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/* | |
Unobtrusive JavaScript | | | |
Released under the MIT license | |
*/; | |
(function() { | |
var context = this; | |
(function() { | |
(function() { | |
this.Rails = { | |
linkClickSelector: 'a[data-confirm], a[data-method], a[data-remote]:not([disabled]), a[data-disable-with], a[data-disable]', | |
buttonClickSelector: { | |
selector: 'button[data-remote]:not([form]), button[data-confirm]:not([form])', | |
exclude: 'form button' | |
}, | |
inputChangeSelector: 'select[data-remote], input[data-remote], textarea[data-remote]', | |
formSubmitSelector: 'form:not([data-turbo=true])', | |
formInputClickSelector: 'form:not([data-turbo=true]) input[type=submit], form:not([data-turbo=true]) input[type=image], form:not([data-turbo=true]) button[type=submit], form:not([data-turbo=true]) button:not([type]), input[type=submit][form], input[type=image][form], button[type=submit][form], button[form]:not([type])', | |
formDisableSelector: 'input[data-disable-with]:enabled, button[data-disable-with]:enabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:enabled, input[data-disable]:enabled, button[data-disable]:enabled, textarea[data-disable]:enabled', | |
formEnableSelector: 'input[data-disable-with]:disabled, button[data-disable-with]:disabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:disabled, input[data-disable]:disabled, button[data-disable]:disabled, textarea[data-disable]:disabled', | |
fileInputSelector: 'input[name][type=file]:not([disabled])', | |
linkDisableSelector: 'a[data-disable-with], a[data-disable]', | |
buttonDisableSelector: 'button[data-remote][data-disable-with], button[data-remote][data-disable]' | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
}).call(context); | |
var Rails = context.Rails; | |
(function() { | |
(function() { | |
var nonce; | |
nonce = null; | |
Rails.loadCSPNonce = function() { | |
var ref; | |
return nonce = (ref = document.querySelector("meta[name=csp-nonce]")) != null ? ref.content : void 0; | |
}; | |
Rails.cspNonce = function() { | |
return nonce != null ? nonce : Rails.loadCSPNonce(); | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var expando, m; | |
m = Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.matchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector; | |
Rails.matches = function(element, selector) { | |
if (selector.exclude != null) { | |
return, selector.selector) && !, selector.exclude); | |
} else { | |
return, selector); | |
} | |
}; | |
expando = '_ujsData'; | |
Rails.getData = function(element, key) { | |
var ref; | |
return (ref = element[expando]) != null ? ref[key] : void 0; | |
}; | |
Rails.setData = function(element, key, value) { | |
if (element[expando] == null) { | |
element[expando] = {}; | |
} | |
return element[expando][key] = value; | |
}; | |
Rails.$ = function(selector) { | |
return; | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var $, csrfParam, csrfToken; | |
$ = Rails.$; | |
csrfToken = Rails.csrfToken = function() { | |
var meta; | |
meta = document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]'); | |
return meta && meta.content; | |
}; | |
csrfParam = Rails.csrfParam = function() { | |
var meta; | |
meta = document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-param]'); | |
return meta && meta.content; | |
}; | |
Rails.CSRFProtection = function(xhr) { | |
var token; | |
token = csrfToken(); | |
if (token != null) { | |
return xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', token); | |
} | |
}; | |
Rails.refreshCSRFTokens = function() { | |
var param, token; | |
token = csrfToken(); | |
param = csrfParam(); | |
if ((token != null) && (param != null)) { | |
return $('form input[name="' + param + '"]').forEach(function(input) { | |
return input.value = token; | |
}); | |
} | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var CustomEvent, fire, matches, preventDefault; | |
matches = Rails.matches; | |
CustomEvent = window.CustomEvent; | |
if (typeof CustomEvent !== 'function') { | |
CustomEvent = function(event, params) { | |
var evt; | |
evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); | |
evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail); | |
return evt; | |
}; | |
CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; | |
preventDefault = CustomEvent.prototype.preventDefault; | |
CustomEvent.prototype.preventDefault = function() { | |
var result; | |
result =; | |
if (this.cancelable && !this.defaultPrevented) { | |
Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultPrevented', { | |
get: function() { | |
return true; | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
return result; | |
}; | |
} | |
fire = = function(obj, name, data) { | |
var event; | |
event = new CustomEvent(name, { | |
bubbles: true, | |
cancelable: true, | |
detail: data | |
}); | |
obj.dispatchEvent(event); | |
return !event.defaultPrevented; | |
}; | |
Rails.stopEverything = function(e) { | |
fire(, 'ujs:everythingStopped'); | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
return e.stopImmediatePropagation(); | |
}; | |
Rails.delegate = function(element, selector, eventType, handler) { | |
return element.addEventListener(eventType, function(e) { | |
var target; | |
target =; | |
while (!(!(target instanceof Element) || matches(target, selector))) { | |
target = target.parentNode; | |
} | |
if (target instanceof Element &&, e) === false) { | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
return e.stopPropagation(); | |
} | |
}); | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var AcceptHeaders, CSRFProtection, createXHR, cspNonce, fire, prepareOptions, processResponse; | |
cspNonce = Rails.cspNonce, CSRFProtection = Rails.CSRFProtection, fire =; | |
AcceptHeaders = { | |
'*': '*/*', | |
text: 'text/plain', | |
html: 'text/html', | |
xml: 'application/xml, text/xml', | |
json: 'application/json, text/javascript', | |
script: 'text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript' | |
}; | |
Rails.ajax = function(options) { | |
var xhr; | |
options = prepareOptions(options); | |
xhr = createXHR(options, function() { | |
var ref, response; | |
response = processResponse((ref = xhr.response) != null ? ref : xhr.responseText, xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')); | |
if (Math.floor(xhr.status / 100) === 2) { | |
if (typeof options.success === "function") { | |
options.success(response, xhr.statusText, xhr); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (typeof options.error === "function") { | |
options.error(response, xhr.statusText, xhr); | |
} | |
} | |
return typeof options.complete === "function" ? options.complete(xhr, xhr.statusText) : void 0; | |
}); | |
if ((options.beforeSend != null) && !options.beforeSend(xhr, options)) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.OPENED) { | |
return xhr.send(; | |
} | |
}; | |
prepareOptions = function(options) { | |
options.url = options.url || location.href; | |
options.type = options.type.toUpperCase(); | |
if (options.type === 'GET' && { | |
if (options.url.indexOf('?') < 0) { | |
options.url += '?' +; | |
} else { | |
options.url += '&' +; | |
} | |
} | |
if (AcceptHeaders[options.dataType] == null) { | |
options.dataType = '*'; | |
} | |
options.accept = AcceptHeaders[options.dataType]; | |
if (options.dataType !== '*') { | |
options.accept += ', */*; q=0.01'; | |
} | |
return options; | |
}; | |
createXHR = function(options, done) { | |
var xhr; | |
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); | |, options.url, true); | |
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', options.accept); | |
if (typeof === 'string') { | |
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'); | |
} | |
if (!options.crossDomain) { | |
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); | |
CSRFProtection(xhr); | |
} | |
xhr.withCredentials = !!options.withCredentials; | |
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { | |
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { | |
return done(xhr); | |
} | |
}; | |
return xhr; | |
}; | |
processResponse = function(response, type) { | |
var parser, script; | |
if (typeof response === 'string' && typeof type === 'string') { | |
if (type.match(/\bjson\b/)) { | |
try { | |
response = JSON.parse(response); | |
} catch (error) {} | |
} else if (type.match(/\b(?:java|ecma)script\b/)) { | |
script = document.createElement('script'); | |
script.setAttribute('nonce', cspNonce()); | |
