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Created December 15, 2015 13:43
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import re
from coalib.bearlib.languages.documentation.DocstyleDefinition import (
from coalib.bearlib.languages.documentation.DocumentationComment import (
from coalib.results.TextRange import TextRange
# Used to break out of outer loops via exception raise.
class _BreakOut(Exception):
def _compile_multi_match_regex(strings):
Compiles a regex object that matches each of the given strings.
:param strings: The strings to match.
:return: A regex object.
return re.compile("|".join(re.escape(s) for s in strings))
def get_matching_marker_sets(content, line: str, start_column, markers: [(str, str, str)]) -> [(str, str, str)]:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_comment(content: [str], line: int, column: int, markers: (str, str, str)):
matching_marker_sets = get_matching_marker_sets(content, line, column, markers)
for marker in matching_marker_sets:
textrange = extract_comment(content, i, marker)
if textrange:
return textrange.end.line, textrange.end.column, textrange
return line+1, 0, None
def pseuo_coe(content: [str], markers: [(str, str, str)]):
line, column = 0, 0
while line < len(content):
line, column, comment = get_comment(content, line, column, markers)
if comment:
yield comment
def extract_documentation_with_docstyle(content, docstyle_definition):
Extracts all documentation texts inside the given source-code-string.
:param content: The source-code-string where to extract
documentation from or an iterable with strings
where each string is a single line (including
ending whitespaces like `\\n`).
:param docstyle_definition: The DocstyleDefinition that identifies the
documentation comments.
:return: An iterator returning each documentation text
found in the content.
# Prepare marker-tuple dict that maps a begin pattern to the corresponding
# marker_set(s). This makes it faster to retrieve a marker-set from a
# begin sequence we initially want to search for in source code. Then
# the possible found documentation match is processed further with the
# rest markers.
begin_sequence_dict = {}
for marker_set in docstyle_definition.markers:
if marker_set[0] not in begin_sequence_dict:
begin_sequence_dict[marker_set[0]] = [marker_set]
# Using regexes to perform a variable match is faster than finding each
# substring with `str.find()` choosing the lowest match.
begin_regex = _compile_multi_match_regex(
marker_set[0] for marker_set in docstyle_definition.markers)
line = 0
line_pos = 0
while line < len(content):
begin_match =[line], line_pos)
if begin_match:
begin_match_line = line
# Prevents infinite loop when the start marker matches but not the
# complete documentation comment.
line_pos = begin_match.end()
# begin_sequence_dict[] returns the marker set
# the begin sequence from before matched.
for marker_set in begin_sequence_dict[]:
# If the each-line marker and the end marker do equal,
# search for the each-line marker until it runs out.
if marker_set[1] == marker_set[2]:
docstring = content[line][begin_match.end():]
line2 = line + 1
stripped_content = content[line2].lstrip()
# Now the each-line marker is no requirement for a
# docstring any more, just extract as long as there are
# no each-line markers any more.
while (stripped_content[:len(marker_set[1])] ==
docstring += stripped_content[len(marker_set[1]):]
line2 += 1
if line2 >= len(content):
# End of content reached, done with
# doc-extraction.
stripped_content = content[line2].lstrip()
line = line2 - 1
line_pos = len(content[line])
end_marker_pos = content[line].find(marker_set[2],
if end_marker_pos == -1:
docstring = content[line][begin_match.end():]
line2 = line + 1
if line2 >= len(content):
end_marker_pos = content[line2].find(marker_set[2])
while end_marker_pos == -1:
if marker_set[1] == "":
# When no each-line marker is set (i.e. for
# Python docstrings), then align the
# comment to the start-marker.
stripped_content = (
# Check whether we violate the each-line
# marker "rule".
current_each_line_marker = (content[line2]
+ len(marker_set[1])])
if (current_each_line_marker !=
# Effectively a 'continue' for the
# outer for-loop.
raise _BreakOut
stripped_content = (
+ len(marker_set[1]):])
docstring += stripped_content
line2 += 1
if line2 >= len(content):
# End of content reached, so there's no
# closing marker and that's a mismatch.
raise _BreakOut
end_marker_pos = content[line2].find(
docstring += (content[line2]
line = line2
docstring = (content[line]
line_pos = end_marker_pos + len(marker_set[2])
rng = TextRange.from_values(begin_match_line + 1,
begin_match.start() + 1,
line + 1,
line_pos + 1)
yield DocumentationComment(docstring,
except _BreakOut:
# Continues the marker_set loop.
line += 1
line_pos = 0
def extract_documentation(content, language, docstyle):
Extracts all documentation texts inside the given source-code-string using
the coala docstyle definition files.
The documentation texts are sorted by their order appearing in `content`.
For more information about how documentation comments are identified and
extracted, see DocstyleDefinition.doctypes enumeration.
:param content: The source-code-string where to extract
documentation from.
:param language: The programming language used.
:param docstyle: The documentation style/tool used
(i.e. doxygen).
:raises FileNotFoundError: Raised when the docstyle definition file was not
found. This is a compatability exception from
`coalib.misc.Compatability` module.
:raises KeyError: Raised when the given language is not defined in
given docstyle.
:raises ValueError: Raised when a docstyle definition setting has an
invalid format.
:return: An iterator returning each DocumentationComment
found in the content.
docstyle_definition = DocstyleDefinition.load(language, docstyle)
return extract_documentation_with_docstyle(content, docstyle_definition)
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