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Last active October 22, 2020 20:53
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my megasec parsers
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Expr
import Text.Megaparsec.String
import Debug.Trace
t :: Show a => a -> a
t = show >>= trace
s :: String -> String
s = id >>= trace
p pa = parse pa ""
ps pa = parse pa
str :: Parser String
str = between quote quote (many $ (noneOf "\\\"") <|> (char '\'' *> noneOf "\""))
where quote = char '"'
k :: Parser String
k = many $ (noneOf "x\\\"") <|> (char '\\' *> noneOf "\"")
l :: Parser String
l = many $ (noneOf "x\\\"") <|> char 'x'
t: "one"
t: (seven eight)
t: <six>
f: "two'
f: <three
f: <four<
f: <five)
t: zn: test
t: !test
t: str: "test"
t: str: "t\"est"
f: str: "test"x
f: str: "t\"
t: sentence-1: "foo" "bar"
f: sentence-1: "foo""bar"
f: sentence-1: "foo" bar
t: sentence-2: "foo" bar
t: sentence-2: "foo" b\ \"ar 'test' 'a b' thisescapes\\well
f: sentence-2: "foo" b'ar
f: btw3: s/what/the
t: btw3: s/what/the/
t: btw3: s/what/the/gi
f: btw3: s/what/the/fuck
find -name '*.hs' | write-do sh -c 'clear; stack build && stack exec megasec < input'
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Expr
import Text.Megaparsec.String
import MSed
import MShellish
import MTesting
import MZn
prefix :: String -> String -> String
prefix prefixStr = unlines . map (prefixStr ++) . lines
parser :: Parser String
parser = choice . map (<* eof) $
[ string "str: " *> str '"'
, string "sentence-1: " *> (fmap show $ sentence (str '"'))
, string "sentence-2: " *> (fmap show $ shellish)
, string "btw3: " *> (fmap show sed)
, enclosed
, addressed]
explain :: String -> Either ParseError String -> IO ()
explain input parse = do
putStrLn $ color ("¬ " ++ input)
putStrLn . either (cprefix "!··· " . show) (cprefix "»··· ") $ parse
cprefix p = (const color id) . prefix p
color =
if (input !! 0 == 't') == isLeft parse
then ("\x1b[31m" ++)
else ("\x1b[32m" ++)
run :: String -> (String, Either ParseError String)
run str = (str, ) $ parse (indication *> parser) "input" str
where indication = (string "t" <|> string "f") <* string ": "
main = do
c <- getContents
mapM_ (uncurry explain . run) . filter (not . null) . takeWhile (/= "END") $ lines c
-- insert color resetting here
module MSed where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Expr
import Text.Megaparsec.String
between3 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (b, b)
between3 lim p = do
lim; a <- p; lim; b <- p; lim
return (a, b)
sed :: Parser ((String, String), String)
sed = (,) <$> (string "s" *> body) <*> (many $ oneOf "gi")
where body = between3 (string "/") (many $ noneOf "/")
module MShellish where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Expr
import Text.Megaparsec.String
escaped :: String -> Parser String
escaped quotes = many $ (char '\\' *> anyChar) <|> (noneOf quotes)
str :: Char -> Parser String
str = (\q -> between (char q) (char q) (escaped [q]))
sentence :: Parser String -> Parser [String]
sentence from = sepBy1 from (skipSome spaceChar)
shellish :: Parser [String]
shellish = sentence $ str '\"' <|> str '\'' <|> escaped " \"'"
module MTesting where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Expr
import Text.Megaparsec.String
import Debug.Trace
t :: Show a => a -> a
t = show >>= trace
s :: String -> String
s = id >>= trace
translateSome :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> a
translateSome hay needle = maybe needle id $ do
idx <- elemIndex needle hay
Just $ hay !! (idx + 1)
opens = "([*<\"'"
substs = "()[]<>"
enclosed :: Parser String
enclosed = do
open <- oneOf opens
let end = translateSome substs open
many (noneOf $ return end) <* char end
module MZn where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Expr
import Text.Megaparsec.String
addressed :: Parser String
addressed = (byName <|> byPrefix) *> many anyChar
byName = string "zn" *> oneOf ":," *> space
byPrefix = void $ oneOf "!,"
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.String
translateSome :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> a
translateSome hay needle = maybe needle id $ do
idx <- elemIndex needle hay
Just $ hay !! (idx + 1)
opens = "([*<\"'"
substs = "()[]<>"
enclosed :: Parser String
enclosed = do
open <- oneOf opens
let end = translateSome substs open
many (noneOf $ return end) <* char end
addressed :: Parser ()
addressed = undefined -- byName <|> byPrefix
byName = undefined -- string "zn" *> oneOf ":," *> spaces
byPrefix = undefined -- oneOf "!,"
main = do
c <- getContents
mapM_ (print . parse enclosed "") $ lines c
main = do
c <- getContents
mapM_ (print . choice [enclosed, addressed] "") $ lines c
name: pkg
synopsis: IRC bot
description: Xn's rival
author: siers
copyright: Copyleft
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.20
executable parsec
hs-source-dirs: .
main-is: ParsecMain.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base
, aeson
, parsec
executable megasec
hs-source-dirs: .
main-is: MegasecMain.hs
other-modules: MSed
, MShellish
, MTesting
, MZn
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base
, aeson
, megaparsec
# This file was automatically generated by stack init
# For more information, see:
# Specifies the GHC version and set of packages available (e.g., lts-3.5, nightly-2015-09-21, ghc-7.10.2)
resolver: lts-6.14
# Local packages, usually specified by relative directory name
- '.'
extra-deps: []
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
flags: {}
# Extra package databases containing global packages
extra-package-dbs: []
# Control whether we use the GHC we find on the path
system-ghc: false
# ghc-options:
# "*": -fwarn-unused-imports
# Require a specific version of stack, using version ranges
# require-stack-version: -any # Default
# require-stack-version: >= 1.0.0
# Override the architecture used by stack, especially useful on Windows
# arch: i386
# arch: x86_64
# Extra directories used by stack for building
# extra-include-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# extra-lib-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# Allow a newer minor version of GHC than the snapshot specifies
# compiler-check: newer-minor
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