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Created September 10, 2014 09:48
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Authenticate to LDAP using python3-ldap and python-gssapi
import gssapi
from ldap3 import Connection, SASL_AVAILABLE_MECHANISMS
from ldap3.protocol.sasl.digestMd5 import sasl_digest_md5
from ldap3.protocol.sasl.external import sasl_external
from ldap3.protocol.sasl.sasl import send_sasl_negotiation, abort_sasl_negotiation
def sasl_gssapi(connection, controls):
Performs a bind using the Kerberos v5 ("GSSAPI") SASL mechanism
from RFC 4752. Does not support any security layers, only authentication!
authz_id = b''
krb5mech = gssapi.OID.mech_from_string()
target_name = gssapi.Name('ldap@' +, gssapi.C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE)
ctx_kwargs = {
'mech_type': krb5mech, 'req_flags': (gssapi.C_INTEG_FLAG,)
if (
isinstance(connection.sasl_credentials, (list, tuple))
and len(connection.sasl_credentials) == 2
# connection.sasl_credentials can be a 2-tuple. The first element can be a
# gssapi.Credential to use as the initiator credential. The second can be an authorization ID.
# Either can be None if the default credential, or no authorization ID is to be used.
if isinstance(connection.sasl_credentials[0], gssapi.Credential):
ctx_kwargs['cred'] = connection.sasl_credentials
if connection.sasl_credentials[1] is not None:
authz_id = connection.sasl_credentials[1].encode('utf-8')
ctx = gssapi.InitContext(target_name, **ctx_kwargs)
in_token = None
while not ctx.established:
# Client calls init_sec_context...
out_token = ctx.step(in_token)
if out_token is None:
out_token = b''
# and sends the server the result
result = send_sasl_negotiation(connection, controls, out_token)
in_token = result['saslCreds']
# once the Context is established, decode the server's token
unwrapped_token = ctx.unwrap(in_token, conf_req=False)
if len(unwrapped_token) != 4:
raise ValueError("Incorrect response from server.")
server_security_layers = ord(unwrapped_token[0])
if server_security_layers in (0, NO_SECURITY_LAYER):
if unwrapped_token[1:] != b'\x00\x00\x00':
raise ValueError("Server max buffer size must be 0 if no security layer.")
if not (server_security_layers & NO_SECURITY_LAYER):
raise ValueError("Server requires a security layer, but we don't support any.")
client_security_layers = bytearray([NO_SECURITY_LAYER, 0, 0, 0])
out_token = ctx.wrap(bytes(client_security_layers) + authz_id, conf_req=False)
return send_sasl_negotiation(connection, controls, out_token)
except (gssapi.GSSException, ValueError) as exc:
abort_sasl_negotiation(connection, controls)
class GSSAPIConnection(Connection):
def do_sasl_bind(self, controls):
response = None
if not self.sasl_in_progress:
self.sasl_in_progress = True
if self.sasl_mechanism == 'EXTERNAL':
response = sasl_external(self, controls)
elif self.sasl_mechanism == 'DIGEST-MD5':
response = sasl_digest_md5(self, controls)
elif self.sasl_mechanism == 'GSSAPI':
response = sasl_gssapi(self, controls)
self.sasl_in_progress = False
return response
# Use it as follows (assuming you have obtained a valid Kerberos TGT)
# s = Server('', port=389, get_info=GET_ALL_INFO)
# c = GSSAPIConnection(s, auto_bind=False, client_strategy=STRATEGY_SYNC, authentication=AUTH_SASL, check_names=True, sasl_mechanism='GSSAPI')
# print("start TLS...")
# c.tls = Tls()
# c.start_tls()
# print("binding...")
# c.bind()
# print("bind done. I am:")
# print(c.extend.standard.who_am_i())
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