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Last active January 9, 2023 09:59
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This is a quick start for working with GOV.UK's APIs


API overview

Some people find it useful to use the GOV.UK browser extension to see behind the scenes when navigating around

Content API

This is the API that provides content for most pages on GOV.UK.

Take any page and insert /api/content between the domain and the path. It returns the JSON that we use to populate that page.

So for:

You should get:

Further docs:


We have many different types of content on GOV.UK. The shape of the content returned from the API differs to meet the specific needs of each type.

They can reliably be expected to hold the following properties (with examples from

  "base_path": "/council-tax",
  "content_id": "428c2bae-56c2-48bd-a917-3d04df0a63fd",
  "description": "Your Council Tax bill - how to work it out, who has to pay, discounts and exemptions",
  "document_type": "guide",
  "first_published_at": "2011-11-08T17:14:12.000+00:00",
  "locale": "en",
  "phase": "live",
  "public_updated_at": "2014-11-21T15:54:42.000+00:00",
  "publishing_app": "publisher",
  "publishing_scheduled_at": null,
  "rendering_app": "government-frontend",
  "scheduled_publishing_delay_seconds": null,
  "schema_name": "guide",
  "title": "Council Tax",
  "updated_at": "2019-08-16T23:53:02.920Z",
  "withdrawn_notice": {},
  "details": {},
  "links": {}

The details hash is where the information specific to that schema is stored. For /council-tax, it holds the html body for each page in the guide - guides are multiple html pages, but one item in the content API.

The links hash stores associations with other content, for example the organisations responsible for it, or related content that might appear in navigation.

I've removed them from this example because they make the page unwieldly to view, but you can see them by checking out the live content

Search API

This is the API that we use for searching on GOV.UK. It also allows us to provide dynamic content on pages like

Use it in conjunction with the Content API

The link field in any search result is its page path on GOV.UK.

Search with keywords


Gets 20 results starting at the tenth.


  • Searches with keywords (the q parameter) are ordered by relevance by default.
  • Searches without keywords are ordered by "most viewed" over the last 14 days by default.
  • You can override this by using the order parameter.

Allowed sort fields

Get only some fields

Do this to limit the response (and make it faster).,description,link

Fields that are returned by default

Filter results by something

  • Only includes results from the hm-revenue-customs organisation.
  • Only includes the title (over the minimum)
  • Order by most recent to oldest

Aggregate / Facet / Group results,examples:2,example_scope:query,example_fields:title:description&count=5

  • Searches for biscuit
  • Groups the results by the content_store_document_type field
    • Gets the first 20 content store document types
    • Provides two examples of each
    • The examples use the query too (they match the search for biscuit)
    • Include title, description fields in the example
  • Also get 5 normal search results

Combine things

Find all the document type internal names:

Use one to find all the docs of one type (step by step pages in this case):,description,link

There may be more than 50 soon!

Find people

We're often asked about a people API. We don't have one yet, but you can find them by using variations on:

Find government services

This is a list of "start pages". These are landing pages for government services or tools. There are other places on the website that use the green start button pattern, but these are the "official" ones.,title,description&count=500

Find step by step pages

These pages link together a set of guidance and services to help users complete end-to-end journeys, such as learning to drive a car. We implement the HowTo schema on these pages.

Organisations API

Lists all organisations on GOV.UK including parent/child organisations and their current status.

Governments API

Lists all the governments back to


Check out It's not run by GOV.UK, so may have different terms and conditions to the above.

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