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Last active May 3, 2017 17:05
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  • Save silvae86/5838df542637d5059106c82c92728806 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save silvae86/5838df542637d5059106c82c92728806 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install DSpace 6.x on Ubuntu 16.04 with custom metadata importing template via CSV (BTE configuration)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- BTE Batch import Service -->
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<bean id="" class="">
<property name="dataLoaders">
<!-- Specify here any data loaders that you want to have access to in the command line batch import.
Key is the name that you need to specify in the "-i" option in the command line script when "-b"
option is used (which means BTE Batch import) -->
<entry key="pubmedXML" value-ref="pubmedFileDataLoader" />
<entry key="crossrefXML" value-ref="crossRefFileDataLoader" />
<entry key="arxivXML" value-ref="arXivFileDataLoader" />
<entry key="ciniiXML" value-ref="ciniiFileDataLoader" />
<entry key="bibtex" value-ref="bibTeXDataLoader" />
<entry key="ris" value-ref="risDataLoader" />
<entry key="endnote" value-ref="endnoteDataLoader" />
<entry key="csv" value-ref="csvDataLoader" />
<entry key="tsv" value-ref="tsvDataLoader" />
<entry key="oai" value-ref="oaipmhDataLoader" />
<!-- The map that will be used to map internal BTE keys to DSpace metadata fields -->
<property name="outputMap" ref="outputMap" />
<property name="transformationEngine" ref="batchImportTransformationEngine" />
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- BTE Batch import Transformation Engine -->
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<bean id="batchImportTransformationEngine" class="gr.ekt.bte.core.TransformationEngine">
<property name="workflow" ref="batchImportLinearWorkflow" />
<!-- Specify here any filters or modifiers to run before the output -->
<bean id="batchImportLinearWorkflow" class="gr.ekt.bte.core.LinearWorkflow">
<property name="process">
<!-- Add here filters and modifiers -->
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Submission Lookup Service -->
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<bean class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.SubmissionLookupService"
<property name="phase1TransformationEngine" ref="phase1TransformationEngine" />
<property name="phase2TransformationEngine" ref="phase2TransformationEngine" />
<!-- Uncomment the following property if you want specific fields to appear in the detail presentation
of a publication. Default values are the ones shown below -->
<property name="detailFields">
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Submission Lookup Transformation Engine (phase 1) -->
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<bean name="phase1TransformationEngine" class="gr.ekt.bte.core.TransformationEngine">
<property name="dataLoader" ref="multipleDataLoader"/>
<property name="workflow" ref="phase1LinearWorkflow"/>
<property name="outputGenerator" ref="org.dspace.submit.lookup.SubmissionLookupOutputGenerator"/>
<bean name="multipleDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.MultipleSubmissionLookupDataLoader">
<property name="dataloadersMap">
<!-- Specify here any data loaders you want to include in the submission lookup process.
Dataloaders must either extend the "NetworkSubmissionLookupDataLoader" abstract class
or conform to "FileDataLoader" interface of BTE -->
<entry key="pubmed" value-ref="pubmedOnlineDataLoader"/>
<entry key="crossref" value-ref="crossRefOnlineDataLoader"/>
<entry key="arxiv" value-ref="arXivOnlineDataLoader"/>
<entry key="cinii" value-ref="ciniiOnlineDataLoader"/>
<entry key="pubmedXML" value-ref="pubmedFileDataLoader"/>
<entry key="crossRefXML" value-ref="crossRefFileDataLoader"/>
<entry key="arXivXML" value-ref="arXivFileDataLoader"/>
<entry key="ciniiXML" value-ref="ciniiFileDataLoader"/>
<entry key="bibtex" value-ref="bibTeXDataLoader"/>
<entry key="ris" value-ref="risDataLoader"/>
<entry key="endnote" value-ref="endnoteDataLoader"/>
<entry key="csv" value-ref="csvDataLoader"/>
<entry key="tsv" value-ref="tsvDataLoader"/>
<bean name="org.dspace.submit.lookup.SubmissionLookupOutputGenerator" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.SubmissionLookupOutputGenerator"/>
<!-- Specify here any filters or modifiers to run before the output -->
<bean name="phase1LinearWorkflow" class="gr.ekt.bte.core.LinearWorkflow">
<property name="process">
<ref bean="mapConverter_arxivSubject"/>
<ref bean="mapConverter_pubstatusPubmed"/>
<ref bean="removeLastDot"/>
<!-- Converts an input value to an output one -->
<bean name="mapConverter_arxivSubject" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.MapConverterModifier" init-method="init">
