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Created May 6, 2019 19:37
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import os
source_location = "<location\\of\\the\\folder\\where\\configuration\\files\\are\\kept"
#Note how \\ is used. It is neccessary that you use \\ instead of \ for window file paths
searchString = "sha512WithECDSAEncryption"
def hasEncryption(file, encryptionString):
# this functions opens a single file and checks
# if the file has searchString that we're looking for
with open(file, "r") as server_config_file:
# open function here, takes two arguments
# 1 - Filename - the file that we want to open
# 2 - Filemode - how do we want to open it
# r - read mode, means we can read the contents of the file,
# throws an error if file is not present
# w - write mode, means we can write into the file,
# if the file is present, it gets overwritten
# if the file is not present already, it gets created
# a - append mode, means we can edit the file and add things to it
# As write mode always overwrites the file, we require append
# mode to add something to already made files.
# If the file is not present already, new file gets created.
# please note how we assigned the name server_config_file to our newly
# opened file. Python now does not recognize the actual name of the file
# but only recognises the name we assigned to it - server_config_file
config_file_content =
# .read() function allows us to read the whole file at once.
# all the content inside the file is now available in
# config_file_content variable as a string.
# you can even print it, to see for yourself.
if(encryptionString in config_file_content):
# Here in keyword is as literal as in english
# We are checking if our searchString is 'in' (within)
# our string variable - config_file_content
# As all the content inside our file is now stored in the
# form of a single string inside config_file_content
# using 'in' keyword we check if there a string that's
# a substring of the string inside config_file_content
# eg. if("am" in "I am awesome") would return true because
# "am" is a substring of "I am awesome"
return True
# this return is the return value of the function
return False
# function returns false if
def log_unencrypted(file):
#This function just logs the files we are interested in
#inside a text file. As we haven't given any specific location
#for the txt file, it gets created in the same location as
#our python script
with open("unecrypted_files.txt", "a") as result_file:
# for explanation on open function, read hasEncrypted function
# here we used the write function of the file object (result_file)
# it'd write anything provided inside .write(<here>) into the file.
# note that we add an extra \n for bringing the cursor to next line.
#os.walk allows us to iterate through all the files and folder in the
#given location
for i in os.walk(source_location):
path, dirs, files = i
for file in files:
if(not hasEncryption(path+"\\"+ file, searchString)):
#notice how we used path+file and not just file because
#we need full file path to locate a file
# Here not will invert any boolean result coming from hasEncryption
# function. So if the function returns True, the condition inside
# 'if' will become false and vice versa.
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