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공학 선형대수학에 사용된 코드
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def back_substitution(U,Y):
back_substitution은 역치환을 수행하여 UX = Y의 해를 구합니다.
U가 전체 순위인지 확인하기 위해 오류를 검사하지 않습니다.
U : NumPy array object of dimension mxm
Y : NumPy array object of dimension mx1
X : NumPy array object of dimension mx1
m = U.shape[0] # m은 $U$의 행과 열 수입니다.
X = np.zeros((m,1))
for i in range(m-1,-1,-1): # m-1에서 0으로 역방향으로 항목을 계산합니다.
X[i] = Y[i]
for j in range(i+1,m):
X[i] -= U[i][j]*X[j]
if (U[i][i] != 0):
X[i] /= U[i][i]
print("Zero entry found in U pivot position",i,".")
return X
def determinant_iteration(A):
행렬식을 계산 합니다.
선호하진 않지만 재귀를 활용합니다.
A: NumPy array object of dimension nxn
D: int
# Check shape of A
if (A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]):
print("Determinant only defined for square arrays.")
return None
n = A.shape[0] # n is number of rows and columns in A
size = A.shape[0]
if size == 2:
return A[0,0]*A[1,1]-A[0,1]*A[1,0]
m=0 # Determinant expansion along row 0
D=0. # Set determinant to zero and add contributions
for n in range(size):
minor = []
# Construct (m,n) minor array (row m, column n deleted)
for i in range(size):
if(i != m):
k += 1
for j in range(size):
if(j != n):
Minor_array = np.array(minor)
cofactor = (-1)**(m+n)*determinant_iteration(Minor_array)
D += cofactor*A[m,n]
return D
def draw_graph(A, pos = None):
draw_graph(A, pos = None)
인정햅렬(adjacency matrix)을 기반으로 한 방향 그래프를 그립니다.
A : NumPy array object.
pos: Optional dictionary to specify node coordinates
pos: Dictionary of node coordinates used to draw graph
G = nx.DiGraph()
N = A.shape[0]
edge_list = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if(A[i,j] == 1):
if (pos == None):
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
options = {"node_size" : 500, "with_labels": True,"font_size":20}
nx.draw(G, pos,connectionstyle='arc3, rad = 0.1',arrowsize=30,**options)
return pos
def full_row_reduction(A, tol = 1e-14):
full_row_reduction(A, tol = 1e-14)
모든 형태의 행렬에 대해 RREF를 생성합니다.
피벗 전략이 구현되지 않았습니다.
A : NumPy array object of dimension mxn
tol: optional float
B: NumPy array object of dimension mxn
m = A.shape[0] # m is number of rows in A
n = A.shape[1] # n is number of columns in A
B = np.copy(A).astype('float64')
# Set initial pivot search position
pivot_row = 0
pivot_col = 0
# Continue steps of elimination while possible pivot positions are
# within bounds of the array.
while(pivot_row < m and pivot_col < n):
# Set pivot value to current pivot position
pivot = B[pivot_row,pivot_col]
# If pivot is zero, search down current column, and then subsequent
# columns (at or beyond pivot_row) for the next nonzero entry in the
# array is found, or the last entry is reached.
row_search = pivot_row
col_search = pivot_col
search_end = False
while(pivot == 0 and not search_end):
if(row_search < m-1):
row_search += 1
pivot = B[row_search,col_search]
if(col_search < n-1):
row_search = pivot_row
col_search += 1
pivot = B[row_search,col_search]
# col_search = n-1 and row_search = m-1
search_end = True
# Swap row if needed to bring pivot to position for rref
if (pivot != 0 and pivot_row != row_search):
B = row_swap(B,pivot_row,row_search)
pivot_row, row_search = row_search, pivot_row
# Set pivot position to search position
pivot_row = row_search
pivot_col = col_search
# If pivot is nonzero, carry on with elimination in pivot column
if (pivot != 0):
# Set pivot entry to one
B = row_scale(B,pivot_row,1./B[pivot_row,pivot_col])
# Create zeros above pivot
for i in range(pivot_row):
B = row_add(B,pivot_row,i,-B[i][pivot_col])
# Force known zeros
B[i,pivot_col] = 0
# Create zeros below pivot
for i in range(pivot_row+1,m):
B = row_add(B,pivot_row,i,-B[i][pivot_col])
# Force known zeros
B[i,pivot_col] = 0
# Force small numbers to zero to account for roundoff error
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
if abs(B[i,j])< tol :
B[i,j] = 0
# Advance to next possible pivot position
pivot_row += 1
pivot_col += 1
return B
def highlight_subgraph(A,pos,subgraph):
A : NumPy array object
pos : dictionary of node positions
nodelist : list of ints representing the nodes in the subgraph
G = nx.DiGraph()
N = A.shape[0]
edge_list = []
subgraph_edges = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if(A[i,j] == 1):
for edge in edge_list:
if (edge[0] in subgraph and edge[1] in subgraph):
options = {"with_labels": True,"font_size":20}
nx.draw(G, pos,connectionstyle='arc3, rad = 0.1',arrowsize=30,**options)
node_options = {"node_color":'r',"node_size" : 400}
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=subgraph, **node_options)
edge_options = {"width" : 8,"alpha" : 0.5, "edge_color" : 'r',
"connectionstyle":"arc3, rad=0.1"}
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos,edgelist=subgraph_edges, **edge_options)
def inverse(A):
A: NumPy array object of dimension nxn
Inverse: NumPy array object of dimension nxn
# Check shape of A
if (A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]):
print("Inverse accepts only square arrays.")