<constructor-arg value="mapConverter_arxivSubject Modifier"/>
<property name="converterNameFile" value=""/>
<property name="configurationService" ref=""/>
<property name="fieldKeys">
<!-- Specify the internal BTE keys that this modifier needs to be applied for -->
<!-- Converts an input value to an output one -->
<bean name="mapConverter_pubstatusPubmed" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.MapConverterModifier" init-method="init">
<constructor-arg value="mapConverter_pubstatusPubmed Modifier"/>
<property name="converterNameFile" value=""/>
<property name="configurationService" ref=""/>
<property name="defaultValue" value="Subjected to Journal"/>
<property name="fieldKeys">
<!-- Specify the internal BTE keys that this modifier needs to be applied for -->
<!-- Remove the last dot in the specified field keys -->
<bean name="removeLastDot" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.RemoveLastDotModifier">
<constructor-arg value="removeLastDot Modifier"/>
<property name="fieldKeys">
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Submission Lookup Transformation Engine (phase 2) -->
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<bean name="phase2TransformationEngine" class="gr.ekt.bte.core.TransformationEngine">
<property name="dataLoader" ref="submissionItemDataLoader"/>
<property name="workflow" ref="phase2linearWorkflow"/>
<property name="outputGenerator" ref="org.dspace.submit.lookup.DSpaceWorkspaceItemOutputGenerator"/>
<bean name="submissionItemDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.SubmissionItemDataLoader"/>
<!-- Specify here any filters or modifiers to run before the output -->
<bean name="phase2linearWorkflow" class="gr.ekt.bte.core.LinearWorkflow">
<property name="process">
<ref bean="fieldMergeModifier"/>
<ref bean="valueConcatenationModifier"/>
<ref bean="languageCodeModifier"/>
<bean name="fieldMergeModifier" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.FieldMergeModifier">
<property name="mergeFieldMap">
<entry key="allauthors">
<entry key="allkeywords">
<bean name="valueConcatenationModifier" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.ValueConcatenationModifier">
<property name="field" value="allkeywords"/>
<property name="separator" value=";" />
<property name="whitespaceAfter" value="true" />
<bean name="languageCodeModifier" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.LanguageCodeModifier"/>
<bean name="org.dspace.submit.lookup.DSpaceWorkspaceItemOutputGenerator" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.DSpaceWorkspaceItemOutputGenerator">
<property name="outputMap" ref="outputMap"/>
<property name="extraMetadataToKeep">
<!-- <value>dc.description.scopusurl</value>
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- DataLoader beans -->
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Each dataloader needs a mapping that defines how the input maps to
records. Internally every record organizes the data as key-list of values
pairs, and in order to be able to recall the values the keys should have
distinct names. Each data format has a way to address individual data, and
this is the key of the map. The value is the label that the record internally
associates with the specific data and is used in the output mapping as well. -->
<!-- The key of the map is just the BibTeX label (e.g. author, date, pages
etc). The value the label that the record internally associates with the
specific data. -->
<bean id="bibTeXDataLoader" class="gr.ekt.bteio.loaders.BibTeXDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap">
<entry key="title" value="title" />
<entry key="author" value="authors" />
<entry key="journal" value="journal" />
<entry key="year" value="issued" />
<entry key="ISSN" value="jissn" />
<!-- Each entry in a CSV is a row, and each column represents the same data
in each entry. For example the first column might record the item title,
the second the authors etc. The key of the field map is this number. Note
that the first column is number 0. The CSV data loader has the following extra parameters
that configure its behaviour: - skipLines: a number that instructs the reader
to ignore the first lines in the input file. Default value: 0 - separator:
a character that signifies how the values are separated. Default value ','
-quoteChar: individual values could include the separator character. For
example if the separator is ',' and there is an abstract, there is a high
probability that it will contain commas. If the value is quoted using the
quoteChar then separator characters inside it will be ignored. Default value
'"'. -valueSeparator: There are cases where a value is the concatenation
of multiple values. For instance a list of authors. In this case the CSVDataLoader
