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Created November 14, 2018 10:14
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@function pixels($matrix, $type) {
$value: '';
$width: length(nth($matrix, 1));
$height: length($matrix);
$gradients: ();
$positions: ();
$pixel-sizes: ();
// //ROW
@for $rowInt from 1 through $height {
$clr: ''; // COLUMN
@for $colInt from 1 through $width {
$v: nth(nth($matrix, $rowInt), $colInt);
@if str-index($v, '*') {
$clr: map-get($pixel-colors, nth(nth($matrix, $rowInt), $colInt));
@else if $v {
$clr: map-get($pixel-colors, nth(nth($matrix, $rowInt), $colInt));
$gradient: 'linear-gradient(to bottom,#{$clr},#{$clr})';
$left: #{($pixel-size * ($rowInt - 1))};
$top: #{($pixel-size * ($colInt - 1))};
$position: '#{$top}px #{$left}px';
$sz: '#{$pixel-size}px #{$pixel-size}px';
$gradients: prepend($gradients, $gradient);
$positions: prepend($positions, $position);
$pixel-sizes: prepend($pixel-sizes, $sz);
$value: '';
@if $type == 'image' {
$value: to-string($gradients, ',');
@if $type == 'position' {
$value: to-string($positions, ',');
@if $type == 'size' {
$value: to-string($pixel-sizes, ',');
@if $type == 'height' {
$value: #{$height * $pixel-size}px;
@if $type == 'width' {
$value: #{$width * $pixel-size}px;
@return $value;
@mixin pixels($val) {
content: '';
background-image: pixels($val, 'image');
background-position: pixels($val, 'position');
background-size: pixels($val, 'size');
width: pixels($val, 'width');
height: pixels($val, 'height');
background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat;
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