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Created March 21, 2012 03:52
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Save silas/2144122 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Vagrant and devstack
  1. Download and install VirtualBox

  2. Download and install Vagrant

  3. Clone devstack repository

     git clone git://
  4. Switch to devstack directory

     cd devstack
  5. Create Vagrantfile

     cat << EOF > Vagrantfile do |config| = 'ubuntu-11.10-64'
       config.vm.box_url = ''
       config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 2048]
       config.vm.forward_port 80, 8000
  6. up Vagrant instance

     vagrant up
  7. ssh to Vagrant instance

     vagrant ssh
  8. Switch to devstack directory

     cd /vagrant
  9. Run script

     yes '' | ./
  10. Source stackrc file

     source stackrc
  11. Get admin password

  12. Open web interface via localhost:8000 and login with the username admin and password from above

  13. Click Project in the left tab

  14. Select demo from the dropdown

  15. Click Access & Security

  16. Click Allocate IP To Project

  17. Select nova and click Allocate IP

  18. Click Create Keypair

  19. Enter your name and click Create Keypair

  20. Click Instances & Volumes

  21. Click Launch Instance

  22. Click Launch for image cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank

  23. Enter a Server Name

  24. Select your name from the Keypair dropdown

  25. Click Launch instance

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Thx for this excellent vagrant + devstack procedure.

Questions :

  • Can you explain what you have modified (network config, ...) and installed in this vagrant box (jdk, git, ...) - ?
  • If have some issues with NAT. So can we add a host-only adapter with your existing config ? Do I have to change the network of the vagrant box



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