can split the CSV value into its individual values, if they are separated
with valueSeparator. This can be a full java regular expression. Default
value: null (the csv value is not used by default). -->
<bean id="csvDataLoader" class="gr.ekt.bteio.loaders.CSVDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap">
<entry key="0" value="jissn" />
<entry key="1" value="pisbn" />
<entry key="2" value="citation" />
<entry key="3" value="otheridentifiers" />
<entry key="4" value="journal" />
<entry key="5" value="title" />
<entry key="6" value="issued" />
<entry key="7" value="language" />
<entry key="8" value="subtype" />
<entry key="9" value="authors" />
<entry key="10" value="editors" />
<entry key="11" value="illustrators" />
<entry key="12" value="translators" />
<entry key="13" value="chairs" />
<entry key="14" value="abstract" />
<entry key="15" value="allkeywords" />
<entry key="16" value="arxivCategory" />
<entry key="17" value="doi" />
<entry key="18" value="publisher" />
<entry key="19" value="url" />
<entry key="20" value="volume" />
<entry key="21" value="issue" />
<entry key="22" value="eisbn" />
<entry key="23" value="editionnumber" />
<entry key="24" value="seriestitle" />
<entry key="25" value="volumetitle" />
<entry key="26" value="titleAlternative" />
<entry key="27" value="isversionof" />
<entry key="28" value="provenance" />
<entry key="29" value="spatial" />
<entry key="30" value="temporal" />
<entry key="31" value="tableofcontents" />
<entry key="32" value="rightsholder" />
<entry key="33" value="rightsuri" />
<entry key="34" value="source" />
<entry key="35" value="classification" />
<entry key="36" value="dcc" />
<entry key="37" value="lcc" />
<entry key="38" value="lcsh" />
<entry key="39" value="mesh" />
<property name="skipLines" value="1" />
<!-- A TSV file is exactly the same as a CSV one, with the difference that
the separator is a tab instead of a comma. See the comments in the previous
section. -->
<bean id="tsvDataLoader" class="gr.ekt.bteio.loaders.CSVDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap">
<entry key="0" value="jissn" />
<entry key="1" value="pisbn" />
<entry key="2" value="citation" />
<entry key="3" value="otheridentifiers" />
<entry key="4" value="journal" />
<entry key="5" value="title" />
<entry key="6" value="issued" />
<entry key="7" value="language" />
<entry key="8" value="subtype" />
<entry key="9" value="authors" />
<entry key="10" value="editors" />
<entry key="11" value="illustrators" />
<entry key="12" value="translators" />
<entry key="13" value="chairs" />
<entry key="14" value="abstract" />
<entry key="15" value="allkeywords" />
<entry key="16" value="arxivCategory" />
<entry key="17" value="doi" />
<entry key="18" value="publisher" />
<entry key="19" value="url" />
<entry key="20" value="volume" />
<entry key="21" value="issue" />
<entry key="22" value="eisbn" />
<entry key="23" value="editionnumber" />
<entry key="24" value="seriestitle" />
<entry key="25" value="volumetitle" />
<entry key="26" value="titleAlternative" />
<entry key="27" value="isversionof" />
<entry key="28" value="provenance" />
<entry key="29" value="spatial" />
<entry key="30" value="temporal" />
<entry key="31" value="tableofcontents" />
<entry key="32" value="rightsholder" />
<entry key="33" value="rightsuri" />
<entry key="34" value="source" />
<entry key="35" value="classification" />
<entry key="36" value="dcc" />
<entry key="37" value="lcc" />
<entry key="38" value="lcsh" />
<entry key="39" value="mesh" />
<!-- This makes the CSV data loader able to load TSV data -->
<property name="separator" value="\u0009" />
<property name="skipLines" value="1" />
<!-- The keys in the RIS data loader map have to be the RIS tags that
need to be loaded. -->
<bean id="risDataLoader" class="gr.ekt.bteio.loaders.RISDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap">
<entry key="T1" value="title" />
<entry key="AU" value="authors" />
<entry key="SO" value="journal" />
<entry key="PY" value="issued" />
<entry key="SN" value="jissn" />
<entry key="PT" value="subtype" />
<entry key="AB" value="abstract" />
<bean id="endnoteDataLoader" class="gr.ekt.bteio.loaders.EndnoteDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap">
<entry key="TI" value="title" />
<entry key="AU" value="authors" />
<entry key="AB" value="abstract" />
<entry key="PY" value="issued" />
<entry key="SO" value="journal" />
<!-- OAI Data Loader -->
<bean id="oaipmhDataLoader" class="gr.ekt.bteio.loaders.OAIPMHDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap">
<entry key="title" value="title" />
<entry key="creator" value="authors" />
<entry key="description" value="abstract" />
<entry key="date" value="issued" />
<entry key="type" value="subtype" />
<property name="prefix" value="oai_dc" />
<property name="serverAddress"
value="" />
