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Created February 10, 2012 15:37
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Save silasmontgomery/1790332 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery Plugin to Dyanmically Show/Hide, Enable/Disable, and Require/Not Elements based on Class names
/* Dynamic Elements v1.0
Show/hide, require/not require, and enable/disable fields based on checkboxes and select fields.
Class names: "lock" will disable an element, "hide" will hide an element, "need" will require an element.
Adding the ID of a checkbox as a class to an element will make it show/enabled/required:
i.e. <input type="checkbox" name="getName" id="getName" /> <input type="text" name="yourName" class="getName lock hide require" />
Adding the ID and value of a select field as a class to an element will make it show/enabled/required (format is 'ID-Value'):
i.e. <select name="getTitle" id="getTitle"><option>Mr</option><option>Mrs</option><option>Other</option> <input type="text" name="yourTitle" class="getTitle-Other lock hide require" />
You can use this like "$("*").dynamicElements();", or "$("select").dynamicElements();", or "$(":checkbox").dynamicElements();", etc.
jQuery >= 1.6.2 |
jQuery Validation Plugin >= 1.9.0 | (to require fields)
(function( $ ){
$.fn.dynamicElements = function() {
// Function to hide/disable/not require elements based on hide/lock/need classes
function disable(el) {
// Hide elements with "hide" class
if($(el).hasClass("hide")) { $(el).hide(); }
// Disable elements with "lock" class
if($(el).hasClass("lock")) { $(el).attr("disabled", true); }
// Remove requirement on elements with the "need" class
if($(el).hasClass("need")) { $(el).removeClass("required"); }
// Reset to initial value (blank) if select field
if($(el)[0].tagName == "SELECT") { $(el).val(""); }
// Hide, Disable, and don't Require grandchildren elements on uncheck
$("[class*='"+$(el).attr('id')+"']").each(function(index) {
// Function to show/enable/require elements based on hide/lock/need classes
function enable(el) {
// Show elements with "hide" class
if($(el).hasClass("hide")) { $(el).show(); }
// Enable elements with "lock" class
if($(el).hasClass("lock")) { $(el).removeAttr("disabled"); }
// Require elements with "need" class
if($(el).hasClass("need")) { $(el).addClass("required"); }
// Loop through every element
this.each(function(index) {
// Hide, Disable, and Require elements on Load
if($(this).hasClass("hide")) { $(this).hide(); }
if($(this).hasClass("lock")) { $(this).attr("disabled", true); }
if($(this).hasClass("need")) { $(this).addClass("required"); }
// Add change function if element is a select
if($(this)[0].tagName == "SELECT") {
$(this).change(function() {
// Get elements ID and create classname based on ID and selected value
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var classname = "."+id+"-"+$(this).val();
// Loop through and disable all elements containing the select ID in their classes
$("[class*='"+id+"']").each(function(index) {
// Loop through ad enable all elements with the classname containing selects ID and current value
$(classname).each(function(index) {
// Add change function if element is a checkbox
} else if($(this)[0].tagName == "INPUT" && $(this).attr("type") == "checkbox") {
$(this).change(function() {
// Get classname based on elements ID
var classname = "."+$(this).attr("id");
// Loop through and disable all elements with classname
$(classname).each(function(index) {
// If checked, loop through and enable all elements with classname
if($(this).prop("checked")) {
$(classname).each(function(index) {
})( jQuery );
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