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Last active December 25, 2015 04:37
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  • Save sijis/95ac411600f085818f22 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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{'atalyad/err-rssfeed': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'register to rss feeds and get updates in the chat.',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'atalyad/err-weatherbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'query the local weather',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'benvd/err-music': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Query lyrics, compositors etc etc ...',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'benvd/err-translate': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Google Translate plugin for the err bot',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'charlesrg/err-stash': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Plugin to notify commits to Atlassian Stash Git repo to user or chatrooms.',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'daenney/err-dnsnative': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Provides common DNS utilities functionality using Python libraries',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'daenney/err-githubhook': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Webhooks endpoint supporting the majority of Github Webhook Events',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'ecno92/err-coffeetime': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Tells which member of the group chat should bring the coffee.',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-calcbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'a smart calculator, unit converter and math solver',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-codebot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'can make the bot execute code snippet in C, CPP and Python',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-coderwall': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'query users on coderwall',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-devops_borat': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'random funny quotes about software development',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-dictbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'a plugin that gives you the definition of a word',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-elizabot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'a classic electronic shrink',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-gitbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'a plugin that watchs your git repositories and shout in chatroom the last commits',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-helloworld': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'A simple plugin which says hello (used for integration tests) ',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-imagebot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'query google image, stockphotos, xkcd, dilbert, posters ... ',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-nettools': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'various network query utilities',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-pollbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'a voting plugin',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-pypi': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'some commands to query pypi',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-sedbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'errbot plugin for executing simple sed substitute commands',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-social': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'For the moment a Google plus bridge',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-stalkerbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'a bot that tell you the last time he saw somebody',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-time': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'gives the current time at a given place',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-timemachine': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Log, index and search in message history',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-tourney': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'a ranking and tournament system for err',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'errbotio/err-tv': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'a plugin that gives you all you need to know about your favorite tv show, next airdate, status etc ...',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'glenbot/err-reviewboard': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Err bot that displays the latest reviews from review board',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'krismolendyke/err-diehardbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'An Err chatbot serving up Die Hard lines during the time of miracles..',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'krismolendyke/err-topgunbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'An Err chatbot serving up supersonic TOP GUN lines.',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'maxwagner/err-markovbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Markov chain bot that supports db generation from url, file or string',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'sarlalian/err-shellexec': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Allow users to run specifc shell scripts from chat.',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'scaatis/err-faustbot': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Output a random line of Goethe\'s "Faust" in sentence context (in German).',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'xnaveira/err-insult': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Hubot insult plugin clone for Err bot',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'zoni/err-dnsutils': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Run common DNS utils: host, dig, nslookup',
'path': '',
'python': None},
'zoni/err-mailwatch': {'avatar_url': None,
'documentation': 'Watch IMAP servers for new mails',
'path': '',
'python': None}}
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