<!-- PubMed -->
<bean id="pubmedOnlineDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.PubmedOnlineDataLoader">
<property name="searchProvider" value="false" />
<property name="fieldMap" ref="pubmedInputMap" />
<bean id="pubmedFileDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.PubmedFileDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap" ref="pubmedInputMap" />
<bean name="pubmedInputMap" class="java.util.HashMap" scope="prototype">
<map key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">
<entry key="pubmedID" value="pubmedID" />
<entry key="doi" value="doi" />
<entry key="printISSN" value="jissn" />
<entry key="electronicISSN" value="jeissn" />
<entry key="journalTitle" value="journal" />
<entry key="articleTitle" value="title" />
<entry key="pubDate" value="issued" />
<entry key="journalVolume" value="volume" />
<entry key="journalIssue" value="issue" />
<entry key="language" value="language" />
<entry key="publicationType" value="subtype" />
<entry key="primaryKeyword" value="keywords" />
<entry key="secondaryKeyword" value="keywords" />
<entry key="primaryMeshHeading" value="mesh" />
<entry key="secondaryMeshHeading" value="mesh" />
<entry key="startPage" value="firstpage" />
<entry key="endPage" value="lastpage" />
<entry key="abstractText" value="abstract" />
<entry key="publicationStatus" value="publicationStatus" />
<entry key="author" value="authors" />
<!-- Not used -->
<entry key="pubblicationModel" value="" />
<!-- Arxiv Data Loaders -->
<bean id="arXivOnlineDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.ArXivOnlineDataLoader">
<property name="searchProvider" value="false" />
<property name="fieldMap" ref="arxivInputMap" />
<bean id="arXivFileDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.ArXivFileDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap" ref="arxivInputMap" />
<bean name="arxivInputMap" class="java.util.HashMap" scope="prototype">
<map key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">
<entry key="journalRef" value="journal" />
<entry key="doi" value="doi" />
<entry key="author" value="authors" />
<entry key="authorWithAffiliation" value="authorsWithAffiliation" />
<entry key="comment" value="note" />
<entry key="published" value="issued" />
<entry key="articleTitle" value="title" />
<entry key="summary" value="abstract" />
<entry key="id" value="url" />
<entry key="pdfUrl" value="fulltextUrl" />
<entry key="primaryCategory" value="arxivCategory" />
<entry key="category" value="arxivCategory" />
<!-- CrossRef Data Loaders -->
<bean id="crossRefOnlineDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.CrossRefOnlineDataLoader">
<property name="searchProvider" value="false" />
<!-- For CrossRef service you need to obtain an API Key from CrossRef. Once you get it, add it
to the following configuration value
<property name="apiKey" value="" />
<!-- Uncomment the following line if you want to define the max results returned by the
CrossRef free text (by author, title, date) search. Default value is 10
<!-- <property name="maxResults" value="10" /> -->
<property name="fieldMap" ref="crossrefInputMap" />
<bean id="crossRefFileDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.CrossRefFileDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap" ref="crossrefInputMap" />
<bean name="crossrefInputMap" class="java.util.HashMap" scope="prototype">
<map key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">
<entry key="journalTitle" value="journal" />
<entry key="doi" value="doi" />
<entry key="authors" value="authors" />
<entry key="printISSN" value="jissn" />
<entry key="electronicISSN" value="jeissn" />
<entry key="year" value="issued" />
<entry key="articleTitle" value="title" />
<entry key="volume" value="volume" />
<entry key="issue" value="issue" />
<entry key="firstPage" value="firstpage" />
<entry key="lastPage" value="lastpage" />
<entry key="printISBN" value="pisbn" />
<entry key="electronicISBN" value="eisbn" />
<entry key="editionNumber" value="editionnumber" />
<entry key="seriesTitle" value="seriestitle" />
<entry key="volumeTitle" value="volumetitle" />
<entry key="editors" value="editors" />
<entry key="translators" value="translators" />
<entry key="chairs" value="chairs" />
<entry key="doyType" value="subtype" />
<!-- Not used -->
<entry key="publicationType" value="" />
<!-- CiNii -->
<bean id="ciniiOnlineDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.CiNiiOnlineDataLoader">
<property name="searchProvider" value="false" />
<!-- For CiNii service you need to obtain an Application ID from NII.
Once you get it, add it to the following configuration value.
For details, see
<property name="appId" value="" />
<!-- Uncomment the following line if you want to define the max results
returned by the CiNii free text (by author, title, date) search.
