],fromList [4,5]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1],fromList [2],fromList [3],fromList [4,5]]}]
[Partition {getPart = [fromList [1],fromList [2],fromList [3],fromList [4,5]]}]

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