script.text = response; | |
document.head.appendChild(script).parentNode.removeChild(script); | |
} else if (type.match(/\b(xml|html|svg)\b/)) { | |
parser = new DOMParser(); | |
type = type.replace(/;.+/, ''); | |
try { | |
response = parser.parseFromString(response, type); | |
} catch (error) {} | |
} | |
} | |
return response; | |
}; | |
Rails.href = function(element) { | |
return element.href; | |
}; | |
Rails.isCrossDomain = function(url) { | |
var e, originAnchor, urlAnchor; | |
originAnchor = document.createElement('a'); | |
originAnchor.href = location.href; | |
urlAnchor = document.createElement('a'); | |
try { | |
urlAnchor.href = url; | |
return !(((!urlAnchor.protocol || urlAnchor.protocol === ':') && ! || (originAnchor.protocol + '//' + === urlAnchor.protocol + '//' +; | |
} catch (error) { | |
e = error; | |
return true; | |
} | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var matches, toArray; | |
matches = Rails.matches; | |
toArray = function(e) { | |
return; | |
}; | |
Rails.serializeElement = function(element, additionalParam) { | |
var inputs, params; | |
inputs = [element]; | |
if (matches(element, 'form')) { | |
inputs = toArray(element.elements); | |
} | |
params = []; | |
inputs.forEach(function(input) { | |
if (! || input.disabled) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (matches(input, 'fieldset[disabled] *')) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (matches(input, 'select')) { | |
return toArray(input.options).forEach(function(option) { | |
if (option.selected) { | |
return params.push({ | |
name:, | |
value: option.value | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
} else if (input.checked || ['radio', 'checkbox', 'submit'].indexOf(input.type) === -1) { | |
return params.push({ | |
name:, | |
value: input.value | |
}); | |
} | |
}); | |
if (additionalParam) { | |
params.push(additionalParam); | |
} | |
return { | |
if ( != null) { | |
return (encodeURIComponent( + "=" + (encodeURIComponent(param.value)); | |
} else { | |
return param; | |
} | |
}).join('&'); | |
}; | |
Rails.formElements = function(form, selector) { | |
if (matches(form, 'form')) { | |
return toArray(form.elements).filter(function(el) { | |
return matches(el, selector); | |
}); | |
} else { | |
return toArray(form.querySelectorAll(selector)); | |
} | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var allowAction, fire, stopEverything; | |
fire =, stopEverything = Rails.stopEverything; | |
Rails.handleConfirm = function(e) { | |
if (!allowAction(this)) { | |
return stopEverything(e); | |
} | |
}; | |
Rails.confirm = function(message, element) { | |
return confirm(message); | |
}; | |
allowAction = function(element) { | |
var answer, callback, message; | |
message = element.getAttribute('data-confirm'); | |
if (!message) { | |
return true; | |
} | |
answer = false; | |
if (fire(element, 'confirm')) { | |
try { | |
answer = Rails.confirm(message, element); | |
} catch (error) {} | |
callback = fire(element, 'confirm:complete', [answer]); | |
} | |
return answer && callback; | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var disableFormElement, disableFormElements, disableLinkElement, enableFormElement, enableFormElements, enableLinkElement, formElements, getData, isXhrRedirect, matches, setData, stopEverything; | |
matches = Rails.matches, getData = Rails.getData, setData = Rails.setData, stopEverything = Rails.stopEverything, formElements = Rails.formElements; | |
Rails.handleDisabledElement = function(e) { | |
var element; | |
element = this; | |
if (element.disabled) { | |
return stopEverything(e); | |
} | |
}; | |
Rails.enableElement = function(e) { | |
var element; | |
if (e instanceof Event) { | |
if (isXhrRedirect(e)) { | |
return; | |
} | |
element =; | |
} else { | |
element = e; | |
} | |
if (matches(element, Rails.linkDisableSelector)) { | |
return enableLinkElement(element); | |
} else if (matches(element, Rails.buttonDisableSelector) || matches(element, Rails.formEnableSelector)) { | |
return enableFormElement(element); | |
} else if (matches(element, Rails.formSubmitSelector)) { | |
return enableFormElements(element); | |
} | |
}; | |
Rails.disableElement = function(e) { | |
var element; | |
element = e instanceof Event ? : e; | |