Default value is 10
<!-- <property name="maxResults" value="10" /> -->
<property name="fieldMap" ref="ciniiInputMap" />
<bean id="ciniiFileDataLoader" class="org.dspace.submit.lookup.CiNiiFileDataLoader">
<property name="fieldMap" ref="ciniiInputMap" />
<bean name="ciniiInputMap" class="java.util.HashMap" scope="prototype">
<map key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">
<entry key="naid" value="naid" />
<entry key="ncid" value="ncid" />
<entry key="issn" value="jissn" />
<entry key="journal" value="journal" />
<entry key="title" value="title" />
<entry key="issued" value="issued" />
<entry key="volume" value="volume" />
<entry key="issue" value="issue" />
<entry key="spage" value="firstpage" />
<entry key="epage" value="lastpage" />
<entry key="language" value="language" />
<entry key="description" value="abstract" />
<entry key="subjects" value="keywords" />
<entry key="authors" value="authors" />
<entry key="publisher" value="publisher" />
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Output Mapping -->
<!-- **************************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- The output generator needs a configuration on how to map internal records
to DSpace metadata fields. The following map specifies this relationship.
The value needs to be the label that the record internally associates with
the specific data and it is specified in the data loader beans. The key is
in the format of <schema>.<element>[.<qualifier>] and specified the dspace
metadata field that the value will map to. -->
<bean name="outputMap" class="java.util.HashMap" scope="prototype">
<map key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">
<entry value="jissn" key="dc.identifier.issn" />
<entry value="pisbn" key="dc.identifier.isbn" />
<entry value="citation" key="dc.identifier.citation" />
<entry value="otheridentifiers" key="dc.identifier.other" />
<entry value="journal" key="dc.source" />
<entry value="title" key="dc.title" />
<entry value="issued" key="" />
<entry value="language" key="dc.language.iso" />
<entry value="subtype" key="dc.type" />
<entry value="authors" key="" />
<entry value="editors" key="dc.contributor.editor" />
<entry value="illustrators" key="dc.contributor.illustrator" />
<entry value="translators" key="dc.contributor.other" />
<entry value="chairs" key="dc.contributor.other" />
<entry value="abstract" key="dc.description.abstract" />
<entry value="allkeywords" key="dc.subject" />
<entry value="arxivCategory" key="dc.subject" />
<entry value="doi" key="dc.identifier" />
<entry value="publisher" key="dc.publisher" />
<!-- Not used - new metadata fields need to be declared for them in DSpace registry -->
<entry value="url" key="dc.relation.uri" />
<entry value="volume" key="dc.relation.ispartof" />
<entry value="issue" key="dc.relation.ispartof" />
<entry value="eisbn" key="dc.identifier.isbn" />
<entry value="editionnumber" key="dc.relation.ispartof" />
<entry value="seriestitle" key="dc.relation.ispartofseries" />
<entry value="volumetitle" key="dc.relation.ispartof" />
<entry value="titleAlternative" key="dc.title.alternative" />
<!-- Not used - new metadata fields need to be declared for them in DSpace registry 2 -->
<entry value="isversionof" key="dc.relation.isversionof" />
<entry value="provenance" key="dc.description.provenance" />
<entry value="spatial" key="dc.coverage.spatial" />
<entry value="temporal" key="dc.coverage.temporal" />
<entry value="tableofcontents" key="dc.description.tableofcontents" />
<entry value="rightsholder" key="dc.rights.holder" />
<entry value="rightsuri" key="dc.rights.uri" />
<entry value="source" key="dc.source" />
<entry value="classification" key="dc.subject.classification" />
<!-- Other IDs -->
<entry value="dcc" key="dc.subject.ddc" />
<entry value="lcc" key="dc.subject.lcc" />
<entry value="lcsh" key="dc.subject.lcsh" />
<entry value="mesh" key="dc.subject.mesh" />
sudo su dspace
/dspace/dspace/bin/dspace create-administrator
#install dependencies
sudo apt-get -qq -y install openjdk-8-jdk tasksel ant maven htop lynx wget
sudo apt-get install mutt
sudo tasksel #select PostgreSQL server and Tomcat Server. Confirm.
sudo apt-get install mutt #optional, for mailing files as attachments.
#edit tomcat heap space
sudo vim /usr/share/tomcat8/bin/
#paste the contents of the file in this gist and save
sudo service tomcat8 restart
#editing database properties
sudo su postgres
createuser -U postgres -d -A -P dspace
vim /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf
#add at the end:
#local all dspace md5
#create dspace user and dspace directory
sudo useradd -m dspace
sudo passwd dspace #enter password
sudo mkdir /dspace
sudo chown dspace /dspace
#create the database for dspace
sudo -u dspace createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE dspace
#install pgcrypto
sudo su postgres
psql dspace
#Type \q and then press ENTER to quit psql.
