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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save sigman78/9355537 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Game authentication mechanics

What we want

  • Player should be able to play anonymously (however he might be exempted from the leaderboards - no shirt, no pants, no identity)
  • Whenever Gamecenter or Facebook ID is provided, we can bind user profile to the identity
  • Player should be able to access the game from the multiple devices (exclusively, though)
  • Identity should persist even if identity service is not available right now (cant login to facebook?)
  • Game should handle change of the identity predictably - either prompt to create new account or not (logged as another user)
  • There are should be a method to reset the identity (and maybe to restore it)
  • There can be multiple vendor devices (android and iOS for example)

How to achieve

On the device we have

  • Vendor-based UID
  • Manufactorer, hardware type etc
  • Multiple identities (or none)
  • random clientId (generated on first run)

User has a server-side identity (never shown to the client) SSID

User's client can have multiple local identities associated to the SSID (only at the server)

User can use only one identity exclusively at one time (can't play from different devices at the same time)

Authentication is granted through transparent API

There's a weak and strong identities (and perhaps some priority within), i.e. facebook has priority over deviceId/clientId

There's a rules to sync the user's state

Also there are friends (tied to some strong identities, but let's forefit it for now)


User present his local identities to be able to find out preexisting profile

This should never reveal sensitive information (like raw fb-id)

Authentication should grant and access-token, which can and will expire

We should take some care about replay attacks (include timestamp and has if id+timestamp in authentication)

Authentication tokens are never the same across user owned devices

/authenticate(clientId, socialId1...) -> access-token
/login(access-token, timestamp) -> ok


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