if (matches(element, Rails.linkDisableSelector)) { | |
return disableLinkElement(element); | |
} else if (matches(element, Rails.buttonDisableSelector) || matches(element, Rails.formDisableSelector)) { | |
return disableFormElement(element); | |
} else if (matches(element, Rails.formSubmitSelector)) { | |
return disableFormElements(element); | |
} | |
}; | |
disableLinkElement = function(element) { | |
var replacement; | |
if (getData(element, 'ujs:disabled')) { | |
return; | |
} | |
replacement = element.getAttribute('data-disable-with'); | |
if (replacement != null) { | |
setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', element.innerHTML); | |
element.innerHTML = replacement; | |
} | |
element.addEventListener('click', stopEverything); | |
return setData(element, 'ujs:disabled', true); | |
}; | |
enableLinkElement = function(element) { | |
var originalText; | |
originalText = getData(element, 'ujs:enable-with'); | |
if (originalText != null) { | |
element.innerHTML = originalText; | |
setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', null); | |
} | |
element.removeEventListener('click', stopEverything); | |
return setData(element, 'ujs:disabled', null); | |
}; | |
disableFormElements = function(form) { | |
return formElements(form, Rails.formDisableSelector).forEach(disableFormElement); | |
}; | |
disableFormElement = function(element) { | |
var replacement; | |
if (getData(element, 'ujs:disabled')) { | |
return; | |
} | |
replacement = element.getAttribute('data-disable-with'); | |
if (replacement != null) { | |
if (matches(element, 'button')) { | |
setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', element.innerHTML); | |
element.innerHTML = replacement; | |
} else { | |
setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', element.value); | |
element.value = replacement; | |
} | |
} | |
element.disabled = true; | |
return setData(element, 'ujs:disabled', true); | |
}; | |
enableFormElements = function(form) { | |
return formElements(form, Rails.formEnableSelector).forEach(enableFormElement); | |
}; | |
enableFormElement = function(element) { | |
var originalText; | |
originalText = getData(element, 'ujs:enable-with'); | |
if (originalText != null) { | |
if (matches(element, 'button')) { | |
element.innerHTML = originalText; | |
} else { | |
element.value = originalText; | |
} | |
setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', null); | |
} | |
element.disabled = false; | |
return setData(element, 'ujs:disabled', null); | |
}; | |
isXhrRedirect = function(event) { | |
var ref, xhr; | |
xhr = (ref = event.detail) != null ? ref[0] : void 0; | |
return (xhr != null ? xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Xhr-Redirect") : void 0) != null; | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var stopEverything; | |
stopEverything = Rails.stopEverything; | |
Rails.handleMethod = function(e) { | |
var csrfParam, csrfToken, form, formContent, href, link, method; | |
link = this; | |
method = link.getAttribute('data-method'); | |
if (!method) { | |
return; | |
} | |
href = Rails.href(link); | |
csrfToken = Rails.csrfToken(); | |
csrfParam = Rails.csrfParam(); | |
form = document.createElement('form'); | |
formContent = "<input name='_method' value='" + method + "' type='hidden' />"; | |
if ((csrfParam != null) && (csrfToken != null) && !Rails.isCrossDomain(href)) { | |
formContent += "<input name='" + csrfParam + "' value='" + csrfToken + "' type='hidden' />"; | |
} | |
formContent += '<input type="submit" />'; | |
form.method = 'post'; | |
form.action = href; | | =; | |
form.innerHTML = formContent; | | = 'none'; | |
document.body.appendChild(form); | |
form.querySelector('[type="submit"]').click(); | |
return stopEverything(e); | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var ajax, fire, getData, isCrossDomain, isRemote, matches, serializeElement, setData, stopEverything, | |
slice = [].slice; | |
matches = Rails.matches, getData = Rails.getData, setData = Rails.setData, fire =, stopEverything = Rails.stopEverything, ajax = Rails.ajax, isCrossDomain = Rails.isCrossDomain, serializeElement = Rails.serializeElement; | |
isRemote = function(element) { | |
var value; | |
value = element.getAttribute('data-remote'); | |