#clone dspace
sudo su dspace
cd /home/dspace
git clone
cd DSpace
git checkout dspace-6.0
#configure things for compiling dspace
cd /home/dspace/DSpace
#set build properties
cd /home/dspace/DSpace/dspace/config
cp local.cfg.EXAMPLE local.cfg
vim local.cfg
#paste the contents of attached file in this gist
#configure csv import
vim /home/dspace/DSpace/dspace/config/spring/api/bte.xml
#replace the <bean id="csvDataLoader" section with the contents of the bte.xml in this gist
#upload any custom logos to
# you can also edit the header jsp file to change the path to the logo
#vim /dspace/webapps/jspui/layout/header-default.jsp
sudo su
#set the modification date to the current date on the server because of any time offset problems
touch -a /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/jspui/image/*logo* &&
cd /home/dspace/DSpace &&
mvn package &&
cd /home/dspace/DSpace/dspace/target/dspace-installer &&
ant fresh_install &&
#copy app to installation directory
cp -R /home/dspace/DSpace/dspace /dspace &&
#install compiled apps in tomcat8
#sudo cp $(find /home/dspace/DSpace | grep \.war$ | xargs echo) /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps;
cd /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps &&
rm -rf jspui/ oai/ rdf/ rest/ solr/ sword/ swordv2/ xmlui/ &&
cp -R /dspace/dspace/webapps/jspui /dspace/dspace/webapps/solr /dspace/dspace/webapps/rest /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps &&
touch -a /home/dspace/DSpace/dspace-jspui/src/main/webapp/image/*logo* &&
#give ownership of installation to tomcat user
sudo chown -R tomcat8 /dspace &&
#restart tomcat;
service tomcat8 restart &&
echo "OK";
#create admin user
chmod +x /dspace/dspace/bin/dspace
su dspace
/dspace/dspace/bin/dspace create-administrator
#enable admin user for tomcat gui
sudo vim /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml
#The file must be like this
# <role rolename="tomcat"/>
# <role rolename="role1"/>
# <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
# <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
# <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
# <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
# <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-gui"/>
#deploy dspace app (JSPUI)
sudo su
chmod -R ugo+w /dspace/dspace/imports
cd /dspace/dspace/bin
chmod +x ./dspace
./dspace import -s /home/dspace/Registos\ Bibliografia\ Lyman\ Sargent\ -\ Metadata\ \(1\).csv -i csv -m /home/dspace/map -b -e -c "123456789/4"
sudo wget /dspace/bte.xml
sudo wget /dspace/bte.xml
sudo ./dspace import -b -e -c 123456789/2 -s /home/dspace/dspace_import.ris -m /dspace/bte_ris.xml -i ris
