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Created July 24, 2017 09:40
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* CSS conic-gradient() polyfill
* By Lea Verou —
* MIT license
var π = Math.PI;
var τ = 2 * π;
var ε = .00001;
var deg = π/180;
var dummy = document.createElement("div");
var _ = self.ConicGradient = function(o) {
var me = this;
o = o || {};
this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
this.repeating = !!o.repeating;
this.size = o.size || Math.max(innerWidth, innerHeight);
this.canvas.width = this.canvas.height = this.size;
var stops = o.stops;
this.stops = (stops || "").split(/\s*,(?![^(]*\))\s*/); // commas that are not followed by a ) without a ( first
for (var i=0; i<this.stops.length; i++) {
if (this.stops[i]) {
var stop = this.stops[i] = new _.ColorStop(this, this.stops[i]);
if ( {
this.stops.splice(i+1, 0,;
else {
this.stops.splice(i, 1);
// Normalize stops
// Add dummy first stop or set first stop’s position to 0 if it doesn’t have one
if (this.stops[0].pos === undefined) {
this.stops[0].pos = 0;
else if (this.stops[0].pos > 0) {
var first = this.stops[0].clone();
first.pos = 0;
// Add dummy last stop or set first stop’s position to 100% if it doesn’t have one
if (this.stops[this.stops.length - 1].pos === undefined) {
this.stops[this.stops.length - 1].pos = 1;
else if (!this.repeating && this.stops[this.stops.length - 1].pos < 1) {
var last = this.stops[this.stops.length - 1].clone();
last.pos = 1;
this.stops.forEach(function(stop, i){
if (stop.pos === undefined) {
// Evenly space color stops with no position
for (var j=i+1; this[j]; j++) {
if (this[j].pos !== undefined) {
stop.pos = this[i-1].pos + (this[j].pos - this[i-1].pos)/(j-i+1);
else if (i > 0) {
// Normalize color stops whose position is smaller than the position of the stop before them
stop.pos = Math.max(stop.pos, this[i-1].pos);
}, this.stops);
if (this.repeating) {
// Repeat color stops until >= 1
var stops = this.stops.slice();
var lastStop = stops[stops.length-1];
var difference = lastStop.pos - stops[0].pos;
for (var i=0; this.stops[this.stops.length-1].pos < 1 && i<10000; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<stops.length; j++) {
var s = stops[j].clone();
s.pos += (i+1)*difference;
_.all = [];
_.prototype = {
toString: function() {
return "url('" + this.dataURL + "')";
get dataURL() {
// IE/Edge only render data-URI based background-image when the image data
// is escaped.
// Ref:
return "data:image/svg+xml," + encodeURIComponent(this.svg);
get blobURL() {
// Warning: Flicker when updating due to slow blob: URL resolution :(
// TODO cache this and only update it when color stops change
return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([this.svg], {type: "image/svg+xml"}));
get svg() {
return '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" preserveAspectRatio="none">' +
'<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice">' +
'<image width="100" height="100%" xlink:href="' + this.png + '" /></svg></svg>';
get png() {
return this.canvas.toDataURL();
get r() {
return Math.sqrt(2) * this.size / 2;
// Paint the conical gradient on the canvas
// Algorithm inspired from
paint: function() {
var c = this.context;
var radius = this.r;
var x = this.size / 2;
var stopIndex = 0; // The index of the current color
var stop = this.stops[stopIndex], prevStop;
var diff, t;
// Transform coordinate system so that angles start from the top left, like in CSS
c.translate(this.size/2, this.size/2);
c.translate(-this.size/2, -this.size/2);
for (var i = 0; i < 360;) {
if (i/360 + ε >= stop.pos) {
// Switch color stop
do {
prevStop = stop;
stop = this.stops[stopIndex];
} while(stop && stop != prevStop && stop.pos === prevStop.pos);
if (!stop) {
var sameColor = prevStop.color + "" === stop.color + "" && prevStop != stop;
diff =, i){
return stop.color[i] - c;
t = (i/360 - prevStop.pos) / (stop.pos - prevStop.pos);
var interpolated = sameColor? stop.color :,i){
var ret = d * t + prevStop.color[i];
return i < 3? ret & 255 : ret;
// Draw a series of arcs, 1deg each
c.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + interpolated.join(",") + ')';
c.moveTo(x, x);
if (sameColor) {
var θ = 360 * (stop.pos - prevStop.pos);
else {
var θ = .5;
var beginArg = i*deg;
beginArg = Math.min(360*deg, beginArg);
// .02: To prevent empty blank line and corresponding moire
// only non-alpha colors are cared now
var endArg = beginArg + θ*deg;
endArg = Math.min(360*deg, endArg + .02);
c.arc(x, x, radius, beginArg, endArg);
i += θ;
_.ColorStop = function(gradient, stop) {
this.gradient = gradient;
if (stop) {
var parts = stop.match(/^(.+?)(?:\s+([\d.]+)(%|deg|turn)?)?(?:\s+([\d.]+)(%|deg|turn)?)?\s*$/);
this.color = _.ColorStop.colorToRGBA(parts[1]);
if (parts[2]) {
var unit = parts[3];
if (unit == "%" || parts[2] === "0" && !unit) {
this.pos = parts[2]/100;
else if (unit == "turn") {
this.pos = +parts[2];
else if (unit == "deg") {
this.pos = parts[2] / 360;
if (parts[4]) { = new _.ColorStop(gradient, parts[1] + " " + parts[4] + parts[5]);
_.ColorStop.prototype = {
clone: function() {
var ret = new _.ColorStop(this.gradient);
ret.color = this.color;
ret.pos = this.pos;
return ret;
toString: function() {
return "rgba(" + this.color.join(", ") + ") " + this.pos * 100 + "%";
_.ColorStop.colorToRGBA = function(color) {
if (!Array.isArray(color)) { = color;
var rgba = getComputedStyle(dummy).color.match(/rgba?\(([\d.]+), ([\d.]+), ([\d.]+)(?:, ([\d.]+))?\)/);
if (rgba) {
rgba = { return +a });
rgba[3] = isNaN(rgba[3])? 1 : rgba[3];
return rgba || [0,0,0,0];
return color;
if (self.StyleFix) {
// Test if conic gradients are supported first:
var dummy = document.createElement("p"); = "conic-gradient(white, black)"; = PrefixFree.prefix + "conic-gradient(white, black)";
if (! {
// Not supported, use polyfill
StyleFix.register(function(css, raw) {
if (css.indexOf("conic-gradient") > -1) {
css = css.replace(/(?:repeating-)?conic-gradient\(\s*((?:\([^()]+\)|[^;()}])+?)\)/g, function(gradient, stops) {
return new ConicGradient({
stops: stops,
repeating: gradient.indexOf("repeating-") > -1
return css;
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