return (value != null) && value !== 'false'; | |
}; | |
Rails.handleRemote = function(e) { | |
var button, data, dataType, element, method, url, withCredentials; | |
element = this; | |
if (!isRemote(element)) { | |
return true; | |
} | |
if (!fire(element, 'ajax:before')) { | |
fire(element, 'ajax:stopped'); | |
return false; | |
} | |
withCredentials = element.getAttribute('data-with-credentials'); | |
dataType = element.getAttribute('data-type') || 'script'; | |
if (matches(element, Rails.formSubmitSelector)) { | |
button = getData(element, 'ujs:submit-button'); | |
method = getData(element, 'ujs:submit-button-formmethod') || element.method; | |
url = getData(element, 'ujs:submit-button-formaction') || element.getAttribute('action') || location.href; | |
if (method.toUpperCase() === 'GET') { | |
url = url.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); | |
} | |
if (element.enctype === 'multipart/form-data') { | |
data = new FormData(element); | |
if (button != null) { | |
data.append(, button.value); | |
} | |
} else { | |
data = serializeElement(element, button); | |
} | |
setData(element, 'ujs:submit-button', null); | |
setData(element, 'ujs:submit-button-formmethod', null); | |
setData(element, 'ujs:submit-button-formaction', null); | |
} else if (matches(element, Rails.buttonClickSelector) || matches(element, Rails.inputChangeSelector)) { | |
method = element.getAttribute('data-method'); | |
url = element.getAttribute('data-url'); | |
data = serializeElement(element, element.getAttribute('data-params')); | |
} else { | |
method = element.getAttribute('data-method'); | |
url = Rails.href(element); | |
data = element.getAttribute('data-params'); | |
} | |
ajax({ | |
type: method || 'GET', | |
url: url, | |
data: data, | |
dataType: dataType, | |
beforeSend: function(xhr, options) { | |
if (fire(element, 'ajax:beforeSend', [xhr, options])) { | |
return fire(element, 'ajax:send', [xhr]); | |
} else { | |
fire(element, 'ajax:stopped'); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
success: function() { | |
var args; | |
args = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : []; | |
return fire(element, 'ajax:success', args); | |
}, | |
error: function() { | |
var args; | |
args = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : []; | |
return fire(element, 'ajax:error', args); | |
}, | |
complete: function() { | |
var args; | |
args = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : []; | |
return fire(element, 'ajax:complete', args); | |
}, | |
crossDomain: isCrossDomain(url), | |
withCredentials: (withCredentials != null) && withCredentials !== 'false' | |
}); | |
return stopEverything(e); | |
}; | |
Rails.formSubmitButtonClick = function(e) { | |
var button, form; | |
button = this; | |
form = button.form; | |
if (!form) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if ( { | |
setData(form, 'ujs:submit-button', { | |
name:, | |
value: button.value | |
}); | |
} | |
setData(form, 'ujs:formnovalidate-button', button.formNoValidate); | |
setData(form, 'ujs:submit-button-formaction', button.getAttribute('formaction')); | |
return setData(form, 'ujs:submit-button-formmethod', button.getAttribute('formmethod')); | |
}; | |
Rails.preventInsignificantClick = function(e) { | |
var data, insignificantMetaClick, link, metaClick, method, nonPrimaryMouseClick; | |
link = this; | |
method = (link.getAttribute('data-method') || 'GET').toUpperCase(); | |
data = link.getAttribute('data-params'); | |
metaClick = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey; | |
insignificantMetaClick = metaClick && method === 'GET' && !data; | |
nonPrimaryMouseClick = (e.button != null) && e.button !== 0; | |
if (nonPrimaryMouseClick || insignificantMetaClick) { | |
return e.stopImmediatePropagation(); | |
} | |
}; | |
}).call(this); | |
(function() { | |
var $, CSRFProtection, delegate, disableElement, enableElement, fire, formSubmitButtonClick, getData, handleConfirm, handleDisabledElement, handleMethod, handleRemote, loadCSPNonce, preventInsignificantClick, refreshCSRFTokens; | |
