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Created July 29, 2018 10:30
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack script --resolver lts-12.0
-- --package diagrams
-- --package diagrams-lib
-- --package diagrams-cairo
-- --package random
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- Run with:
-- ./Unsupervised.hs -w 500 -o a.gif
import Control.Monad
import Data.Typeable
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.CmdLine
import Diagrams.Prelude
import System.Random
main :: IO ()
main = mainWith d >> putStrLn "Done!"
d :: IO [(Diagram B, Int)]
d = do
let points = 30
n = 2 * 2 * points
steps = 50
xs :: [Double] <- replicateM n (randomRIO (-1, 1))
ys :: [Double] <- replicateM n (randomRIO (-1, 1))
let startingPoints = zipWith mkP2 xs ys
xs' :: [Double] <- replicateM (n `div` 2) (randomRIO (-1, 1))
ys' :: [Double] <- replicateM (n `div` 2) (randomRIO (-1, 1))
ys'' :: [Double] <- flip mapM xs' (\x -> randomRIO (-1, x) >>= return)
xs'' :: [Double] <- flip mapM ys' (\y -> randomRIO (-1, y) >>= return)
let upperPoints = zipWith mkP2 xs' ys''
lowerPoints = zipWith mkP2 xs'' ys'
endingPoints = upperPoints ++ lowerPoints
let allPoints = map (\s -> zipWith (\a b -> (1-(s/steps))*a + (s/steps)*b) startingPoints endingPoints)
(map fromIntegral [1..steps-1])
allPoints' = map (\p -> (p, black, black)) allPoints
finalSet = allPoints' ++ map (\p -> (p, blue, red)) (replicate 20 (last allPoints))
return $ zipWith (\(d', c1, c2) k -> (dd d' c1 c2, 1)) finalSet [1..]
-- | "xs" and "ys" should be a list of 40 points, the first 20 of which
-- are red, and the second 20 are blue.
dd :: [Point V2 Double]
-> Colour Double
-> Colour Double
-> Diagram B
dd pts c1 c2 = dd <> square 2.04 # bg lightgray
dd = position (zip (take pointCounts pts) blues)
<> position (zip (drop pointCounts pts) reds)
<> ((-1) ^& (-1)) ~~ (1 ^& 1)
blues = replicate pointCounts $ circle 0.02 # fc c1 # lw 0
reds = replicate pointCounts $ circle 0.02 # fc c2 # lw 0
pointCounts = length pts `div` 2
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