n = A.shape[0] # n is number of rows and columns in A
I = np.eye(n)
# The augmented matrix is A together with all the columns of I. RowReduction is
# carried out simultaneously for all n systems.
A_augmented = np.hstack((A,I))
R = row_reduction(A_augmented)
Inverse = np.zeros((n,n))
# Now BackSubstitution is carried out for each column and the result is stored
# in the corresponding column of Inverse.
A_reduced = R[:,0:n]
for i in range(0,n):
B_reduced = R[:,n+i:n+i+1]
Inverse[:,i:i+1] = back_substitution(A_reduced,B_reduced)
def row_swap(A,k,l):
A : NumPy array object of dimension mxn
k : int
l : int
scale : float
B: NumPy array object of dimension mxn
m = A.shape[0] # m is number of rows in A
n = A.shape[1] # n is number of columns in A
B = np.copy(A).astype('float64')
for j in range(n):
temp = B[k][j]
B[k][j] = B[l][j]
B[l][j] = temp
return B
def row_scale(A,k,scale):
A : NumPy array object of dimension mxn
k : int
scale : float
B: NumPy array object of dimension mxn
m = A.shape[0] # m is number of rows in A
n = A.shape[1] # n is number of columns in A
B = np.copy(A).astype('float64')
for j in range(n):
B[k][j] *= scale
return B
def row_add(A,k,l,scale):
A : NumPy array object of dimension mxn
k : int
l : int
scale : float
B: NumPy array object of dimension mxn
m = A.shape[0] # m is number of rows in A
n = A.shape[1] # n is number of columns in A
B = np.copy(A).astype('float64')
for j in range(n):
B[l][j] += B[k][j]*scale
return B
def row_reduction(A):
A : NumPy array object of dimension mxn
B: NumPy array object of dimension mxn
m = A.shape[0] # A has m rows
n = A.shape[1] # It is assumed that A has m+1 columns
B = np.copy(A).astype('float64')
# For each step of elimination, we find a suitable pivot, move it into
# position and create zeros for all entries below.
for k in range(m):
# Set pivot as (k,k) entry
pivot = B[k][k]
pivot_row = k
# Find a suitable pivot if the (k,k) entry is zero
while(pivot == 0 and pivot_row < m-1):
pivot_row += 1
pivot = B[pivot_row][k]
# Swap row if needed
if (pivot_row != k):
B = row_swap(B,k,pivot_row)
# If pivot is nonzero, carry on with elimination in column k
if (pivot != 0):
B = row_scale(B,k,1./B[k][k])
for i in range(k+1,m):
B = row_add(B,k,i,-B[i][k])
print("Pivot could not be found in column",k,".")
return B
def solve_system(A,B):
A : NumPy array object of dimension nxn
B : NumPy array object of dimension nx1
X: NumPy array object of dimension nx1
# Check shape of A
if (A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]):
print("SolveSystem accepts only square arrays.")
return None
n = A.shape[0] # n is number of rows and columns in A
B.shape = (n,1)
# Join A and B to make the augmented matrix
A_augmented = np.hstack((A,B))
# Carry out elimination
R = row_reduction(A_augmented)
# Split R back into nxn piece and nx1 piece
B_reduced = R[:,n:n+1]
A_reduced = R[:,0:n]
# Do back substitution
X = back_substitution(A_reduced,B_reduced)
return X
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