fire =, delegate = Rails.delegate, getData = Rails.getData, $ = Rails.$, refreshCSRFTokens = Rails.refreshCSRFTokens, CSRFProtection = Rails.CSRFProtection, loadCSPNonce = Rails.loadCSPNonce, enableElement = Rails.enableElement, disableElement = Rails.disableElement, handleDisabledElement = Rails.handleDisabledElement, handleConfirm = Rails.handleConfirm, preventInsignificantClick = Rails.preventInsignificantClick, handleRemote = Rails.handleRemote, formSubmitButtonClick = Rails.formSubmitButtonClick, handleMethod = Rails.handleMethod; | |
if ((typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && jQuery !== null) && (jQuery.ajax != null)) { | |
if (jQuery.rails) { | |
throw new Error('If you load both jquery_ujs and rails-ujs, use rails-ujs only.'); | |
} | |
jQuery.rails = Rails; | |
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, xhr) { | |
if (!options.crossDomain) { | |
return CSRFProtection(xhr); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
Rails.start = function() { | |
if (window._rails_loaded) { | |
throw new Error('rails-ujs has already been loaded!'); | |
} | |
window.addEventListener('pageshow', function() { | |
$(Rails.formEnableSelector).forEach(function(el) { | |
if (getData(el, 'ujs:disabled')) { | |
return enableElement(el); | |
} | |
}); | |
return $(Rails.linkDisableSelector).forEach(function(el) { | |
if (getData(el, 'ujs:disabled')) { | |
return enableElement(el); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
delegate(document, Rails.linkDisableSelector, 'ajax:complete', enableElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.linkDisableSelector, 'ajax:stopped', enableElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.buttonDisableSelector, 'ajax:complete', enableElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.buttonDisableSelector, 'ajax:stopped', enableElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', preventInsignificantClick); | |
delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', handleDisabledElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', handleConfirm); | |
delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', disableElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', handleRemote); | |
delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', handleMethod); | |
delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', preventInsignificantClick); | |
delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', handleDisabledElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', handleConfirm); | |
delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', disableElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', handleRemote); | |
delegate(document, Rails.inputChangeSelector, 'change', handleDisabledElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.inputChangeSelector, 'change', handleConfirm); | |
delegate(document, Rails.inputChangeSelector, 'change', handleRemote); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit', handleDisabledElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit', handleConfirm); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit', handleRemote); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit', function(e) { | |
return setTimeout((function() { | |
return disableElement(e); | |
}), 13); | |
}); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'ajax:send', disableElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'ajax:complete', enableElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click', preventInsignificantClick); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click', handleDisabledElement); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click', handleConfirm); | |
delegate(document, Rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click', formSubmitButtonClick); | |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', refreshCSRFTokens); | |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadCSPNonce); | |
return window._rails_loaded = true; | |
}; | |
if (window.Rails === Rails && fire(document, 'rails:attachBindings')) { | |
Rails.start(); | |
} | |
}).call(this); | |
}).call(this); | |
if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) { | |
module.exports = Rails; | |
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { | |
define(Rails); | |
} | |
}).call(this); |
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