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Last active January 6, 2023 18:54
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import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
import dataclasses
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import typing
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from http.client import HTTPResponse
_SERVER_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:19080"
_RTT_URL = f"{_SERVER_BASE_URL}/rtt.htm"
class Sse:
class Event(Sse):
kind: str
data: bytes
class Retry(Sse):
value: int
_MAX_LINE_LEN = 8 * 1024 * 1024
async def _sse_line_reader() -> typing.AsyncIterator[tuple[str | None, bytes]]:
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
# single-threaded executor
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
def inner():
resp: HTTPResponse
with urllib.request.urlopen(_RTT_SSE_OUTPUT_URL) as resp:
assert resp.status == 200
while True:
line = resp.readline(_MAX_LINE_LEN)
if line == b"":
# trim newline
line = line[:-1]
yield line
# create the iterator in the thread
line_iter = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, inner)
sentinel = object()
while True:
line: typing.Any = await loop.run_in_executor(
executor, next, line_iter, sentinel
if line is sentinel:
if line == b"":
yield None, b""
key, _, value = line.partition(b": ")
yield key.decode("ascii"), value
async def _iter_sse() -> typing.AsyncIterator[Sse]:
line_iter = _sse_line_reader()
async for key, value in line_iter:
if key is None:
match key:
case "retry":
yield Retry(value=int(value))
case "event":
kind = value.decode("utf-8")
key2, value2 = await anext(line_iter)
assert key2 == "data"
yield Event(kind=kind, data=value2)
case _:
raise TypeError(f"unknown type: {key}")
async def _rtt_post(data: dict[str, str]) -> None:
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
raw_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(data).encode("utf-8")
def inner():
resp: HTTPResponse
with urllib.request.urlopen(_RTT_URL, data=raw_data) as resp:
assert resp.status == 200
await loop.run_in_executor(None, inner)
async def rtt_start_stop() -> None:
print("INFO: starting RTT")
await _rtt_post(
"RTT_RTTAddrSet": "",
"RTT_BtnStartStop": "",
async def rtt_set_hex_format() -> None:
print("INFO: setting format to HEX")
await _rtt_post(
"RTT_ComboBoxDataFormat": "0",
async def rtt_clear() -> None:
print("INFO: clearing buffer")
await _rtt_post(
"RTT_BtnClearRx": "1",
# server caps out at 64 KiB
_RE_HEX_BYTE = re.compile(
rb"(?:^|\s|>)\b([0-9A-F]{2})(?=\s|$)", re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE
async def _defmt_feeder(
defmt_proc: subprocess.Popen[bytes],
) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[None, bytes | None]:
assert defmt_proc.stdin
prev_match_count = 0
clearing_fut: asyncio.Future[None] | None = None
while True:
rtt_hex = yield
assert isinstance(rtt_hex, bytes)
hex_byte_matches: list[bytes] = _RE_HEX_BYTE.findall(rtt_hex)
match_count = len(hex_byte_matches)
if match_count > prev_match_count:
new_hex_byte_matches = hex_byte_matches[prev_match_count:]
elif match_count < prev_match_count:
# assume we were cleared, so all the bytes we have can be considered new
new_hex_byte_matches = hex_byte_matches
# same length, nothing new
new_hex_byte_matches = []
prev_match_count = match_count
if prev_match_count > _MAX_LEN_BEFORE_CLEAR:
if clearing_fut is None or clearing_fut.done():
clearing_fut = asyncio.create_task(rtt_clear())
if new_hex_byte_matches:
rtt_data = bytes(map(lambda b: int(b, 16), new_hex_byte_matches))
async def main():
target = sys.argv[1]
defmt_proc = subprocess.Popen(
["defmt-print", "-e", target],
defmt_feeder = _defmt_feeder(defmt_proc)
await defmt_feeder.asend(None)
wait_is_running = False
wait_is_hex = False
wait_control_block = False
async for sse in _iter_sse():
if isinstance(sse, Event) and sse.kind == "RTT_SSE_CSVPageData":
fields ="$")
is_running = fields[1] == b"1"
if not is_running:
if wait_is_running:
await rtt_start_stop()
wait_is_running = True
wait_is_running = False
data_format_hex = b";0|selected" in fields[21]
if not data_format_hex:
if wait_is_hex:
await rtt_set_hex_format()
wait_is_hex = True
wait_is_hex = False
looking_for_control_block = fields[7] == b"Not valid (yet)"
if looking_for_control_block:
if wait_control_block:
print("INFO: searching for control block...")
wait_control_block = True
elif wait_control_block:
print("INFO: control block found")
wait_control_block = False
rtt_hex = fields[23]
await defmt_feeder.asend(rtt_hex)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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