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Forked from utdemir/THLPE.hs
Created May 14, 2019 00:35
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Property Checking "The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever"
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Game.THLPE
( THLPE ()
, GodAnswer (..)
, GodType (..)
, GodName (..)
, GodQuestion ()
, runTHLPE
, askTo
, ifIAsked
, solution
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS (RWS, ask, runRWS, state, tell)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.List (permutations)
import Data.Monoid (Sum, getSum, (<>))
import System.Random (StdGen, getStdRandom, mkStdGen,
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, arbitrary, elements)
data GodAnswer
= Da
| Ja
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
data GodType
= TrueGod
| FalseGod
| RandomGod
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
data GodName
= GodA
| GodB
| GodC
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
data THLPESetting
= THLPESetting { _godA :: GodType
, _godB :: GodType
, _godC :: GodType
, _translate :: Bool -> GodAnswer
instance Show THLPESetting where
show (THLPESetting{..})
= "THLPESetting { " <> show _godA <>
", " <> show _godB <>
", " <> show _godC <>
", (\\case True -> " <> show (_translate True) <>
"; False -> " <> show (_translate False) <>
instance Arbitrary THLPESetting where
arbitrary = do
[a, b, c] <- elements $ permutations [TrueGod, FalseGod, RandomGod]
tr <- elements $ [bool Ja Da, bool Da Ja]
return $ THLPESetting a b c tr
instance Arbitrary StdGen where
arbitrary = mkStdGen <$> arbitrary
type GodM a = RWS THLPESetting (Sum Int) StdGen a
newtype THLPE a = THLPE { unTHLPE :: GodM a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
newtype GodQuestion a = GodQuestion { unGodQuestion :: GodM a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
godTypeI :: GodName -> GodM GodType
godTypeI GodA = _godA <$> ask
godTypeI GodB = _godB <$> ask
godTypeI GodC = _godC <$> ask
godType :: GodName -> GodQuestion GodType
godType = GodQuestion . godTypeI
runTHLPE :: StdGen -> THLPESetting -> THLPE (GodType, GodType, GodType) -> (Bool, (StdGen, Int))
runTHLPE gen set (THLPE r) =
let (ans, s, w) = runRWS r set gen
in (ans == (_godA set, _godB set, _godC set), (s, getSum w))
runTHLPE' :: THLPESetting -> THLPE (GodType, GodType, GodType) -> IO (Bool, Int)
runTHLPE' s g = getStdRandom $ \gen -> case runTHLPE gen s g of (b, (g, i)) -> ((b, i), g)
askTo :: GodName -> GodQuestion Bool -> THLPE GodAnswer
askTo n (GodQuestion q) = THLPE $ do
tell 1
t <- godTypeI n
translate <- _translate <$> ask
translate <$> case t of
TrueGod -> q
FalseGod -> not <$> q
RandomGod -> state random
ifIAsked :: GodName -> GodQuestion Bool -> GodQuestion GodAnswer
ifIAsked n = GodQuestion . unTHLPE . askTo n
-- |
solution :: THLPE (GodType, GodType, GodType)
solution = do
-- Q1: Ask god B, "If I asked you 'Is A Random?', would you say
-- ja?". If B answers ja, either B is Random (and is answering
-- randomly), or B is not Random and the answer indicates that A is
-- indeed Random. Either way, C is not Random. If B answers da,
-- either B is Random (and is answering randomly), or B is not
-- Random and the answer indicates that A is not Random. Either way,
-- you know the identity of a god who is not Random.
r1 <- askTo GodB $
ifIAsked GodB (godType GodA <&> (== RandomGod)) <&> (== Ja)
let notRandomGod = case r1 of Ja -> GodC
Da -> GodA
-- Q2: Go to the god who was identified as not being Random by the
-- previous question (either A or C), and ask him: "If I asked you
-- 'Are you False?', would you say ja?". Since he is not Random, an
-- answer of da indicates that he is True and an answer of ja
-- indicates that he is False.
r2 <- askTo notRandomGod $
ifIAsked notRandomGod (godType notRandomGod <&> (== FalseGod)) <&> (== Ja)
let notRandomGodType = case r2 of Ja -> FalseGod
Da -> TrueGod
-- Q3: Ask the same god the question: "If I asked you 'Is B
-- Random?', would you say ja?". If the answer is ja, B is Random;
-- if the answer is da, the god you have not yet spoken to is
-- Random.
r3 <- askTo notRandomGod $
ifIAsked notRandomGod (godType GodB <&> (== RandomGod)) <&> (== Ja)
let randomGod = case (r3, notRandomGod) of (Ja, _) -> GodB
(Da, GodA) -> GodC
(Da, GodC) -> GodA
-- The remaining god can be identified by elimination.
let f n = if | randomGod == n -> RandomGod
| notRandomGod == n -> notRandomGodType
| otherwise -> if notRandomGodType == TrueGod
then FalseGod else TrueGod
return $ (f GodA, f GodB, f GodC)
where (<&>) = flip fmap
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