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Forked from benwtr/
Last active January 1, 2016 11:09
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# Description:
# This script receives pages in the formats
# /usr/bin/curl -d host="$HOSTALIAS$" -d output="$SERVICEOUTPUT$" -d description="$SERVICEDESC$" -d type=service -d notificationtype="$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ -d state="$SERVICESTATE$" $CONTACTADDRESS1$
# /usr/bin/curl -d host="$HOSTNAME$" -d output="$HOSTOUTPUT$" -d type=host -d notificationtype="$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" -d state="$HOSTSTATE$" $CONTACTADDRESS1$
# Based on a gist by oremj (
# Configuration:
# HUBOT_NAGIOS_URL - https://<user>:<password>
# Commands:
# hubot nagios ack <host> <descr> - acknowledge host
# hubot nagios ack <host>:<service> <descr> - acknowledge service
# hubot nagios down <host> <minutes> <descr> - schedule downtime for the host
# hubot nagios down <host>:<service> <minutes> <descr> - schedule downtime for the service
# hubot nagios mute <host>:<service> <minutes> - delay the next service notification
# hubot nagios recheck <host>:<service> - force a recheck of a service
# hubot nagios all_alerts_off - useful in emergencies. warning: disables all alerts, not just bot alerts
# hubot nagios all_alerts_on - turn alerts back on
nagios_url = process.env.HUBOT_NAGIOS_URL
process.env['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = '0';
module.exports = (robot) -> '/hubot/nagios/:room', (req, res) ->
room =
host =
output = req.body.output
state = req.body.state
notificationtype = req.body.notificationtype
if req.body.type == 'host'
robot.messageRoom "#{room}", "nagios #{notificationtype}: #{host} is #{output}"
service = req.body.description
robot.messageRoom "#{room}", "nagios #{notificationtype}: #{host}:#{service} is #{state}: #{output}"
res.writeHead 204, { 'Content-Length': 0 }
robot.respond /nagios ack(nowledge)? ([^:\s]+) (.*)/i, (msg) ->
host = msg.match[2]
message = msg.match[4] || "" "#{} acked #{host}"
call = "cmd.cgi"
data = "cmd_typ=33&host=#{host}&cmd_mod=2&sticky_ack=on&com_author=#{msg.envelope.user}&send_notification=on&com_data=#{encodeURIComponent(message)}"
nagios_post msg, call, data, (res) ->
if res.match(/Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing/)
msg.send "Your acknowledgement was received by nagios"
robot.respond /nagios ack(nowledge)? (\S+):(\S+) (.*)/i, (msg) ->
host = msg.match[2]
service = msg.match[3]
message = msg.match[4] || "" "#{} acked #{host}:#{service}"
call = "cmd.cgi"
data = "cmd_typ=34&host=#{host}&service=#{service}&cmd_mod=2&sticky_ack=on&com_author=#{msg.envelope.user}&send_notification=on&com_data=#{encodeURIComponent(message)}"
nagios_post msg, call, data, (res) ->
if res.match(/Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing/)
msg.send "Your acknowledgement was received by nagios"
robot.respond /nagios (down|downtime) ([^:\s]+) (\d+) (.*)/i, (msg) ->
host = msg.match[2]
minutes = msg.match[3] || 30
message = msg.match[4] || ""
downstart = new Date()
downstop = new Date(downstart.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * minutes))
downstart_str = "#{downstart.getMonth()+1}-#{downstart.getDate()}-#{downstart.getFullYear()} #{downstart.getHours()}:#{downstart.getMinutes()}:#{downstart.getSeconds()}"
downstop_str = "#{downstop.getMonth()+1}-#{downstop.getDate()}-#{downstop.getFullYear()} #{downstop.getHours()}:#{downstop.getMinutes()}:#{downstop.getSeconds()}" "#{} scheduled downtime for #{host} for #{minutes}min from #{downstart_str} to #{downstop_str} b/c #{message}"
call = "cmd.cgi"
data = "cmd_typ=55&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&fixed=1&start_time=#{downstart_str}&end_time=#{downstop_str}&com_data=#{encodeURIComponent(message)}"
nagios_post msg, call, data, (res) ->
if res.match(/Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing/)
msg.send "Downtime for #{host} for #{minutes}m"
robot.respond /nagios (down|downtime) (\S+):(\S+) (\d+) (.*)/i, (msg) ->
host = msg.match[2]
service = msg.match[3]
minutes = msg.match[4] || 30
message = msg.match[5] || ""
downstart = new Date()
downstop = new Date(downstart.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * minutes))
downstart_str = "#{downstart.getMonth()+1}-#{downstart.getDate()}-#{downstart.getFullYear()} #{downstart.getHours()}:#{downstart.getMinutes()}:#{downstart.getSeconds()}"
downstop_str = "#{downstop.getMonth()+1}-#{downstop.getDate()}-#{downstop.getFullYear()} #{downstop.getHours()}:#{downstop.getMinutes()}:#{downstop.getSeconds()}" "#{} scheduled downtime for #{host}:#{service} for #{minutes}min from #{downstart_str} to #{downstop_str} b/c #{message}"
call = "cmd.cgi"
data = "cmd_typ=56&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&service=#{service}&fixed=1&start_time=#{downstart_str}&end_time=#{downstop_str}&com_data=#{encodeURIComponent(message)}"
nagios_post msg, call, data, (res) ->
if res.match(/Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing/)
msg.send "Downtime for #{host}:#{service} for #{minutes}m"
robot.respond /nagios mute (\S+):(\S+) (\d+)/i, (msg) ->
host = msg.match[1]
service = msg.match[2]
minutes = msg.match[3] || 30 "#{} asked to mute #{host}:#{service}"
call = "cmd.cgi"
data = "cmd_typ=9&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&service=#{service}&not_dly=#{minutes}"
nagios_post msg, call, data, (res) ->
if res.match(/Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing/)
msg.send "Muting #{host}:#{service} for #{minutes}m"
robot.respond /nagios recheck (\S+):(\S+)/i, (msg) ->
host = msg.match[1]
service = msg.match[2] "#{} forced recheck of #{host}:#{service}"
call = "cmd.cgi"
d = new Date()
start_time = "#{d.getMonth()+1}-#{d.getDate()}-#{d.getFullYear()} #{d.getHours()}:#{d.getMinutes()}:#{d.getSeconds()}"
data = "cmd_typ=7&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&service=#{service}&force_check=on&start_time=#{start_time}"
nagios_post msg, call, data, (res) ->
if res.match(/Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing/)
msg.send "Scheduled to recheck #{host}:#{service} at #{start_time}"
robot.respond /nagios (all_alerts_off|stfu|shut up)/i, (msg) -> "#{} disable notifications"
call = "cmd.cgi"
data = "cmd_typ=11&cmd_mod=2"
nagios_post msg, call, data, (res) ->
if res.match(/Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing/)
msg.send "Ok, all alerts off. (this disables ALL alerts, not just mine.)"
robot.respond /nagios all_alerts_on/i, (msg) -> "#{} enabled notifications"
call = "cmd.cgi"
data = "cmd_typ=12&cmd_mod=2"
nagios_post msg, call, data, (res) ->
if res.match(/Your command request was successfully submitted to Nagios for processing/)
msg.send "Ok, alerts back on"
nagios_post = (msg, call, data, cb) ->
.header('accept', '*/*')
.header('User-Agent', "Hubot/#{@version}")
.post(data) (err, res, body) ->
cb body
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