# EXAMPLE "local.cfg" for DSpace.
# Any configurations added to this file will automatically OVERRIDE configurations
# of the same name in any of the DSpace *.cfg files. This includes overriding
# settings in any of these files:
# * [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg
# * Or any configuration file that is included in 'dspace.cfg'
# (See "include = [filepath]" settings near the end of dspace.cfg.
# By default, it includes all [dspace]/config/modules/*.cfg files)
# By default, this EXAMPLE file includes a number of commonly overridden configurations.
# * ADD configurations by simply copying them into this file from any existing *.cfg file.
# * REMOVE configurations by simply commenting them out or deleting them below.
# Any commented out settings in this file are simply ignored. A configuration
# will only override another configuration if it has the EXACT SAME key/name.
# For example, including "dspace.dir" in this local.cfg will override the
# default value of "dspace.dir" in the dspace.cfg file.
# Similarly, including "oai.solr.url" in this local.cfg will override the
# default value of "oai.solr.url" in the modules/oai.cfg file.
# DSpace installation directory.
# This is the location where you want to install DSpace.
# Windows note: Please remember to use forward slashes for all paths (e.g. C:/dspace)
# DSpace host name - should match base URL. Do not include port number
dspace.hostname = localhost
# DSpace base host URL. Include port number etc.
dspace.baseUrl = http://localhost:8080
# The user interface you will be using for DSpace. Common usage is either xmlui or jspui
dspace.ui = jspui
# Full link your end users will use to access DSpace. In most cases, this will be the baseurl followed by
# the context path to the UI you are using.
# Alternatively, you can use a url redirect or deploy the web application under the servlet container root.
# In this case, make sure to remove the /${dspace.ui} from the dspace.url property.
#dspace.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}/${dspace.ui}
# Name of the site = Example DSpace
# Default language for metadata values
#default.language = en_US
# Solr server/webapp.
# DSpace uses Solr for all search/browse capability (and for usage statistics by default).
# The included 'solr' webapp MUST be deployed to Tomcat for DSpace to function.
# Usually it will be available via port 8080 and the 'solr' context path. But,
# But, you may need to modify this if you are running DSpace on a custom port, etc.
solr.server = http://localhost:8080/solr
# DSpace only supports two database types: PostgreSQL or Oracle
# URL for connecting to database
# * Postgres template: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dspace
# * Oracle template: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe
db.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dspace
# JDBC Driver
# * For Postgres: org.postgresql.Driver
# * For Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
db.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
# Database Dialect (for Hibernate)
# * For Postgres:
# * For Oracle: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
db.dialect =
# Database username and password
db.username = dspace
db.password = dspace
# Database Schema name
# * For Postgres, this is often "public" (default schema)
# * For Oracle, schema is equivalent to the username of your database account,
# so this may be set to ${db.username} in most scenarios.
db.schema = public
## Connection pool parameters
# Maximum number of DB connections in pool (default = 30)
#db.maxconnections = 30
# Maximum time to wait before giving up if all connections in pool are busy (milliseconds)
# (default = 5000ms or 5 seconds)
#db.maxwait = 5000
# Maximum number of idle connections in pool (-1 = unlimited)
# (default = -1, unlimited)
#db.maxidle = -1
# SMTP mail server (allows DSpace to send email notifications)
#mail.server =
# SMTP mail server authentication username and password (if required)
#mail.server.username = myusername
#mail.server.password = mypassword
# SMTP mail server alternate port (defaults to 25)
#mail.server.port = 25
# From address for mail
# All mail from the DSpace site will use this 'from' address
#mail.from.address =
# When feedback is submitted via the Feedback form, it is sent to this address
# Currently limited to one recipient!
#feedback.recipient =
# General site administration (Webmaster) e-mail
#mail.admin =
# Recipient for server errors and alerts (defaults to mail.admin)
#alert.recipient = ${mail.admin}
# Recipient for new user registration emails (defaults to unspecified)
#registration.notify =
# Canonical Handle URL prefix
# Items in DSpace receive a unique URL, stored in dc.identifier.uri
# after it is generated during the submission process.
# If you register with CNRI's handle service at,
# these links can be generated as permalinks using
# as canonical prefix. Please make sure to change handle.canonical.prefix
# after registering with by uncommenting one of the following
# lines, depending if you prefer to use http or https:
# handle.canonical.prefix =
# handle.canonical.prefix =
# Note that this will not alter dc.identifer.uri metadata for existing
# items (only for subsequent submissions), but it will alter the URL
# in JSPUI's 'identifier' message on item record pages for existing items.
# CNRI Handle prefix
# (Defaults to a dummy/fake prefix of 123456789)
#handle.prefix = 123456789
# uncomment and specify both properties if proxy server required
# proxy server for external http requests - use regular hostname without port number =
# port number of proxy server
#http.proxy.port =
# Override the default authentication method(s) defined in authentication.cfg
# by defining your own custom ordered list in this local.cfg.
# By default, all of these methods are commented out and DSpace will use the
# settings from authentication.cfg. But you may uncomment whichever plugins you
# need in order to change the default settings (or reorder them below).
# You may also copy default settings from the corresponding authentication-*.cfg
# configuration file and override them in this local.cfg.
# IP-based authentication/authorization. See authentication-ip.cfg for default configuration. = org.dspace.authenticate.IPAuthentication
# LDAP authentication/authorization. See authentication-ldap.cfg for default configuration. = org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication
# Shibboleth authentication/authorization. See authentication-shibboleth.cfg for default configuration. = org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication
# X.509 certificate authentication. See authentication-x509.cfg for default configuration. = org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication
# Authentication by Password (encrypted in DSpace's database). See authentication-password.cfg for default configuration.
