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Created June 12, 2015 14:35
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IRL with chainMDP
#! /usr/bin/python
Simple example for IRL based on apprenticeship learning
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
def linearMDP(S=5, goal=3):
Chain MDP with 3 actions, [-1, 0, +1]
S: int
Size of the chain
goal: int
where the reward is 1, for all the rest reward is zero
P: np.array of size SxSx3
Transition matrix
R: np.array of size S
Reward matrix
# Probability Matrix
P = np.zeros((S, S, 3))
P[np.array(range(1, S)+[0]), :, 0] = np.diag(np.ones(S))
P[:, :, 1] = np.diag(np.ones(S))
P[np.array([S-1]+range(0, S-1)), :, 2] = np.diag(np.ones(S))
R = np.zeros(S)
# Reward
R[goal] = 1
return P, R
def valueIteration(P, R, gamma=0.9, max_iter=1000):
Solves the Policy Iteration given the transition matrix and Rewards
P: np.array of size SxSx3
Transition matrix
R: np.array of size S
Reward matrix
gamma: float
discount factor
max_iter: int
maximum number of iterations
V: np.array of size S
Expected values of the states
pi: np.array of size S
best policy for every state
S = P.shape[0]
A = P.shape[2]
Q = np.zeros((S, A))
V = np.zeros(S)
epsilon = 0.001
iters = 0
while True:
delta = 0
for i in xrange(S):
tmp = V[i]
# max
for j in xrange(A):
# sum_{s'} p(s'|s,a)[r(s,a,s')+\gamma v(s')]
Q[i, j] = np.sum([P[i, k, j]*(R[k] + gamma*V[k])
if not P[i, k, j] == 0 else 0
for k in xrange(S)])
# Q[i, j] = np.sum([P[i, k, j]*(R[k] + gamma*V[k])
# for k in xrange(S)])
# max of Q is V
V[i] = np.max(Q[i, :])
delta = max(delta, abs(tmp-V[i]))
# if delta is small or we reach max_iter exit while loop
iters += 1
if delta < epsilon or iters == max_iter:
# get policy from Q
pi = np.argmax(Q, 1)
return V, pi
def createRandomDemos(N_Demos, P, R, pi):
Create demonstrations to use with the IRL algorithm
N_Demos: int
number of demonstrations you want for the IRL
P: np.array of size SxSx3
Transition matrix
R: np.array of size S
Reward matrix
pi: np.array of size S
best policy for every state
demos_s: list of lists
all the states in which the agent was
demos_a: list of lists
all actions that the agent performed
S = P.shape[0]
start = np.random.randint(0, S, N_Demos)
demos_s = []
demos_a = []
for s in start:
ss = []
aa = []
while True:
if R[s] == np.max(R):
s = np.argmax(P[s, :, pi[s]])
return demos_s, demos_a
def featureExpectations(P, pi, discount=0.9):
Feature Expectations based on States and policy (pi)
P: np.array of size SxSx3
Transition matrix
pi: np.array of size S
best policy for every state
discount: float
discount factor
exp_normalized: np.array of size S
feature expectations given the policy pi
S = P.shape[0]
# x = dot(inv(A),y)
A = np.zeros((S, S))
A += np.diag(np.ones(S))
# it was working just fine with next line but t was bigger
# A = np.ones((S, S))
for s in xrange(S):
a = pi[s]
for sp in xrange(S):
if P[s, sp, a] == 0:
A[sp, s] = A[sp, s] - discount*P[s, sp, a]
# next step performs apparently better than original (next commented line)
# return, np.ones((S, 1))/S).ravel()
expectation =, np.ones((S, 1))).ravel()
exp_normalized = expectation/np.sum(expectation)
return exp_normalized
def featureExpectations2(P, pi, N_Demos=100, max_steps=40,discount=0.9):
Feature Expectations based on States and policy (pi)
(Another computation method)
P: np.array of size SxSx3
Transition matrix
pi: np.array of size S
