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Created December 17, 2013 19:10
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generate sequence of cube rotation group
# Generate all cube rotation group (permutations)
# There are 24 of them, including identity
# Pure integer arithmetic
# {1,a,a2,a3,b,ba,ba2,ba3,b2,b2a,b2a2,b2a3,b3,
# b3a,b3a2,b3a3,ab,aba,aba2,aba3,a3b,a3ba,a3ba2,a3ba3}
from numpy import *
import math
from itertools import *
from PIL import Image
# Rotation matrix permutations
PM = [(1, 2), (2, 0), (0, 1)]
# (cos phi, sin pgi) Pi/2*n cycle values
CF = [1, 0, -1, 0]
SF = [0, 1, 0, -1]
# Identity reference matrix
ID = mat(identity(3), dtype=int)
# Cube rotation group, encoded
GRP = ["","a","a2","a3","b","ba","ba2","ba3","b2","b2a","b2a2","b2a3","b3",
def brot(pq, c, s):
"""Build rotation 3x3 matrix from PQ & cos, sin values"""
r = mat(identity(3), dtype=int)
r[pq[0], pq[0]] = c
r[pq[0], pq[1]] = s
r[pq[1], pq[0]] = -s
r[pq[1], pq[1]] = c
return r
def brota(axis, angle):
"""Build rotation matrix from axis[X, Y, Z] and angle[0, pi/2, pi, 3pi/2]"""
pq = PM[axis]
c, s = CF[angle], SF[angle]
return brot(pq, c, s)
def bgen(form):
"""Build rotation matrix from RotGroup code, like 'a3b' - one b rot, then a rot"""
A = ID.copy()
Rx = brota(0, 1) # rotate against x (pi/2)
Ry = brota(1, 1) # rotate against y (pi/2)
# interpret form code (reversed direction)
rep = 1
for ch in form[::-1]:
if ch.isdigit():
rep = int(ch)
if ch is "a":
for _ in range(rep):
A = A * Rx
elif ch is "b":
for _ in range(rep):
A = A * Ry
else: raise Error("Moron!")
rep = 1
return A
def pcolor(alteration, val):
V0 = [(0, 200, 0), (200, 0, 0), (0, 0, 200)]
V1 = [(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255)]
v = V0 if alteration else V1
return v[0] if val == 0 else v[1] if val <0 else v[2]
"""im ="RGB", (9, 24))
Y = 0
for form in GRP: #zip(GRP, product(range(6*3), range(4*3))):
m = bgen(form)
a = array(m).reshape(-1,)
#l = [str.format("{:3n}", n) for n in a]
#print ",".join(l)
for X, er in enumerate(a):
pixel = (0, 255, 0)
if er < 0: pixel = (0, 0, 255)
elif er > 0: pixel = (255, 0, 0)
im.putpixel((X, Y), pixel)
Y += 1"_cubegroup1.png")
for _ in range(1, 4):
A = A * R
print A
print "=="
for c, s in zip(CF, SF):
print "--"
print brot(PM[0], c, s)
ROTS = [bgen(form) for form in GRP]
RXP = brota(0, 1) # x pi/2
RXM = brota(0, 3) # x -pi/2 = 3pi/2
RYP = brota(1, 1)
RYM = brota(1, 3)
RZP = brota(2, 1)
RZM = brota(2, 3)
def rindex(rot):
for n, m in enumerate(ROTS):
if (m == rot).all(): return n
return -1
def transps(rot):
res = []
for n, m in enumerate(ROTS):
# rotate step
R = m * rot
# lookup for the index
return res
print transps(RXP)
print transps(RXM)
print transps(RYP)
print transps(RYM)
print transps(RZP)
print transps(RZM)
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