# Enabled by default in authentication.cfg = org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication
#misc stuff
#re-create database
sudo -u dspace dropdb dspace
sudo -u dspace createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE dspace
sudo -u dspace psql dspace
#alter the password for the dspace user
ALTER USER "dspace" WITH PASSWORD 'dspace';
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" clonemedium "C:\Users\joaor\VirtualBox VMs\DSpaceVagrant_default_1493144378220_4048\ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk" "C:\Users\joaor\VirtualBox VMs\DSpaceVagrant_default_1493144378220_4048\ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vdi" --format vdi
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" modifymedium "C:\Users\joaor\VirtualBox VMs\DSpaceVagrant_default_1493144378220_4048\ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vdi" --resize 51200
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" clonemedium "C:\Users\joaor\VirtualBox VMs\DSpaceVagrant_default_1493144378220_4048\ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vdi" "C:\Users\joaor\VirtualBox VMs\DSpaceVagrant_default_1493144378220_4048\ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vdmk" --format vmdk
cd ~/VirtualBox VMs/<vm_name> #change this
VBoxManage clonehd ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vdi --format vdi
VBoxManage modifyhd ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vdi --resize 51200 #for 50GB HD
mv ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk.bak
VBoxManage clonehd ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vdi ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk --format vmdk
VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk
#replace the given uuid in the storage section of the .vbox file
# <HardDisks>
# <HardDisk uuid="{0079b17b-b6fa-43a4-88ae-2a731b58b210}" location="ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg-configdrive.vmdk" format="VMDK" type="Normal"/>
# <HardDisk uuid="{a74087d2-8e96-4ef8-bb34-36775d89dcf3}" location="ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk" format="VMDK" type="Normal"/>
# </HardDisks>
#Remove the vmdk hard drive in the VBox UI and reattach it again.
#Boot up!
rm -rf ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg.vmdk.bak #AFTER you check the clone was SUCCESSFUL!!!
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms512M -Xmx512M"
cd /var/log/tomcat8
tail -f catalina.2017-04-26.log #name may be different (date)
tail -f localhost.2017-05-03.log #name may be different (date) FOR INTERNAL SERVER ERRORS
jissn pisbn citation otheridentifiers journal title issued language subtype authors editors illustrators translators chairs abstract allkeywords arxivCategory doi publisher url volume issue eisbn editionnumber seriestitle volumetitle titleAlternative isversionof provenance spatial temporal tableofcontents rightsholder rightsuri source classification dcc lcc lcsh mesh id
jissn pisbn citation otheridentifiers journal title 11-11-1111 language subtype authors editors illustrators translators chairs abstract allkeywords arxivCategory doi publisher url volume issue eisbn editionnumber seriestitle volumetitle titleAlternative isversionof provenance spatial 11-11-1111 tableofcontents rightsholder rightsuri source classification dcc lcc lcsh mesh +
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
#install plugin to keep all the VBox Guest Additions updated.
required_plugins = %w(vagrant-share vagrant-vbguest)
plugins_to_install = { |plugin| not Vagrant.has_plugin? plugin }
if not plugins_to_install.empty?
puts "Installing plugins: #{plugins_to_install.join(' ')}"
if system "vagrant plugin install #{plugins_to_install.join(' ')}"
exec "vagrant #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
abort "Installation of one or more plugins has failed. Aborting."
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.
# For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at
# Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for
# boxes at = "ubuntu/xenial64"
# Disable automatic box update checking. If you disable this, then
# boxes will only be checked for updates when the user runs
# `vagrant box outdated`. This is not recommended.
# config.vm.box_check_update = false
# Create a forwarded port mapping which allows access to a specific port
# within the machine from a port on the host machine. In the example below,
# accessing "localhost:8080" will access port 80 on the guest machine.
# "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
# Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine
# using a specific IP. "private_network", ip: ""
# Create a public network, which generally matched to bridged network.
# Bridged networks make the machine appear as another physical device on
# your network.
# "public_network"
# Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is
# the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
# the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
# argument is a set of non-required options.
# config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
# Provider-specific configuration so you can fine-tune various
# backing providers for Vagrant. These expose provider-specific options.
# Example for VirtualBox:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
# Display the VirtualBox GUI when booting the machine
#vb.gui = true
# Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
vb.memory = "2048"
vb.customize [ "modifyvm", :id, "--uart1", "0x3F8", "4" ]
vb.customize [ "modifyvm", :id, "--uartmode1", "file", "console.log" ]
# View the documentation for the provider you are using for more
# information on available options.
# Define a Vagrant Push strategy for pushing to Atlas. Other push strategies
# such as FTP and Heroku are also available. See the documentation at
# for more information.
# config.push.define "atlas" do |push|
# end
# Enable provisioning with a shell script. Additional provisioners such as
# Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Salt, and Docker are also available. Please see the
# documentation for more information about their specific syntax and use.
# config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y apache2
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