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Created July 4, 2015 12:38
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new bear concept prototype
import inspect
from threading import Thread
from queue import Empty
from multiprocessing import Value
from coalib.misc.Enum import enum
class Result:
def __init__(self, message, file=None, origin=None):
self.message = message
self.file = file
self.origin = origin
# This decorator would add the `-> Result` annotation to the function!
def bear(function):
def exec_bear(*args, **kwargs):
for result in function(*args, **kwargs):
if result.origin is None: # Fill origin automatically
result.origin = function.__name__
yield result
return exec_bear
def number_of_files(file_dict):
return Result("Number of files is "+str(len(file_dict)))
def is_bear(function):
return isinstance(inspect.getfullargspec(function).annotations["return"],
def execute_task(task, shared_dict, master_queue):
function_id, task_id = task
# Assuming python shared dict caches that stuff, each function should
# only be transferred at most once per process
function = shared_dict[function_id]
task = shared_dict[task_id]
for result in function(task):
master_queue.put(function_id, task_id, result)
def coala_worker(master_queue, shared_dict, active):
# Retry until all tasks are fully processed
while active > 0:
except Empty:
return 0
class pool:
def __init__(self, shared_dict, pool_queue, master_queue):
This pool needs a dedicated queue (pool_queue). No other pools or
processes should write or read from/to it. The master queue is the
normal task queue used by everyone.
self.pool_queue = pool_queue
self.master_queue = master_queue
self.shared_dict = shared_dict
def imap_unordered(self, function, tasks):
self.pool_queue.put(function, tasks)
# Use this process for working too, use shared value to end it when
# the time comes.
active = Value('i', 1)
worker = Thread(target=coala_worker, args=(self.master_queue,
for task in tasks:
yield self.pool_queue.get(timeout=None)
active = 0
# TODO master process spawns processes, puts tasks in queues
# TODO for each task we need to introspect if it wants a pool object. If it
# wants one, we need to create one with an extra queue to the master object
# isolated from the task queue. Master process spawns a thread for each pool
# that just forwards the tasks to the master_queue so all workers can do it.
# Upon receiving a result, the master process determines if it was requested
# by any pool and in case forwards it to that, if not check if it's a printable
# result object and forward it to the callback if applicable.
def execute_section(new_result_avail_callback):
def coala_main():
def gather_configuration():
return []
def new_result_avail(result_dict, new_result_id):
pass # User interaction
sections = gather_configuration()
for section in sections:
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