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Created May 1, 2022 08:21
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HTTPure routing duplex example
module Main where
import Prelude hiding ((/))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (ServerM, found', headers, notFound, ok, serve)
import Routing.Duplex (RouteDuplex', as, optional, print, root, segment, string)
import Routing.Duplex.Generic as G
import Routing.Duplex.Generic.Syntax ((/), (?))
data Route
= Home
| Profile String
| Account String
| Search { q :: String, sorting :: Maybe Sort }
derive instance Generic Route _
data Sort = Asc | Desc
derive instance Generic Sort _
sortToString :: Sort -> String
sortToString = case _ of
Asc -> "asc"
Desc -> "desc"
sortFromString :: String -> Either String Sort
sortFromString = case _ of
"asc" -> Right Asc
"desc" -> Right Desc
val -> Left $ "Not a sort: " <> val
sort :: RouteDuplex' String -> RouteDuplex' Sort
sort = as sortToString sortFromString
route :: RouteDuplex' Route
route = root $ G.sum
{ "Home": G.noArgs
, "Profile": "profile" / string segment
, "Account": "account" / string segment
, "Search": "search" ? { q: string, sorting: optional <<< sort }
main :: ServerM
main = serve 8080 route router $ log "Server now up on port 8080"
router { route: Right Home } = ok "hello world!"
router { route: Right (Profile profile) } = ok $ "hello " <> profile <> "!"
router { route: Right (Account account) } = found' redirect ""
redirect = headers [ Tuple "Location" $ print route $ Profile account ]
router { route: Right (Search { q, sorting }) } = ok $ "searching for query " <> q <> " " <> case sorting of
Just Asc -> "ascending"
Just Desc -> "descending"
Nothing -> "defaulting to ascending"
router { route: Left err } = notFound
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