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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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CMannVsMachineStats data table
-- [ CMannVsMachineStats | [8] ]
-- > baseclass [0x0000]
-- SUB [ DT_BaseEntity | [27] ]
-- -- > AnimTimeMustBeFirst [0x0000]
-- SUB [ DT_AnimTimeMustBeFirst | [1] ]
-- -- > m_flAnimTime [0x0064]
-- END SUB [ DT_AnimTimeMustBeFirst | [1] ]
-- -- > m_flSimulationTime [0x006C]
-- -- > m_ubInterpolationFrame [0x0078]
-- -- > m_vecOrigin [0x0364]
-- -- > m_angRotation [0x0370]
-- -- > m_nModelIndex [0x0090]
-- -- > m_fEffects [0x007C]
-- -- > m_nRenderMode [0x0080]
-- -- > m_nRenderFX [0x0058]
-- -- > m_clrRender [0x005C]
-- -- > m_iTeamNum [0x00B0]
-- -- > m_CollisionGroup [0x0380]
-- -- > m_flElasticity [0x0274]
-- -- > m_flShadowCastDistance [0x0278]
-- -- > m_hOwnerEntity [0x0504]
-- -- > m_hEffectEntity [0x0508]
-- -- > moveparent [0x01BC]
-- -- > m_iParentAttachment [0x01A6]
-- -- > movetype [0x0000]
-- -- > movecollide [0x0000]
-- -- > m_Collision [0x01C8]
-- SUB [ DT_CollisionProperty | [12] ]
-- -- > m_vecMinsPreScaled [0x0008]
-- -- > m_vecMaxsPreScaled [0x0014]
-- -- > m_vecMins [0x0020]
-- -- > m_vecMaxs [0x002C]
-- -- > m_nSolidType [0x0041]
-- -- > m_usSolidFlags [0x003C]
-- -- > m_nSurroundType [0x0040]
-- -- > m_triggerBloat [0x0042]
-- -- > m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMinsPreScaled [0x0044]
-- -- > m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxsPreScaled [0x0050]
-- -- > m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins [0x005C]
-- -- > m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs [0x0068]
-- END SUB [ DT_CollisionProperty | [12] ]
-- -- > m_iTextureFrameIndex [0x04F8]
-- -- > predictable_id [0x0000]
-- SUB [ DT_PredictableId | [2] ]
-- -- > m_PredictableID [0x00B4]
-- -- > m_bIsPlayerSimulated [0x04F4]
-- END SUB [ DT_PredictableId | [2] ]
-- -- > m_bSimulatedEveryTick [0x04F5]
-- -- > m_bAnimatedEveryTick [0x04F6]
-- -- > m_bAlternateSorting [0x04F7]
-- -- > m_nModelIndexOverrides [0x0094]
-- SUB [ m_nModelIndexOverrides | [4] ]
-- -- > 000 [0x0000]
-- -- > 001 [0x0004]
-- -- > 002 [0x0008]
-- -- > 003 [0x000C]
-- END SUB [ m_nModelIndexOverrides | [4] ]
-- END SUB [ DT_BaseEntity | [27] ]
-- > m_iCurrentWaveIdx [0x05A4]
-- > m_iServerWaveID [0x05A8]
-- > m_runningTotalWaveStats [0x0550]
-- SUB [ DT_CMannVsMachineWaveStats | [5] ]
-- -- > nCreditsDropped [0x0004]
-- -- > nCreditsAcquired [0x0008]
-- -- > nCreditsBonus [0x000C]
-- -- > nPlayerDeaths [0x0010]
-- -- > nBuyBacks [0x0014]
-- END SUB [ DT_CMannVsMachineWaveStats | [5] ]
-- > m_previousWaveStats [0x056C]
-- SUB [ DT_CMannVsMachineWaveStats | [5] ]
-- -- > nCreditsDropped [0x0004]
-- -- > nCreditsAcquired [0x0008]
-- -- > nCreditsBonus [0x000C]
-- -- > nPlayerDeaths [0x0010]
-- -- > nBuyBacks [0x0014]
-- END SUB [ DT_CMannVsMachineWaveStats | [5] ]
-- > m_currentWaveStats [0x0588]
-- SUB [ DT_CMannVsMachineWaveStats | [5] ]
-- -- > nCreditsDropped [0x0004]
-- -- > nCreditsAcquired [0x0008]
-- -- > nCreditsBonus [0x000C]
-- -- > nPlayerDeaths [0x0010]
-- -- > nBuyBacks [0x0014]
-- END SUB [ DT_CMannVsMachineWaveStats | [5] ]
-- > m_iCurrencyCollectedForRespec [0x0600]
-- > m_nRespecsAwardedInWave [0x0604]
-- END [ CMannVsMachineStats | [8] ]
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