best policy for every state
discount: float
discount factor
exp_normalized: np.array of size S
feature expectations given the policy pi
S = P.shape[0]
start = np.random.randint(0, S, N_Demos)
demos_s = []
demos_a = []
for s in start:
ss = []
aa = []
iters = 0
for _ in xrange(max_steps):
s = np.argmax(P[s, :, pi[s]])
iters += 1
# we could add an if something to beak the loop
# like repeated states
mu_k = np.zeros(S)
for i in xrange(N_Demos):
for t in xrange(len(demos_s[i])):
mu_k[demos_s[i][t]] = mu_k[demos_s[i][t]] + discount**t
mu_k = mu_k/N_Demos
return mu_k
def IRL(P, demos_s, demos_a, discount=0.9):
Apprenticeship Learning
P: np.array of size SxSx3
Transition matrix
demos_s: list of lists
all the states in which the agent was
demos_a: list of lists
all actions that the agent performed
discount: float
discount factor
r: np.array of size S
Reward of every state
V: np.array of size S
Expected values of the states
pi: np.array of size S
best policy for every state
# \mu_E construction
S = P.shape[0]
N = len(demos_s)
muE = np.zeros(S)
for i in xrange(N):
for t in xrange(len(demos_s[i])):
muE[demos_s[i][t]] = muE[demos_s[i][t]] + discount**t
muE = muE/N
# Random Policy
r = np.random.rand(S) # states / use features later
soln = valueIteration(P, r)
weights = [r]
solutions = [soln]
mus = []
mu_bars = []
itr = 0
# Initialize t.
t = 100.0
told = 0.0
epsilon = 0.0001
# quit while loop if difference in t is little
while abs(t-told) >= epsilon:
told = t
# compute expectations under last policy
expectations = featureExpectations2(P, solutions[itr][1])
mu = expectations # features are the states
# append mus
if itr == 0:
mu_bar = mu
mu_bar_prev = mu_bars[itr-1]
num = np.sum((mu-mu_bar_prev)*(muE-mu_bar_prev))
den = np.sum((mu-mu_bar_prev)*(mu-mu_bar_prev))
ratio = num/den
mu_bar = mu_bar_prev + ratio*(mu-mu_bar)
# compute weights and t
w = muE - mu_bar
t = np.linalg.norm(w)
# Recompute optimal policy using new weights.
soln = valueIteration(P, w)
# add to list of weights and solutions
itr += 1 # number of mus until now
print("IRL iteration with t=", t)
# compute last policy
expectations = featureExpectations2(P, solutions[itr][1])
itr += 1 # consistency with number of mus
mu = expectations # features are the states
# create mu_mat matrix for optimization step
mu_mat = np.zeros((S, itr))
for i in xrange(itr):
mu_mat[:, i] = mus[i]
import cvxpy as cvx
# Construct optimization problem.
mu = cvx.Variable(S)
lambd = cvx.Variable(itr)
objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(muE-mu))
constraints = [mu == mu_mat*lambd,
lambd >= np.zeros(itr),
cvx.sum_entries(lambd) == 1]
prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
# The optimal objective is returned by prob.solve().
# result = prob.solve(verbose=True)
# create weights based on lambdas and mu_mat matrix
w =, mu_mat.T)
w = np.ravel(w) # for some reason w.ravel() is not working
# because features and same as states
r = w
V, pi = valueIteration(P, w)
return dict(r=r, V=V, pi=pi)
if __name__ == '__main__':
""" Main Program """
# Create MDP
N_States = 40
P, R = linearMDP(N_States, 2)
# Solve MDP
V, pi = valueIteration(P, R)
# Create Examples state-actions pairs
N_Demos = 10
demos_s, demos_a = createRandomDemos(N_Demos, P, R, pi)
# print(demos_s)
# print(demos_a)
irl = IRL(P, demos_s, demos_a, 0.9)
# print(irl)
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