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Created January 11, 2016 22:24
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MvM Population KeyValues documentation
MvM Population KeyValues
Documentation by sigsegv
Based on TF2 version 20160107a
- subtree: additional recursive level of KeyValues
- int: integer value
- float: floating-point value
- bool: boolean value (0 or 1)
- string: string value (valid values shown in braces where applicable)
- flag: the mere presence of the key is enough, a value isn't actually required
- any instance of key "Where" can be replaced with "ClosestPoint" to get slightly different spawn location behavior (warning: likely won't work in some cases on existing maps)
- don't use these populators/spawners because they are old and crusty:
- Populators: RandomPlacement, PeriodicSpawn
- Spawners: Mob, SentryGun
- subtree Templates
- int StartingCurrency (default: 0)
- int RespawnWaveTime (default: 10)
- string EventPopfile { "Halloween" => 1 }
- flag FixedRespawnWaveTime
- int AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds (default: tf_mvm_default_sentry_buster_damage_dealt_threshold = 3000)
- int AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds (default: tf_mvm_default_sentry_buster_kill_threshold = 15)
- string CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom { "no"|"false" => 0, else => 1 }
- subtree[] (populators)
- flag Advanced
- flag IsEndless
==== POPULATORS ====
- int Count (default: 0)
- float MinimumSeparation (default: 0.0)
- string NavAreaFilter { "SENTRY_SPOT" => 0x200000, "SNIPER_SPOT" => 0x400000 }
- subtree (spawner)
- string Where { "Ahead", "Behind", "Anywhere", (name of info_teamspawn entity) }
- subtree When [see note 1]
- float MinInterval (default: 30.0)
- float MaxInterval (default: 30.0)
- subtree (spawner)
- string Where { "Ahead", "Behind", "Anywhere", (name of info_teamspawn entity) }
- string Objective { "DestroySentries"|"SeekAndDestroy" => 2, "Sniper" => 3, "Spy" => 4, "Engineer" => 5 }
- float InitialCooldown (default: 0.0)
- float CooldownTime (default: 0.0)
- int BeginAtWave (default: 0)
- int RunForThisManyWaves (default: 9999)
- int DesiredCount (default: 0)
- subtree (spawner)
- subtree[] WaveSpawn
- string Sound
- string Description
- float WaitWhenDone (default: 0.0)
- flag Checkpoint [see note 2]
- subtree StartWaveOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- subtree DoneOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- subtree InitWaveOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- string Template
- string Where { "Ahead", "Behind", "Anywhere", (name of info_teamspawn entity) }
- int TotalCount (default: 0)
- int MaxActive (default: 999)
- int SpawnCount (default: 1)
- float WaitBeforeStarting (default: 0.0)
- float WaitBetweenSpawns (default: 0.0)
- float WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath [see note 3]
- string StartWaveWarningSound
- subtree StartWaveOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- string FirstSpawnWarningSound
- subtree FirstSpawnOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- string LastSpawnWarningSound
- subtree LastSpawnOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- string DoneWarningSound
- subtree DoneOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- int TotalCurrency (default: -1)
- string Name
- string WaitForAllSpawned
- string WaitForAllDead
- string Support { enables support; "Limited" => TotalCount enforced, else => TotalCount ignored }
- bool RandomSpawn (default: 0)
- subtree (spawner)
==== SPAWNERS ====
- int Count (default: 0)
- subtree (spawner)
- int Level (default: 0)
- int Health (default: 50000)
- float Speed (default: 75.0)
- string Name (default: "Tank")
- int Skin (default: 0)
- string StartingPathTrackNode (default: "")
- subtree OnKilledOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- subtree OnBombDroppedOutput
- string Target
- string Action
- string Template
- string Class (class name)
- string ClassIcon (class icon texture path)
- int Health (default: -1)
- float Scale (default: -1.0)
- string Name (default: class name)
- string[] TeleportWhere (name of info_teamspawn entity)
- float AutoJumpMin (default: 0.0)
- float AutoJumpMax (default: 0.0)
- string Skill { "Easy", "Normal", "Hard", "Expert"; default: Easy }
- string WeaponRestrictions { "PrimaryOnly", "SecondaryOnly", "MeleeOnly"; cannot be combined }
- string[] BehaviorModifiers [see BehaviorModifiers section]
- float MaxVisionRange (default: -1.0)
- string[] Item
- string[] Attributes [see Attributes section]
- subtree[] ItemAttributes
- string ItemName
- subtree[] CharacterAttributes
- subtree EventChangeAttributes [see note 5]
- subtree default
- subtree[] (ecattr name)
- float FormationSize (default: -1.0)
- bool ShouldPreserveSquad (default: 0) [see note 4]
- subtree[] (spawner)
- subtree[] (spawner)
==== TFBOT: BehaviorModifiers ====
BehaviorModifiers Idle was once valid; no longer valid
BehaviorModifiers Push synonym for Attributes Aggressive
BehaviorModifiers Mobber synonym for Attributes Aggressive
==== TFBOT: Attributes ====
Attributes RemoveOnDeath 00000001
Attributes Aggressive 00000002
Attributes ??? 00000004
Attributes SuppressFire 00000008
Attributes DisableDodge 00000010
Attributes BecomeSpectatorOnDeath 00000020
Attributes ??? 00000040
Attributes RetainBuildings 00000080
Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge 00000100
Attributes AlwaysCrit 00000200
Attributes IgnoreEnemies 00000400
Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload 00000800
Attributes ??? 00001000
Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon 00002000
Attributes TeleportToHint 00004000
Attributes MiniBoss 00008000
Attributes UseBossHealthBar 00010000 (added for Mecha Engine?)
Attributes IgnoreFlag 00020000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes AutoJump 00040000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes AirChargeOnly 00080000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes VaccinatorBullets 00100000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes VaccinatorBlast 00200000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes VaccinatorFire 00400000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes BulletImmune 00800000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes BlastImmune 01000000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes FireImmune 02000000 (added for Two Cities)
Attributes Parachute 04000000 (added in 20151028)
Attributes ProjectileShield 08000000 (added in 20151028)
1. Instead of a subtree, PeriodicSpawn.When can have a single float value that will set both MinInterval and MaxInterval
2. Wave.Checkpoint doesn't actually do anything, but its presence won't cause a parse error
3. In a WaveSpawn, you can use either WaitBetweenSpawns or WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath, but not both
4. Squad.ShouldPreserveSquad is parsed correctly, but will cause a spurious error to show up in console; ignore the error
5. EventChangeAttributes subtrees may contain: Skill, WeaponRestrictions, BehaviorModifiers, MaxVisionRange, Item, ItemAttributes, CharacterAttributes, Attributes
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